In this series created by our kind and charismatic Spanish teacher, Silvia, you will find diverse lessons on vocabulary as well as specific verbs. Silvia with additionally share with you entertaining and clearly-enunciated personal stories that will help your ability to comprehend spoken Spanish.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this lesson, Silvia will teach us how to talk about the date and time in Spanish, providing us with some frequently asked questions and answers that you are likely to come across in the real world.
Difficulty: Beginner
Is it typical to say in Spanish, "It's three seventeen?" In part two of her lesson on time and dates, Silvia explains that when telling the time in Spanish, we frequently "round off" rather than being so exact. Through plenty of examples, Silvia demonstrates this concept.
Difficulty: Beginner
Let's learn more real-world expressions that refer to dates and times in Spanish, including phrases that mean "tomorrow," "the day after tomorrow," "last night," "last week," and more!
Difficulty: Beginner
Silvia continues to introduce us to dialogues that contain useful expressions about dates, times, and time periods. This time, we hear a phone conversation regarding booking an apartment for a vacation.
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