Difficulty: Advanced
Modesto Nicolas Gomez Burgos shows us how organic brown sugar is produced at the Santa Barbara factory located in Imbabura, Ecuador.
Difficulty: Advanced
Manuel Quispe, owner of the indigenous clothing shop, Colors, in Saraguro, Ecuador, explains to us about some of the items they sell, particularly their handcrafted traditional necklaces.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Miriam Fernandez from Guayaquil, Ecuador, gives us a tour of its oldest park, Seminario Park, which, due to the creatures which inhabit it, is also known as Iguana Park.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
José Enriques, who works in the goat milk industry in Otavalo Ecuador, explains a bit about his typical day as well as the health benefits of goat milk.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Meet the volunteers of Faithful Friend Patrol, a dog rescue organization in Otavalo, Ecuador.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Meet Manuel Leon, an Ecuadorian artist who makes effigies for the "Año Viejo" tradition which symbolically brings in the New Year by burning them as representations of the negative aspects of the past one.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Luis Moya, one of the Pillaro "devils" during the famed "Pillaro Dance of the Devils" celebration, gives us some insight into the significance behind some of its most important characters.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Cristina talks to us about the "Diablada Pillareña" [Pillaro Dance of the Devils], a popular annual celebration in Pillaro, Ecuador that has been deemed Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Fabricio Sandoval, a fire captain in Otavalo, Ecuador, teaches us how to prepare ourselves for an earthquake, including which items to include in our backpacks.
Difficulty: Intermediate
With the help of a tour guide, Pipo shows us the wonders of Atacames Beach in Ecuador.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ecuadorian "Poné," or shamans, utilize plants for their medicinal effects. In this video, we learn about some of their beliefs and wisdom.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Residents of Otavalo, Ecuador, explain to us how they celebrate "Inti Raymi," an Inca Empire celebration in honor of the sun god, "Inti," and how it helps them to preserve their culture.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ecuadorian filmmaker, Julia Silva, shares with us a bit about her second short film, "Crisálida" (Chyrsalis), as well as what she loves about shorts as opposed to feature films.
Difficulty: Intermediate
At the Obraje Fish Farm in Otavalo, Ecuador, one can dine on the trout they catch, prepared with local flare by the Obraje staff at an incredibly affordable price.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Natalia takes us on a tour the beautiful San Pablo Lake in northern Ecuador, explaining to us about its many natural, sporting and leisure attractions.
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