Yago, a young man raised in the Argentine jungle, travels to Buenos Aires, determined to uncover the secrets of his mysterious past. Morena, a city girl from Peru, has arrived in the Argentine capital after being left at the altar in New York. United by a backdrop which is foreign for both of them, can the unlikely duo help one another to come to terms with their pasts?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Roberto implores Mercedes to listen his secret, Melina's roommate/business partner demands to know to whom she is attending in the other room.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Yago prepares to exit a dismayed Casandra's apartment, Morena confronts her mother about her relationship with Roberto Cardenas and asks for her help.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Gardel and his pals give Yago a hard time about Cassandra as Aldo and Elena's argument gets heated.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Melina pays Lucio an unexpected visit as Yago and Morena witness Gardel's tango singing return.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Celso chats it up with Gardel, Morena tries to school Yago on city life.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Following a fiery phone exchange, Aldo instructs Luisa she had better do a better job at concealing her bruise, and indeed, people at the mansion are eyeing her with suspicion. Meanwhile, Gardel inquires as to Yago's whereabouts the previous evening.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Aldo struggles under financial pressures while Lucio reacquaints Yago with his past and Melina tries her best to find out the gossip regarding Aldo and Luisa.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Morena uncovers some interesting information about Franco Sirenio's demise and Yago experiences his first shopping excursion.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Celso is up to his old tricks as Yago partakes in his first fine-dining experience.
Difficulty: Intermediate
While Morena exposes Yago to the customs of an elegant Buenos Aires dining establishment, he exposes her to a few his.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As Celso continues with his panhandling schemes, Morena must interrupt her romantic evening with Yago to break some revealing news.
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