Difficulty: Beginner
Mexico, Spain
Karla and Isabel teach us how to throw a house party.
Difficulty: Beginner
In today's episode, we learn how to talk about directions in Spanish.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Xochitl from Monterrey, Mexico tells us about how the recent surge in violent crime in Mexico and in her area in particular affects the way that Mexican citizens live their lives.
Difficulty: Beginner
Learn how moods are expressed in Spanish with Ester and Silvia, instructors at San Sebastian's El Aula Azul.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Viviana really enjoys studying Political Economy at the UAM [Autonomous Metropolitan University]. She tells us about her major and the plans that she has for the future and shares some insights about the large social gap that exists in Mexico.
Difficulty: Beginner
Can money buy happiness? That’s the subject of this friendly debate between Ester and her friend…Ester. It seems that too much reasoning has split our El Aula Azul friend in two. Can money at least cure our friend Ester?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Could it be that the “Tu Rock es Votar” campaign resulted in a closer Mexican 2006 election, one that ironically left the youth feeling more disillusioned than ever? Felipe Calderón Hinojosa edged out Andrés Manuel López Obrador by such a thin margin that the losing side demanded a total recount, which was not granted. The ensuing cloud surrounding the election left a bitter taste in the mouths of many Mexicans.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Armando David Ortigosa decided that something needed to be done to motivate the young people of Mexico to participate in its presidential election. He looked north for inspiration, where the “Rock the Vote” campaign used pop stars to try and get young voters to the polls. The Mexican equivalent became known as Tu Rock Es Votar.
Difficulty: Beginner
Barrio Adentro (Inside the Neighborhood) is a program of free medical clinics that have been established throughout Venezuela. Critics include the Venezuelan Medical Association, who claim that the Cubans who make up most of the doctors are not qualified, though the WHO and UNICEF are generally as enthusiastic as Omar about the program.
Difficulty: Beginner
Hugo Chávez is divisive figure in Venezuela, as he is the world over, but the enthusiasm he generates amongst a large and vocal segment of the population is undeniable. Omar Vizcaya is a Chávez supporter, and was kind enough to agree to share some of his thoughts and ideas about the current situation.
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