Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Javier from Chile's Patagonia region educates us about some of its unique geographical features as well as tourist attractions.
Difficulty: Advanced
From the Feria Internacional de los Países [International Countries Fair] in Fuengirola, Málaga, Spain, which is attended from representatives from a plethora of countries, Alonso Jiménez, a lively radio host, will share with us some interesting details about his own Chilean culture.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Argentina, Chile, Venezuela
Tu Música continues with this interview with the music group El Ensamble Latino, which, at the time of the interview, had been together for only four months and managed to combine diverse music styles from the cultures of Argentina, Chile and Venezuela.
Difficulty: Advanced
From the El Chilenito [The Chilean] restaurant in Berlin, Germany, Lalo teaches us how to make Chilean empanadas using language full of "Chilean-isms" from his country's unique dialect.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Claudia Montoya shares with Yabla her most recent single, "Volverte a abrazar" [To Hug You Again]. Accompanied by an eclectic group of artists from Germany, Argentina, Cuba, Chile, Japan, Spain, and Peru, Montoya describes rhythmically this period of quarantine and her desire to return to normality.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
With her eclectic and multicultural music, Yabla is lucky to have talented singer-songwriter Claudia Montoya as a friend. In “Prisionera de tu amor” [Prisoner of Your Love], the German-Chilean artist explores the musical conventions of flamenco, including its Arabic influences.
Difficulty: Advanced
French born Chilean singer Ana Tijoux bring the best of both worlds! She made part of Makiza, in Chile, and became well known in Latin American because her collaborations with Julieta Vanegas, Los Tres, Bajofondo Tango Club and Control Machete.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Ana Tijoux’s 2011 single speaks of the thousands of young people who, in protest, have taken over their schools and universities, demanding free, quality education from their government.
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