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15 Spanish Words That Start With H

The letter H in Spanish presents a unique characteristic that sets it apart from many other letters in the alphabet: it's silent! That's right - in Spanish, the letter H is not pronounced at all. However, there are many important Spanish words that begin with this letter. Let's explore some interesting facts about the Spanish letter H and learn some common words that start with it.


Spanish words that start with h

About the Spanish Letter H

The name of this letter in Spanish is hache (pronounced "AH-cheh" in English, where the 'ch' sounds like in "church"). Let's hear how to pronounce the name of this letter:


La letra hache es una letra muy fácil de pronunciar porque es una letra muda.

The letter h is a very easy letter to pronounce because it's a silent letter.

Captions 18-19, Fundamentos del Español 10 - La Pronunciación

 Play Caption


While the H is silent in Spanish words like hola or hacer, it does produce a sound when combined with C to form the digraph "ch," as we can hear in these examples:


"Mucho gusto".

"Mucho gusto" [literally "A lot of pleasure"].

Caption 48, Carlos explica Los cinco sentidos - Part 4

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El chachachá, la milonga o el fado

Cha-cha, milonga, or fado

Caption 28, Luis Guitarra No hay más cera que la que arde

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Common Spanish Words That Start With H


1. haber (to have - auxiliary verb)


Laura, gracias por haber compartido tu historia con nosotros y con todos nuestros oyentes.

Laura, thank you for having shared your story with us and with all our listeners.

Caption 10, Tu Voz Estéreo Laura - Part 19

 Play Caption


2. hablar (to speak/talk)


Qué pena interrumpirlo en su hora laboral, pero necesito hablar con usted.

What a shame to interrupt you during your work hours, but I need to talk to you.

Captions 20-21, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 2 - Part 2

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3. [el] hambre (hunger) / tener hambre (to be hungry)


¡Porque el que muestra el hambre no come!

Because he who shows hunger doesn't eat!

Caption 20, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 2

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Tiene mucha hambre.

She's really hungry.

Caption 59, El Aula Azul Conversaciones sobre fotos - Part 2

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4. hacer (to do/make)


Pues, puedes hacer muchísimas cosas.

Well, you can do very many things.

Caption 7, Clara y Cristina Hablan de actividades

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5. [la] harina (flour)


Las croquetas es una masa de harina con leche

Croquettes are a dough made of flour with milk

Caption 17, Con Marta por Madrid El tapeo - Part 1

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6. hasta (until/up to)


que esta audiencia debe ser suspendida hasta que existan garantías para mis clientes.

that this hearing must be suspended until there are guarantees for my clients.

Captions 65-66, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 5 - Part 4

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7. [el] helado (ice cream)


Mmm... Pero yo sí sé que a ti te encanta comer helado.

Mmm... But I do know that you love eating ice cream.

Caption 12, Cleer Una noticia triste

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8. [la] herramienta (tool)


Seguramente muchos de ustedes ya han usado algún tipo de herramienta

Surely, many of you have already used some type of tool

Caption 9, Aprendiendo con Carlos Inteligencia artificial - Part 1

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9. [el] hielo (ice)


"Romper el hielo": superar la vergüenza al conocer a alguien.

"To break the ice": to overcome embarrassment when meeting someone.

Caption 54, Beatriz Expresiones relacionadas con el clima

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10. [el] hijo/[la] hija (son/daughter)


Eh, ahí vamos. Mire, este es mi hijo Kevin.

Um, we're hanging in there. Look, this is my son Kevin.

Caption 16, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 3

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11. [la] historia (history/story)


Pero bueno, ha sido una historia de superación absoluta,

But well, it has been a story of absolute overcoming,

Caption 63, Amaya El burrito Valiente

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12. hola (hello/hi)


Hola, amigos de Yabla. Yo soy Adriana.

Hello, friends of Yabla. I'm Adriana.

Captions 1-2, Adriana y Laura Emprendimiento - Part 1

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13. [la] hoja (leaf/sheet of paper)


una hoja de laurel,

a bay leaf,

Caption 26, El Aula Azul Receta de garbanzos

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14. [el] hombre (man)


el hombre más honrado y generoso que he conocido en la vida.

the most honorable and generous man I've met in my life.

Caption 53, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 13

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15. [la] hora (hour/time)


En español, normalmente no se dice la hora así, exactamente, sino que se tiende a redondear.

In Spanish, typically, the time is not said like that, exactly, but rather people tend to round off.

Captions 8-10, Aprendiendo con Silvia Horas, fechas y períodos de tiempo - Part 2

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Additional Common H Words in Spanish

Here are a few more frequently used Spanish words that begin with H:


[el] huevo (egg)

[el] hueso (bone)

[el] humo (smoke)

[el] horno (oven)

[el] hospital (hospital)

[el] hotel (hotel)

[el] hombro (shoulder)

[la] habitación (room)

[el] horizonte (horizon)

hermoso/hermosa (beautiful)


Remember that although these words begin with H, this letter is always silent in Spanish unless it appears in the combination "ch." The H in Spanish is like a silent guardian - it's there in writing but doesn't make itself heard!


That's all for today's lesson on Spanish words that begin with H. Can you think of any other common Spanish words that start with this silent letter? Don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments!


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