Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
75 minutos takes us inside an avocado mill where we meet the workers and learn how avocados are classified and sold.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Do the rules and restrictions associated with entering a contest like the Mono Núñez affect the musicians' artistic freedom? In this segment, our host and musicians examine that question.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Our behind-the-scenes look at the Colombian Mono Núñez music festival continues with an interview with a group who plays Afro-Colombian music and, has opted to perform but not to enter the festival's contest.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
75 minutos continues its behind-the-scenes look at the lives of avocado farmers in Spain.
Difficulty: Beginner
Ester from El Aula Azul tells us a bit about her neighborhood.
Difficulty: Intermediate
An itinerant concert at the Mono Núñez gives people who could not otherwise attend the festival the chance to experience some of its music and festivities.
Difficulty: Beginner
Raquel and Marisa teach you Spanish vocabulary that could come in handy when purchasing a train ticket.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Our host at the Mono Núñez festival in Colombia continues to interview people who have come to the festival from many countries, expressing his desire to create an integrated musical product: Colombian music with influences from many different countries and cultures.
Difficulty: Advanced
Andalusians use avocados for a variety of purposes from food to candles to beauty treatments. But, how are they grown and sold? 75 minutos takes you behind the scenes.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Feeling for the vendors who don't get a chance to hear the wonderful music at the Mono Núñez Festival, our host comes up with a plan to take the music to them. He furthermore interviews an Argentinean member of a group who makes Andean music about the similarities and differences between the Andean music made in Argentina and Colombia.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
75 minutos continues to go behind the scenes of olive oil production: from the factories, to the offices, to oil classes and tastings... We even meet a family whose daily life seems to revolve around olive oil.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Antonia, the charming reporter from 75 minutos, takes us on a tour of a factory that processes olives to convert them into liquid gold: Spanish olive oil, one of the fınest ın the world!
Difficulty: Beginner
Marta from Spain teaches us Spanish vocabulary pertaining to modes of transportation.
Difficulty: Intermediate
As the festival goes on, we encounter a sixteen-year-old winner of the Best Tiple Player award while some twin singers offer some insight into their particularly well-coordinated voices.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
After learning how the olives are harvested in the fields, the host of 75 minutos visits a plant in Jaen. There, she will witness the whole process that the olives go through to transform into delicious Spanish olive oil.
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