Do you know vocabulary to talk about winter in Spanish? This lesson should get you up to speed on Spanish terms to talk about all things winter... depending upon what part of the world you are in, of course!
First off, do you know how to say "winter" in Spanish? Let's find out in a clip from our Yabla Spanish video library, which also mentions the name of the first of the winter months in Spanish:
En diciembre, empieza el invierno.
In December, winter starts.
Caption 25, El Aula Azul Estaciones y Meses
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Now let's hear the pronunciation of the next three winter months:
Enero. Febrero. Marzo.
January. February. March.
Captions 2-4, El Aula Azul Estaciones y Meses
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Having said that, bear in mind that in countries in the southern hemisphere of South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay), the colder, winter months are the opposite:
Junio. Julio. Agosto. Septiembre.
June. July. August. September.
Captions 7-10, El Aula Azul Estaciones y Meses
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Now that you know how to say "winter" in Spanish and the names of the various months in which it can fall, don't forget to learn or brush up on the terms for the additional seasons in Spanish.
Of course, since some countries are warm year-round, what constitutes "winter clothes" varies depending upon where one lives, as Ana Carolina explains in the following clip:
El Ecuador, al igual que el resto de países latinoamericanos, se encuentra en la zona tórrida, es decir, que acá nunca cae nieve.
Ecuador, just like the rest of Latin American countries, is located in the tropical zone; in other words, snow never falls here.
Captions 34-37, Ana Carolina Símbolos de Navidad
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With this in mind, let's learn some vocabulary to describe Spanish articles of clothing in regions with colder winter climates:
el abrigo: the coat
las botas: the boots
la bufanda: the scarf
el gorro/el sombrero: the hat/cap
los guantes: the gloves
los mitones: the mittens
las orejeras: the earmuffs
el jersey/el suéter: the sweater
el traje de nieve: the snowsuit
Now, let's hear a few of these in a catchy proverb:
"En enero bufanda, abrigo y sombrero".
"In January, scarf, coat, and hat."
Caption 29, Aprendiendo con Silvia Dichos populares - Part 1
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Next, let's go over several additional nouns that are often associated with the winter season:
la bola de nieve: the snowball
el carámbano/el témpano: the icicle
la chimenea/el hogar: the fireplace
el copo de nieve: the snowflake
el esquí: skiing
el frío: the cold
el hombre de nieve/el muñeco de nieve: the snowman
la nieve: the snow
el patinaje sobre hielo: ice skating
los patines de hielo: the ice skates
la pelea de bolas de nieve: the snowball fight
la pista de patinaje sobre hielo: the ice skating rink
la tabla de snowboard: the snowboard
la tormenta de nieve: the snowstorm
el trineo: the sled
Let's listen to a few of these pronounced in excerpts from Yabla Spanish videos:
Sin embargo, la nieve y los muñecos de nieve
However, snow and snowmen
Caption 38, Ana Carolina Símbolos de Navidad
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Cuando tengo una pelea de bolas de nieve, tengo que llevar guantes.
When I have a snowball fight, I have to wear gloves.
Captions 13-14, Aprendiendo con Zulbany Piensa rápido - Part 1
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Up next are some winter verbs for talking about sports, activities, and weather phenomena:
andar en trineo: to sled
calentarse: to get warm
congelarse: to freeze
derretirse: to melt
deslizarse: to slip
encender una hoguera/un fuego: to build a fire
esquíar: to ski
hacer frío: to be cold
hacer snowboard: to snowboard
hacer un muñeco de nieve: to build a snowman
hibernar: to hibernate
lanzar bolas de nieve: to throw snowballs
nevar: to snow
patinar sobre hielo: to ice skate
resfriarse: to catch a cold
To learn more ways to talk about catching a cold in Spanish, check out our lesson on sickness and health in Spanish. In the meantime, let's hear a few of these winter verbs in context along with some of our previously mentioned winter nouns:
La nieve es muy molesta cuando se empieza a derretir, pero también es muy emocionante cuando empieza a nevar.
The snow is very annoying when it starts to melt, but it is also very exciting when it begins to snow.
Captions 39-40, Clara explica El tiempo - Part 2
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y por la tarde encendíamos un fuego en la chimenea.
and in the afternoon, we would light a fire in the fireplace.
Caption 55, Aprendiendo con Silvia Recuerdos de infancia - Part 3
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Let's conclude by learning some wintery adjectives!
blanco: white
brillante/reluciente: sparkling, glittering
gélido/glacial: icy, frosty
cubierto de nieve/nevado/níveo: snowy
congelado/helado: frozen, freezing, chilly, frosty
derretido: melted
encapotado/nublado/nubloso: cloudy
escurridizo/resbaladizo: slippery
frío: cold/chilly
fundente: melting
gris: gray, dreary
medio derretido: slushy
mojado: wet
neblinoso: misty, foggy
Let's hear two of these in context. Note that in the first caption, the singular masculine adjective níveo has been modified to the plural feminine form níveas to agree with the plural feminine noun las blancuras. This is due to the fact that there must be gender and number agreement in Spanish between adjectives and the nouns they modify.
Entre las blancuras níveas
Among the snowy whiteness
Caption 38, Acercándonos a la Literatura José Asunción Silva - "Nocturno III"
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Si el invierno se hace helado me prendo
If the winter gets freezing, I turn myself on
Caption 11, Jorge Celedón, Vicentico Si Me Dejan
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That's all for this lesson, which we hope has helped you to feel more confident to talk in Spanish about many things you might do, wear, feel, or see during the winter season. For more seasonal vocabulary, be sure to check out our lessons on Spanish vocabulary for autumn, expressions for summer, and words for spring! And don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.