Milagros, a young orphan raised in a convent, begins to work as a maid in a mansion. There, her strong temperament, brutal honesty, and street smarts clash with the good manners and pretentious behavior of her employers, leading to a plethora of mysterious, humorous, and amorous entanglements.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Milagros and her fellow workers contemplate whether it would be acceptable to take a dip in the mansion's pool.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Milagros hopes to convince the stuffy butler, Bernardo, to let her and the other servants in the mansion partake in an afternoon swim in the masters' pool.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Milagros concocts a scheme to evade Bernardo when, in their bosses' absence, he tries to interfere with her plan to enjoy a fun pool day with her mansion co-workers.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Milagros and her housemates get ready to take a dip in the mansion pool, Ivo continues his scheme to seduce her while Damián also continues his scheming. Meanwhile, Morgan flounders as Victoria's interpreter.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As the servants frolic poolside, drama ensues between Federico and Damián and Victoria and Morgan struggle to close a business deal in English.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Damián confronts Federico, Luisa meets with her psychiatrist and the servants try to avoid getting caught poolside, uncomfortable situations abound.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Who among the servants can Luisa and Victoria fire if all of them were in on the scheme?!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Having managed to save their jobs, things are returning to normal for the servants at the mansion.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Emotions run high in the mansion as Luisa watches a devastating video and Milagros overhears a hurtful conversation.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Through una trampa Cholito catches Ivo in bed with a nun and turns it into una extorsión while confronting him about paying up, or poniendo estaba la gansa, for an apuesta that he lost to a friend.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Milagros, aka Cholito, aka Mili, gets glum about being a rata traicionera.
Bobby laughs it up at Ivo who now owes money to both Bobby and Millie. What better way to aflojarse a little than to go dancing?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Milagros comes clean about how she found out about the bet between Ivo and Bobby. Despite advice to sleep, Cholito leaves behind her fútbol playing personality and pigtails for the Mili of the night life when she decides to salir a bailar.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mili is dressed to kill, ready to go to the bailante to meet Lina. Bobby and Ivo are already there dancing. Ivo blows off steam by telling Bobby that he’ll have his grandmother get rid of the source of his problems, who then shows up. What will happen next?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Once again Mili has to face Ivo. They’re sharing a roof after all. But this time she seems to have a strategy suggested by good friend and inexperienced but enthusiastic hairdresser Mariposa. Will it work? Heavenly houseguest Sister Catalina is leaving. The fridge is empty and we learn what planchar used to mean.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Finally, Ivo acts on his threats. He asks his grandmother—the refined Señora Angelica—to fire her maid Milagros. Why? Because Milagros is una cloaca, un desastre and, well, casi salvaje. But Grandma has some of her own ideas cooking…
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