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Making Comparisons in Spanish - Part 2

In the first part of our lesson on comparative structures, we covered comparisons of inequality. However, what if we would like to talk about similarity? Part two of this lesson will deal with comparisons of equality as well as superlatives, and considering that 2020 has been uno de los años más difíciles para muchos (one of the hardest years for many people), superlative structures could definitely come in handy.


Comparisons of Equality


1. tan + adjective/adverb + como 


Let's start by using the Spanish equivalent of as ___ as (as good as, as fast as, etc.). We can use this structure with both adjectives and adverbs.


Oye, no, no es tan fácil como tú lo ves, ¿eh? 

Hey, no, it's not as easy as you see it, huh?

Caption 21, 75 minutos - Del campo a la mesa - Part 17

Play Caption


Tampoco saliste con una mina tan finoli como ella. 

You haven't dated a woman as elegant as her either.

Caption 18, Yago - 12 Fianza

 Play Caption


Notice that we use tan rather than tanto before the adjective or adverb. Thus, in the previous examples, it would be a mistake to say tanto fácil or tanto finoli. We can, however, say tanto más or tanto menos fácil (as explained in part one of this lesson). 


On the other hand, the similar structure tanto como is the Spanish equivalent of "as much as." In the following example, note that because tanto is an adverb, it is unmarked for gender and number. 


Espero que hayáis disfrutado al menos

I hope that you have enjoyed at least

tanto como yo disfruto

as much as I enjoy

estando todos los días con vosotros. 

being here every day with you guys.

Captions 76-78, Cómetelo - Crema de brócoli

 Play Caption


2. tanto + noun + como


Unlike the examples with adjectives and adverbs above, tanto must be marked for gender when used with nouns. We will therefore use tanto/s before masculine nouns and tanta/s before feminine nouns as follows:


Tiene tanto dinero como su hijo. 

She has as much money as her son does. 


Tiene tanta paciencia como tú.

She has as much patience as you do. 


Tienes tantas hermanas como yo.

You have as many sisters as I do. 


3. parecido(s)/parecida(s)           


When talking about things (cosas) that are similar, we can employ this term as an adjective (marked for number and gender) to say that they are parecidas. On the other hand, to express that something is done in a similar way, we use the unmarked adverb: parecidoas in Juana y su hermana hablan parecido. And to top it all off, parecido is also a noun that indicates resemblance.  


La [cultura] gitana es muy parecida a la cultura árabe. 

Gypsy [culture] is very similar to Arab culture.

Caption 37, Europa Abierta - Jassin Daudi - Con arte

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Notice the use of the preposition a following the adjective parecida to indicate "to."


Now, let's look at parecido as a noun as it appears in this caption from Clase Aula Azul, which explains the use of the verb parecer:


Hablamos de parecidos físicos, ¿sí?

We're talking about physical similarities, right?

Se parece es como decir, es parecido, es similar, ¿mmm?

"Se parece" [It looks like] is like saying, it's alike, it's similar, hmm?

Captions 37-38, Clase Aula Azul - El verbo parecer

 Play Caption


4. idéntico/igual/mismo 


While we can use parecido or similar to describe similarities, what if the items being compared are exactly the same? When items are virtually indistinguishable, idéntico, igual, or mismo are suitable terms. Remember that these are adjectives and are therefore marked for number and gender, except for igual, which is gender neutral. It is worth mentioning that only el/la mismo/a or los/las mismos/as can come before the noun. Thus, if one has the same t-shirt someone is wearing, he or she might say the following:


Tengo la misma remera (I have the same t-shirt).

Tengo una remera igual (I have a t-shirt just like that).

Tengo una remera idéntica (I have an identical t-shirt). 


Let's take a look at some additional examples: 


Porque uno idéntico a este

Because one identical to this one

embarcó en el Titanic en mil novecientos doce. 

embarked on the Titanic in nineteen twelve.

Captions 24-25, Málaga - Museo del automóvil

 Play Caption


Si hay diez personas trabajando con los mismos medios y las mismas herramientas.

If there are ten people working with the same media and the same tools.

Caption 73, Lo que no sabías - Arte electrónico

 Play Caption


As a side note, the interesting expressions me da igual or me da lo mismo mean "it's all the same to me" or "I don´t really care":


Ya lo que digan me da igual 

What people say doesn't matter to me anymore

Caption 22, Alejandro Fernandez - Eres

 Play Caption


5. Como 


Another keyword when it comes to making comparisons is como (like). 


Juli, vas a quedar como una cobarde,

Juli, you're going to look like a coward,

como si te diera miedo. 

as if it scared you.

Captions 44-45, Club 10 - Capítulo 1

 Play Caption


And you will definitely remember this comparative structure after listening to the Calle 13 song in this clip:


No hay nadie como tú

There is no one like you

Caption 29, Calle 13 - No hay nadie como tú

 Play Caption


Superlative Structures


Finally, we have the superlative forms with the following structures: el/los/la/las/lo + más + adjective:


La prueba de sonido es lo más importante quizás porque es la preparación, ¿no?

The sound check is the most important thing, maybe because it's the staging, right?

Caption 6, David Bisbal - Haciendo Premonición Live

 Play Caption


Este es el aguacate más caro que hay en el mercado. 

