Difficulty: Beginner
Welcome to the second part of "Rhythm Trivia," the special edition of "Your Music" where the audience calls in to answer questions about Latin American music. Let's see if the caller gets it right this time!
Difficulty: Intermediate
On this special edition of "Rhythm Trivia," "Popular Dance" is the category. Will the enthusiastic caller be able to identify the dance being danced? You too are invited to participate!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Can you guess the name of the percussion instrument used to play the rhythmic pattern in Cuban rumba? Let's see if you, and today's participant on "Rhythm Trivia," can come up with the correct answer!
Difficulty: Advanced
This time, the Your Music team will interview a very special and animated guest named Ángel Meléndez, who, in addition to being their friend, is a journalist, soccer fan, and sports commentator.
Difficulty: Advanced
As the interview with radio personality Ángel continues, we will learn more details about his tastes in his youth as well as his current profession.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The Your Music radio program brings you another great musical journey, inviting you to reminisce about hits by three great artists: Luis Miguel, Vicentico, and Alkilados.
Difficulty: Advanced
Argentina, Venezuela
On this edition of "Tu Música" (Your Music), Yasmina and José Luis welcome the music group El Ensamble Latino (The Latin Ensemble), which is made up of members of many nationalities. Let's hear about how they came together.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Argentina, Chile, Venezuela
Tu Música continues with this interview with the music group El Ensamble Latino, which, at the time of the interview, had been together for only four months and managed to combine diverse music styles from the cultures of Argentina, Chile and Venezuela.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In this interview conducted by Yasmina and José outside of the Tu Música (Your Music) radio show studios, we will learn more about the musical history of Venezuelan artist Néstor Rojas, a member of the group El Ensamble Latino (The Latin Ensemble).
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
When the Centro Hispano de Todos los Santos [All Saints Hispanic Center] provides makeovers for mothers, many of them realize how emotional it can be when one who is used to taking care of others is taken care of herself.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Celebrated in Ecuador on November second, the Day of the Dead is a time for family members to gather together and pay respects through customs involving food, prayer and music, to deceased family members, whom they view as very much alive energetically.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Hailing from Caracas, Venezuela, the group Trabuco Contrapunto has its roots in tropical music and Afro-Latin rhythms with a Venezuelan flare. On this song, prominent Venezuelan hip hop personality Budú joins them. Don't forget to support these artists' music by searching for them on the major digital platforms.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Corn to dough and dough to tortilla. It’s simple, it’s automatic, and it’s how Alfonso and his siblings make their living. Step up to the counter to learn more.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Don Alonso tells us a bit about his tortilla business and how the automatic machines revolutionized the way to prepare tortillas.
Difficulty: Beginner
Juan paints outlines on his tiles using a paintbrush and manganese oxide, but at one time practitioners did this by laying down fine strings dipped in wax, and this explains why Juan still calls the technique he uses cuerda seca, or “dry cord.” Note that he describes the technique as one of alto relieve, or “high relief,” which is the opposite of bas-relief (low relief).
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