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Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Guillermina and Candelario enjoy the afternoon sailing on a boat. Grandpa talks about the importance of learning to laugh at yourself. Guillermina will soon have the chance to prove that she can follow her wise grandpa's advice.

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Raquel - Visitar al Médico

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Through a mock appointment, Raquel and Marisa teach us some Spanish vocabulary we might need during a visit to the doctor's office.

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Otavalo - Un día en la ciudad de los lagos

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Natalia takes us on a tour the beautiful San Pablo Lake in northern Ecuador, explaining to us about its many natural, sporting and leisure attractions.

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Paseando con Karen - Monterrey - Museo de Historia Mexicana

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Karen gives us a quick tour of the Museum of Mexican History in Monterrey, Mexico, including exhibits spanning from the Pre-Hispanic Era to more modern times.

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Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 4

Difficulty advanced Spanish

Jorge and Marcela are in damage control mode as they grant a news interview in attempts to glean sympathy from the public, infuriating Mariana's family.

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Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 5

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

In spite of being allowed to watch the Tour de France in class by his wildly enthusiastic teacher, Kevin struggles to focus on anything beyond his latest crush.

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Español para principiantes - Las vocales

Difficulty beginner Spanish

It's time to learn the five Spanish vowels along with some examples. You can study live online with Marina, Sol and other excellent teachers any time at GoSpanish.Com. 5 day free trial, no credit card necessary.

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Conversaciones en el parque - No tengo mi teléfono

Difficulty beginner Spanish

A young woman who can't find her phone sits on a park bench to rifle through her purse. As she explores its contents, a nice guy sitting next to her tries to help her find the device.

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Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 1 - La llegada de Sam

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Lola and Ana are two friends who share an apartment in Spain. Much to Lola's surprise, one day, Ana brings her a letter with news of an unexpected suitor from abroad.

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Spanish INTRO - Karola

Difficulty intermediate Spanish
Yabla info

What in the world is Yabla? Karola explains it to you, and all in under two and a half minutes! Don’t worry if you don’t speak Spanish; it’s all subtitled and captioned, with plenty of features to help you soak up any new language muy pronto! What are you waiting for? Ready, set, Yabla!

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Ana Carolina - El uso correcto de los adjetivos

Difficulty beginner Spanish

Ana Carolina sheds some light on the nuances of Spanish adjectives and how their position tends to differ from adjectives in English.

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La cocina de María - Cocido Malagueño

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Welcome to Maria's kitchen, where she'll show us how to prepare a delicious cocido, or stew, a typical Spanish dish meant for cold days. Try this easy recipe at home to experience its deliciousness!

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Viajando con Fermín - Frigiliana, Málaga

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Fermin introduces us to Frigiliana, one of the most beautiful White Towns in Andalusia with its naturally beautiful surroundings, whitewashed houses adorned with colorful flowerpots, local arts and crafts, and scrumptious cuisine.

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Natalia Barahona - Ir y venir

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Natalia Barahona (Venezuela/Chile) is a singer-songwriter with many years of experience in musical genres ranging from folklore to modern. Her work is recognized on alternative networks in America and Europe, such as Bandcamp and Spotify.

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Escuela BCNLIP - Clase con Javi: el futuro

Difficulty advanced Spanish

Javi, one of the teachers at the BCNLIP Language School in Barcelona, Spain, starts a new lesson about predicting the future in Spanish. In this first part, we'll hear some predictions. Do you think they'll happen?

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Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

Difficulty beginner Spanish

Singer-songwriter Luis Guitarra teaches us to count with our fingers, some cute stuffed animals, and a catchy tune!

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Aprendiendo con Silvia - Cabeza, cara y mucho más

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Do you know what the parts of the head and face are called in Spanish? In this video, Silvia will teach us this— and much more!

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El Aula Azul - Conversaciones sobre fotos

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Looking at a picture of some grandparents and their grandchildren, Ester and Idoia from El Aula Azul use their imaginations to speculate about the family members.

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Hispanoamericanos en Berlín - Karla y Fernando hablan de música

Difficulty advanced Spanish

Karla and Fernando discuss some differences between two types of traditional Mexican music: mariachi and bolero, pondering the occasions for which each might be better suited.

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Carlos explica - 20 formas de decir sí sin decir sí

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

Do you know how to answer "yes" in Spanish without always having to say "sí"? Using several sample questions, Carlos teaches us twenty alternative ways to answer a question affirmatively in Spanish.

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Carlos explica - Expresiones con las partes del cuerpo

Difficulty intermediate Spanish

In the final part of this lesson about Spanish expressions with human body parts, Carlos tells us some amusing ones with the hands, back, arms, and more!

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