Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The town of Olivares in Seville, Spain, has launched a set design workshop with the goal of teaching unemployed residents to create period decorations as a fun way to get to know their rich artistic heritage.
Difficulty: Intermediate
When 20-year-old Jassin Gaudi arrived in Sevilla to get in touch with his Moroccan roots, he thought he wanted to be a bullfighter, but instead found his passion in flamenco, an art which sometimes emulates it.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Europa Abierta concludes this epsidode with excerpts from the movie, Fuchsia the Mini-Witch, based on a novel by Paul van Loon.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) is a regulation which aids Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to establish themselves more quickly, simply and with less capital than was previously possible.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Henry Gomez, owner of the "MS Records" recording studio, shares his memories and what a lifetime spent as a music producer in Imbabura, Ecuador means to him.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Dominican Republic
Annya shares a bit about her background in flamenco and what she feels makes it unique among other art forms.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Araceli Garcia, a flamenco student in London, England, explains a bit about her history with this enticing dance and what it means to her.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Vela, a word often used for “candle,” or “sail,” can also mean “wakefulness,” as in “vigilance.” It’s related to the verb velar, “to stand watch.” The name of the port city of La Vela de Coro refers not to the “sails” of merchant ships (as many assume) but rather to this town’s role as a “lookout” point for marauding pirates. One-eyed peg-legs are now less common, but the carnivalesque annual festival of Los Locos continues on.
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