Difficulty: Beginner
There’s more to Miami than postcard-perfect beaches and pink drinks. These days, the city is a great melting pot – especially for Latin American and other Spanish-speaking folks – and there’s a thriving arts scene. As Antonio sees it, the annual art fair called Art Basel is the place to appreciate Miami’s great international flavor.
Difficulty: Beginner
Antonio Vargas is a versatile Mexican artist living in Los Cabos. He has done cartoons, commercial drawings, paintings and a lot of sculptures. In this episode Antonio is going to show us some of his cartoons containing the adventures of Surfo.
Difficulty: Beginner
Juan paints outlines on his tiles using a paintbrush and manganese oxide, but at one time practitioners did this by laying down fine strings dipped in wax, and this explains why Juan still calls the technique he uses cuerda seca, or “dry cord.” Note that he describes the technique as one of alto relieve, or “high relief,” which is the opposite of bas-relief (low relief).
Difficulty: Beginner
In Guatemala, people of Mayan descent not only retain various native forms of dress, but they also speak dialects of the Mayan language, a language many people wrongly presume to be long lost to history. Rafael treats us to some examples of words and phrases in this language, and also explains some of the particulars of traditional dress.
Difficulty: Beginner
Our friend, Rafael, returns this week to talk to us about his homeland and its culture. As he explains, the Mayan culture continues to thrive in Guatemala via its language, clothing, and customs.
Difficulty: Newbie
Ariana shares with us some interesting facts about Spain including its languages, most important cities, tourist attractions, architecture and art.
Difficulty: Newbie
Jorge Celedon is a Colombian singer specializing in the Colombian folk genre, vallenato. In "Me gustas mucho" [I Like You a Lot], he sings about his affection for a girl with beautiful eyes.
Difficulty: Newbie
Karen gives us a tour of some of the many cultural highlights of Fundidora Park in Monterrey, Mexico.
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