Difficulty: Intermediate
Residents of Otavalo, Ecuador, explain to us how they celebrate "Inti Raymi," an Inca Empire celebration in honor of the sun god, "Inti," and how it helps them to preserve their culture.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ecuadorian "Poné," or shamans, utilize plants for their medicinal effects. In this video, we learn about some of their beliefs and wisdom.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Federico gets prepped for his run for congressman, Victoria anticipates her impending field trip to the dance hall, hoping to be accompanied by the suitor she desires (as opposed to the other two!).
Difficulty: Advanced
Mary continues with the preparation of her party, but has changed her mind about who to invite. Meanwhile, Juli resorts to a lie to avoid the pain of competing alongside her father.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Welcome to Otavalo, Ecuador's "Carbón del Palo" restaurant, a unique spot known not only for its unique Colombo-Ecuadorian-Spanish fare, but also for its warm atmosphere and spectacular service.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Upon arrival home from school, Kevin attempts to converse with his parents to try to better understand his father's job.
Difficulty: Beginner
Ecuador, Mexico
Tour the Pyramids of Teotihuacán, a World Heritage Site within one of the most magical pre-Hispanic cities of Mesoamerica, near modern day Mexico City.
Difficulty: Beginner
Mexico Monterrey
Meli teaches us how to make fun dinosaur jars and note holders.
Difficulty: Intermediate
While trying to defend his father against his classmate's jokes, Kevin realizes that like so many of us, he actually has very little idea what his father's job entails.
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