Difficulty: Intermediate
Colombia, Venezuela
Learn vocabulary helpful for meeting new people and even inviting them out in Cleer's casual interview with Giluancar, a Venezuelan who has recently arrived in Germany.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Mexico, Miami
The owner of "Huesos" [Bones] the dog takes him to meet a new veterinarian and find out about his general health.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Colombian artist Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori shows us his studio and palette of colors, in addition to explaining about the ideal lighting conditions for many artists.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Yolimar Gimon, one of the ten finalists in the "Mrs. Venezuela" contest in 2012, tells us a bit about how the contest gives the chance to a bit more mature women to prove their abilities outside of the home as well as what her participation in the contest meant to her.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Colombia, Mexico
Guillermo the shaman, an expert in Mayan cosmology, explains the origin of and symbolism behind the Mayan word "chamamán" as well as some other interesting aspects of their belief system.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Henry Gomez, owner of the "MS Records" recording studio, shares his memories and what a lifetime spent as a music producer in Imbabura, Ecuador means to him.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ecuadorian dentist, Estefania Losa, gives parents some tips about how to prevent cavities in their children.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Residents of Otavalo, Ecuador, explain to us how they celebrate "Inti Raymi," an Inca Empire celebration in honor of the sun god, "Inti," and how it helps them to preserve their culture.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Welcome to Otavalo, Ecuador's "Carbón del Palo" restaurant, a unique spot known not only for its unique Colombo-Ecuadorian-Spanish fare, but also for its warm atmosphere and spectacular service.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Colombia, Dominican Republic
Cleer interviews the members of the acclaimed Colombian band, Doctor Krápula, known for both their music and social activism.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The doctor continues to counsel Diego with physical and emotional tips for healing his fractured collarbone.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Doctor Leonardo Suárez, who practices general medicine with an emphasis on general, obstetric and gynecological surgery, talks to us about some of the most commonly seen diseases in his local population in Otavalo, Ecuador, as well as some of their causes.
Difficulty: Intermediate
At his doctor's visit, the physician counsels Humberto on a possible cause for his frequent diarrhea.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In preparation for her exam, a nursing student explains to us the recommendations for preparation for a surgical procedure.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Could stress be responsible for a patient's physical ailments?
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