Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Victor tells us more about the life of young García Márquez, his beginnings as a writer and the origin of one of his most famous novels: One Hundred Years of Solicitude.
Difficulty: Advanced
As the criminals talk to Irma and her parents about Duque's disappearance, Margarita continues to encourage him to look on the bright side of life.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
After seeing Pablo Escobar cornered, we go back in time to catch a glimpse of the early years of this future criminal.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Let's join Fermín at the Fuengirola Fair, a typical Andalusian festival held every October. For a week, the city fills with people, music, dance and joy! Let's learn more.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Argentina, Guatemala, Spain
Adriana chats with her best friend Laura to ask for her advice on starting a business. From her own experience as an entrepreneur, Laura points out several things that one should initially keep in mind.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Kowy takes us to the Cheese Fair in Cayambe, Ecuador, where the Copa America of Cheese is held to choose the best among the many types of cheese presented. Let’s find out about many of their interesting ingredients and preparations.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Margarita broaches a sensitive topic with Duque, Plata and Orrego attempt to rally their coworkers to participate in a plan to make reparations for their wrongdoing.
Difficulty: Advanced
As young Pablo reveals a new side of his personality, his father embarks on a controversial journey.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Argentina, Guatemala, Spain
Laura continues to give Adriana advice regarding her coffee sales venture, such as identifying her target customer and the importance of online marketing.
Difficulty: Advanced
While Cuentagotas gives his goons new orders, Duque prepares for an intense conversation.
Difficulty: Advanced
A glimpse into Pablo's childhood years foreshadow some of his future tendencies.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Duque's conversation with Lombana takes an unexpected turn when he starts to truly process Margarita's words.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Much to their chagrin, Young Pablo decides to put a different price on his favors for his friends based on their perceived price.
Difficulty: Advanced
Aurelito is all too eager to explain what makes Club 10 stand out from other TV news magazines.
Difficulty: Advanced
Juli's friend Liliana introduces us to the exciting and educational Age of the Dinosaurs museum exhibit and tells us what we can expect to find there.
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