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Pages: 34 of 35 
─ Videos: 496-510 of 516 Totaling 31 hours 34 minutes

Milkman - Milk Seller, Nicaragua

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


We were driving around the roads of rural Nicaragua when we caught a glimpse of this donkey driven cart with loads of milk. We had to get to know this guy! Here it is, a YABLA exclusive with a milk seller!!

Yabla en Buenos Aires - Puerto Madero View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Puerto Madero is both antique and fashionable. What many years ago was a commercial port is now one of the most chic parts of the city.

Yabla en Buenos Aires - Plaza Mayo - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Plaza de Mayo is one of the most important places in Buenos Aires’s History. It was the center of many political events and has seen the likes of Evita, Perón, and the “Madres de Mayo”.

Sevilla, España - Porteñas paseando View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Juliana and Paola work, study and travel together; they are such good friends! Here they welcome us to Sevilla, far from their native Buenos Aires. Perhaps locals aren’t the only ones in on the secrets of this Spanish city!

Yabla en Buenos Aires - Plaza Mayo - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Buenos Aires is a magic city filled with an endless background of tango music. One of the most important Latin American capitals, it has been the home of Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Sábato, Julio Cortázar and Diego Maradona. In this video we have the opportunity to take you to Buenos Aires’ historic district.

Amigos D.F. - Te presento... View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Our good Mexican friends know a little about everything and they’re willing to teach us! When you get somewhere, what’s the first thing to do? Here you’ll learn how to greet friends, lovers and even grandmothers!

Amigos D.F. - El secuestrar View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Our good friends from México City are willing to talk about everything: good, bad or ugly. Here we have their take on kidnapping, one of the growing fears of Mexicans.

Amigos D.F. - Arquitectura View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Mexico has a rich and varied architectural heritage that can be seen in its many classic colonial era plazas and buildings. The elementos of this historic architecture are preserved and utilized by today’s planners and builders, providing D.F. (Mexico City) with developments that are modern yet traditional and inviting, maintaining a sense of continuity with the past as the country pushes ahead into the 21st century.

Deportes en Adícora - Carlos View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Carlos is a fine artist and an athlete who, when not painting a canvas, can be found sailing windsurfers and kites from his little guest house on the breezy south beach in Adícora, Venezuela. We asked him if he would give us a little presentation from atop his roof. You can hear for yourself that this spot is all about one thing, el viento!

Desayuno Puerto Escondido - Frijoles Refritos View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Couldn’t you just go for some refried beans right now? They are great for breakfast, great for lunch, and we’re happy to have them for dinner, not to mention a medianoche snack! Let’s drop in on Gloria as she cooks up a batch for us.

Desayuno Puerto Escondido - Avena View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Al gusto means, literally, “to the taste,” but in English we usually express this as “to taste.” So Gregoria doesn’t add honey to the avena (oatmeal). She puts it on the side of the plate. The person eating can can put it on al gusto, a little or a lot, however they like it. We often do this with salt, syrup, hot sauce… anything where individual palates vary considerably.

Desayuno Puerto Escondido - Frutas View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In beautiful Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, the local cooks know their fruit! Let’s drop by the lovely Casa Mar as Gloria prepares a glorious multi-colored fruit salad made with local sandía (watermelon), melón, and plátano (banana). You may soon find yourself blending melon seeds into a delicious horchata.

Amigos D.F. - Clima en el DF View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Miguel, Alvaro and David have teamed up once again to tell us a little something about the weather and overall climate found in Mexico City and its environs. Pay attention to the words and vocabulary, as they will certainly be of use no matter where you travel!

Amigos D.F. - Consejos para la calle View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Are you ever confused about what to say to other pedestrians? Our Mexico City friends Miguel, Anvar and David have agreed to pass on a few tips regarding what to say, and when, as we navigate the streets and sidewalks of the habla hispana (the Spanish speaking world).

Toledo, España - Cerámica

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Juan paints outlines on his tiles using a paintbrush and manganese oxide, but at one time practitioners did this by laying down fine strings dipped in wax, and this explains why Juan still calls the technique he uses cuerda seca, or “dry cord.” Note that he describes the technique as one of alto relieve, or “high relief,” which is the opposite of bas-relief (low relief).

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