Difficulty: Beginner
Carlos explains the forms of address used to address several conversational partners: "vosotros" and "vosotras," which tend to be used in Spain, and "ustedes," which tends to be used in Central and South America.
Difficulty: Intermediate
A doctor from Ecuador speaks to us about respiratory allergies, particularly those which cause recurrent symptoms in children.
Difficulty: Beginner
Cleer awaits a phone call from Lida to find out whether or not she got the job for which she recently interviewed.
Difficulty: Beginner
Cleer attends her first post-college interview for a marketing position.
Difficulty: Beginner
Known as the "tuteo," the "ustedeo" and the "voseo," Carlos explains the historical roots and evolution of these varying ways of saying "you" in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Factors which affect which form is utilized by a particular person in a particular situation include that person's country of origin as well as the relationship between the speaker and the person to whom he or she is speaking.
Difficulty: Beginner
Freshly out of college, Cleer Oviedo sets up an interview for a potential marketing job.
Difficulty: Intermediate
General practitioner, María José Pineda, gives us some tips to improve our sleep quantity and quality.
Difficulty: Beginner
Carolina explains the importance of agreement with possessive adjectives, which must always agree both in number and in person with the nouns they modify.
Difficulty: Beginner
Carlos explains to us the three manners of addressing a conversational partner in Spanish: "tú," "usted" and "vos." Although all three of these personal pronouns could be translated as "you," the one that is utilized in a particular context depends upon factors such as the region where one lives as well as one's relationship with the person with whom he or she is speaking.
Difficulty: Beginner
Carolina introduces us to the concept of possessive adjectives and gives us some examples of their long and short forms.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Doctor Maria Jose Pineda gives us several tips for taking care of our skin, the largest organ in the human body.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this final part of the videos dedicated to accentuation, Carlos explains diphthongs, triphthongs and hiatuses.
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