Difficulty: Beginner
In this episode, Raquel and Marisa teach us how to make a reservation at a hotel in Spanish.
Difficulty: Intermediate
As the festival continues, we meet a group of Colombians who talk about how they've modernized the themes of the Andean music they play. We also meet an Argentinian who shares about the types of songs she performs.
Difficulty: Advanced
75 minutos continues its interviews with mushroom experts, introducing us to more varieties of mushrooms and seeing, in a restaurant which specializes in mushroom dishes, their transformation "from the field to the table."
Difficulty: Beginner
Raquel and Marisa give us tips on how to make a reservation at a restaurant in Spanish.
Difficulty: Advanced
Spanish mushroom pickers explain about a few of the many different types of mushrooms. While some are edible, sought-after delicacies and others have the medicinal qualities of vasodilators and aphrodisiacs, still others are poisonous when eaten and can even cause death.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
At Colombia’s Mono Núñez music festival, native Colombians and foreigners alike share their deep love for traditional Colombian music. At the suggestion of one Colombian musician, some of them agree to create a cultural exchange group so that musicians from various countries can discusss the Andean music they are so passionate about.
Difficulty: Beginner
Zoraida from Venezuela takes us on a tour of some of Karlsruhe, Germany's most dazzling sites, including the Karlsruhe Palace.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
European and Colombian aficionados of "bambuco" music give their perspectives on whether this Colombian genre has European influences.
Difficulty: Advanced
This episode of 75 minutos examines the lives of mushroom pickers and how this delicacy gets "From the Field to the Table."
Difficulty: Intermediate
Zoraida takes us on a tour of some prominent sites in the colonial zone of Coro, Venezuela, in the state of Falcón, which was Veneuzela's first capital.
Difficulty: Advanced
After a long day at work, these Andalusian farmers get to their temporary quarters to rest, eat and have a good time. Let's find out in what conditions they live during the harvesting season.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Zoraida from Venezuela speaks to us from Linkenheim, Germany, where we’ll visit two lakes: one natural and the other artificial.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Antonio Manuel Martínez Alfaro, a drummer from Tobarra, Spain, tells us a bit about the famed Holy Week celebrations there, during which drumming can be heard non-stop for one hundred and four hours from Good Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
Difficulty: Intermediate
At Colombia's Mono Núñez music festival, native Colombians and foreigners alike share their deep love for traditional Colombian music.
Difficulty: Advanced
75 Minutos continues to explore the sometimes grueling professional and personal lives of the hard-working Spanish migrant farmers responsible for the olive harvest.
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