Pasó apenas un año o una cosa así, y...
Hardly a year or so passed, and...
Caption 15, Biografía - Pablo Echarri
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La vida me ha dado un hambre voraz y tú apenas me das caramelos
Life has given me a voracious hunger and you just give me candy
Caption 11, Shakira - Loba
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Our recent interview with illustrator Antonio Vargas brings us another use of apenas you might be less familiar with:
Este restaurante todavía no existe; apenas se va a hacer.
This restaurant doesn't exist yet; it is about to be built.
Caption 3, Antonio Vargas - Artista - ilustración
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When placed before a future tense phrase, apenas often conveys the message that the action is just about to happen, or is on the verge of happening.
Yo creo que apenas va a empezar.
I believe it's just about to start.
Caption 17, Arturo Vega - Entrevista
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