This is the most expensive avocado that there is on the market.

Caption 38, 75 minutos - Del campo a la mesa - Part 1

 Play Caption


Note that there are a few irregular superlatives:


el mejor   (the best)

el peor      (the worst)

el mayor    (the oldest) 


For "the oldest," el más grande can also be used. While this is very common in some regions and can also mean "the largest," "the greatest," or "the biggest," it is important to remember that, as is the case with all irregular superlatives, mayor cannot be used in conjunction with más. Thus the sentence "Paul is the oldest in his class" can be translated as Paul es el más grande de su clase or Paul es el mayor de su clase but NOT Paul es el más mayor. 


We hope that you have enjoyed our newsletter, y lo que es más importante (what matters most) is that you have learned a lot! Don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments.



Compliments in Spanish

When it comes to bringing good vibes and positive energy, there's nothing better than a nice compliment. In fact, we use compliments when we want to express respect, approval, or admiration for someone. With that being said, let's learn some easy ways to express compliments in Spanish.


How do you say 'compliment' in Spanish?

First things first. There are various terms you can use for the word compliment in Spanish. The following are your options:

- Cumplido

- Elogio

- Halago

- Piropo


Keep in mind, however, that the word piropo is mostly used to indicate a short sentence that is concerned with the beauty of a woman:


En cambio vos no cambiaste nada;

On the other hand you haven't changed a bit;

estás más hermosa que nunca.

you're more beautiful than ever.

Caption 56, Yago - 11 Prisión

 Play Caption


Expressing congratulations before compliments in Spanish

Very often, compliments are preceded by some form of congratulations. Let's see that in action:


Los felicito, muchachos; eso está muy bien.

I congratulate you, kids; that's great.

Caption 36, Tu Voz Estéreo - Feliz Navidad

 Play Caption


Enhorabuena, Amaya... -Muchas gracias. -...por tu primera venta.

Congratulations, Amaya... -Thanks a lot. -...on your first sale.

Caption 77, Santuario para burros - Tienda solidaria

 Play Caption


Good job!

Do you know how to say 'good job' in Spanish? Let's see how to express one of the most common compliments:


Te felicito; buen trabajo, ¿eh?

I congratulate you; good job, huh?

Caption 49, Muñeca Brava - 47 Esperanzas

 Play Caption


Debo admitir que hiciste un excelente trabajo, realmente.

I must admit that you did an excellent job, really.

Caption 4, Muñeca Brava - 33 El partido

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Hello beautiful in Spanish

There are many ways to compliment a woman on her looks. Let's see some examples of compliments for women in Spanish:


Hola, guapa.

Hello, beautiful.

Caption 30, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 3

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Pasa. -Qué bonita que estás, ¿eh?

Come in. -How pretty you look, huh?

Caption 1, Yago - 12 Fianza

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Yo jamás dejaría plantada a una mujer tan guapa como esta.

I would never stand up a woman as beautiful as this one.

Caption 67, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capitulo 5

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Compliments with the verb gustar

The verb gustar (to like) is very useful when it comes to express compliments. Just like English, what you want to say is 'I like this of you':


Me gusta como sos. Me gusta tu pelo.

I like how you are. I like your hair.

Captions 80-81, Muñeca Brava - 7 El poema

 Play Caption


You can also use similar verbs to express compliments in Spanish:


Es que me encanta cómo hablas.

It's just that I love the way you speak.

Caption 49, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 2

 Play Caption


¡Hey! Adoro tu caminar

Hey! I adore your walking

Caption 34, Huecco - Dame Vida

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Encouraging in Spanish with compliments

There are lots of compliments you can use when you want to encourage someone. Teachers, for example, use these kinds of compliments often with their students:


Perfecto, chicos. Muy bien.

Perfect, guys. Very good.

Caption 57, Clase Aula Azul - El verbo parecer

 Play Caption


Qué + positive word

A very common way of expressing compliments in Spanish consists of using the word qué (what) followed by a positive word (most of the time an adjective):


¡Qué buen observador eres!

What a good observer you are!

Caption 30, Guillermina y Candelario - El Mar enamorado

 Play Caption


¡Pero qué lindo dibujito!

But what a nice little drawing!

¡Mateo, qué bien está dibujado, che!

Mateo, how well it's drawn, wow!

Captions 41-42, Yago - 4 El secreto

 Play Caption


Quiero que todo el mundo sea feliz y contento.

I want everyone to be happy and content.

¡Muy bien! Qué bonito, ¿mmm?

Very good! How nice, hmm?

Captions 34-35, Clase Aula Azul - Pedir deseos

 Play Caption


Indirect compliments

Sometimes, we can express compliments or flatter someone by saying good things about something that is connected to that person:


Ay, me encanta tu camiseta azul. Gracias.

Oh, I love your blue shirt. Thank you.

Captions 3-4, Español para principiantes - Los colores

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Si, si lo criaste vos, tiene que ser un buen pibe.

If, if you raised him, he must be a good kid.

Caption 33, Yago - 6 Mentiras

 Play Caption



And that's it for today. Try practicing some of these compliments in Spanish and don't forget to send us your questions and comments.


¡Hasta la próxima!


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