Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Acrobat Francesca was a mujer de casa before becoming a circus artist. It was love that brought her here to the big tent, where she now splits her time between performances and day-to-day chores.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
Continuing their trip through Nicaragua, Planas’ film crew stops in San Nicolás and discusses the lack of potable water. A group of Spaniards have offered to remedy the situation. Why does the problem still exist? Could the elected officials actually be standing in the way of progress?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
Trying to figure out why he wouldn’t approve the water project, the filmmakers try to track down the mayor, but they can’t find him at home. They do find children with containers making the trek to the water source from home and back.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
The film crew met with a team from Ayuda en Acción, and it appears that its organizational heart is in the right place. Yet, despite the presence of over five hundred NGOs working to improve the lot of Nicaragua’s poor, their plight worsens every year. Many local activists and intellectuals do not trust the non-profits, and accuse them of having their own enrichment as concern numero uno.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
That literacy will directly contribute to the health and well being of a people few can doubt. But are a literate people more likely to care for the environment? One man thinks so, and has started a grassroots neighbors teaching neighbors project for the good of both la gente y la tierra.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
Does graphic and violence-ridden television news that presents the worst aspects of a society also bring out the worst in its audience? Our filmmaker seems to think so, and believes that it is young viewers who pay the price when spectacle trumps thoughtful analysis and measured presentation.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
Does broadcast media really have a responsiblity to promote and defend human rights? Or is it to simply make shows that people like and that attract ratings? Several Nicaraguan journalists and media producers discuss these ideas in a round table discussion.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain Catalonia
Spain has never been a country afraid of divisive politics, and filmmaker Joan Planas has no fear of getting controversial when presenting his views of society, church and state. Note that the older gentleman is not speaking straight Spanish but Catalan, and the Spanish captions reflect not his exact words but are the same as the Spanish subtitles seen in white on the screen.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Nicaragua, Spain
Not only does our filmmaker continue with his diatribe against the state of society as he finds it in Nicaragua, but the story takes an investigative turn. We find that not only doesn’t sponsored-child Christina del Carmen match the photo that had been supplied by Ayuda en Acción, she is also not yet enrolled in a school.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Working as a cook/domestic worker on a construction site, Doña Coco is the first to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night. Her monthly salary of C$2,000 Córdobas really just covers “el arroz y los frijoles” (“rice and beans”) for her family. So, how does she provide clothing and all the rest for her five kids? Leonido, the interviewer, asks the tough questions.
Difficulty: Beginner
While stirring a pot, Doña Coco sings us a couple of Christian songs, which she learned at her evangelical church.
Difficulty: Beginner
We were driving around the roads of rural Nicaragua when we caught a glimpse of this donkey driven cart with loads of milk. We had to get to know this guy! Here it is, a YABLA exclusive with a milk seller!!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Honduras, Nicaragua
The effort to de-mine Central America is truly an international one, with assistance coming from the U.S., Germany, Spain, France, England, Japan, Canada and Sweden (who’s ambassador is featured here, speaking eloquent Spanish). Also we hear from soldiers on the pleasure of serving a mission of peace, as opposed to one of war.
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