In this series created by our kind and charismatic Spanish teacher, Silvia, you will find diverse lessons on vocabulary as well as specific verbs. Silvia with additionally share with you entertaining and clearly-enunciated personal stories that will help your ability to comprehend spoken Spanish.
Difficulty: Beginner
Verbs of change or transformation describe the evolution of a physical or emotional trait or state. In the first part of this series on these verbs, Silvia names for us the most common verbs of change in Spanish with examples in context.
Difficulty: Beginner
One by one, Silvia will edify us about the Spanish verbs of change, starting with two that mean "to become" or "turn into": "convertirse en" and "llegar a ser."
Difficulty: Beginner
In this third part of her series on the useful verbs of change in Spanish, Silvia explains the nuances of the common verbs "volverse," "hacerse," and "ponerse" with lots of example sentences.
Difficulty: Beginner
Silvia teaches us several common Spanish expressions, many of them quite entertaining, that feature the verbs of change that she has previously taught.
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