How to type Chinese using Pinyin

Select your operating system for a guide on how to enable Chinese text input.

How to type Chinese on Windows 7

Open the Control Panel, click Change keyboards or other input methods screenshot type chinese settings Click Change Keyboards... screenshot type chinese settings Click Add... screenshot type chinese settings Choose Chinese Simplified, PRC - Microsoft Pinyin New Experience, then OK, then Apply screenshot type chinese settings

Typing Chinese using Pinyin

In the system tray, you can change typing mode. screenshot type pinyin Type Pinyin, and select the characters as you type. screenshot type pinyin

What native Chinese people actually do:

Most people who live in mainland China typically install a 3rd-party input method. Google Pinyin Input is very popular.

The Google input method has advantages:

The downside is the software must monitor all keystrokes to function, so you need administrator privileges to install it.