Difficulty: Advanced
Paula and Isabel describe the Fine Arts Department at the Complutense University of Madrid, which has its own characteristic energy and traditions. Let's find out more!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Hannelore, the daughter of the managers of Circus Berlin, tells us her personal circus experience, including how she got started, the plethora of acts she has performed and the pros and cons of circus life.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Isabel and Paula offer additional recommendations about some different types of music venues in Madrid that are primarily intended for older audiences, including jazz clubs. Let's hear some of their positive and negative personal experiences at such venues.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Bryan continues to tell us about his experience in the circus and in a circus family, including how they got involved in the circus world as well as some of the opportunities he has had on his journey.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In the second part of this series on Madrid's entertainment culture, sisters Paula and Isabel tell us about concert venues of varying sizes and levels of prestige, from dives to the renowned La Riviera, as well as what you might expect to pay for different types of events.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Bryan from Circus Berlin continues to tell us about his fascinating life in the circus, this time focusing on yet another discipline he performs in: the aerial silks, as well as sharing with us the intensity that circus artists are constantly subjected to when premiering and performing their acts.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This time, Isabel and Paula talk to us about Madrid's cultural life, including its entertainment culture. Let's hear about the fascinating event center The Matadero as well as some additional theater and concert venues.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This time, Bryan talks to us more in depth about how he started to train in his discipline in the circus: handstand, a spectacular act that has opened many doors for him, including traveling throughout the world and fulfilling many dreams.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Bryan from Circus Berlin tells us about the discipline, lifestyle and hours of practice that his primary discipline, handstand, entails.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Circus star Bryan will talk to us about his interesting career path at Circus Berlin, where he started at age six as a clown and has since evolved into a multifaceted artist.
Difficulty: Intermediate
From Labofdreams, a laboratory in Barcelona that offers psychological care, Alejandra Carrero gives us some advice regarding our mental health and what should be done in the case of a mental health crisis.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Giving us a relevant example of what it means to her, Soledad shares her opinion about the importance of behaving like polite individuals with everyone and at all times.
Difficulty: Advanced
In part three of their video about public transportation in Spain's capital, Isabel and Paula tell us about about the different transportation card options, including available discounts for certain travelers, as well as the possibility of certain embarrassing subway situations.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Let's find out why Soledad believes it's crucial to be extremely careful about what we pass on to our children.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In this second part of their video on transportation in Madrid, Isabel and Paula tell us more about the pros and cons of the different public options as well as ticketing in the past and present.
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