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The Top Royalty-Related Spanish Words

The news has been dominated by the death of Queen Elizabeth II. If you are wondering how to say words like "queen" or "kingdom" in Spanish, this lesson will teach you how to say and spell the most important royal terms.


Queen (la reina)

hasta que por fin la reina Isabel le concedió audiencia

until Queen Isabel finally granted him an audience,

Caption 18, Viajando con Fermín Patios de Córdoba - Part 3

 Play Caption


Notice that even when used as part of a proper name like la reina Isabel (Queen Isabel), la reina and its male counterpart el rey (the king) are lowercase in Spanish.


King (el rey)

Miren, hablando del rey de Roma.

Look, speak of the devil [literally "the King of Rome"].

Caption 60, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 5 - Part 4

 Play Caption


Keep in mind that the masculine plural form of el rey, los reyes, is used to describe "the King and Queen" (although it could also mean "the kings" in different contexts).


Actualmente es la residencia oficial de los reyes de España,

Currently, it's the official residence of the King and Queen of Spain,

Caption 24, Madrid Un recorrido por la capital de España

 Play Caption


Crown (la corona)

Corona imperial española.

Imperial Spanish Crown.

Caption 18, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 4 - Part 3

 Play Caption


Monarchy (la monarquía)

era para el alto clero, la monarquía y la burguesía de Barcelona

was for Barcelona's high clergy, monarchy, and middle class

Caption 58, Víctor en España La Catedral del Mar en Barcelona

 Play Caption


Monarch (el/la monarca)

a quienes los monarcas otorgaban las patentes de corso,

to whom the monarchs granted letters of marque,

Caption 58, Viajando con Fermín Pasajes (Pasaia) - Part 3

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Remember that the article el is used to describe a male monarch, and la is used for a female, while los monarcas could be a group of males or a mixed group. 


Prince (el príncipe)

Una noche conocí en un casino al príncipe este, Rainiero.

One night I met at a casino this prince, Rainiero.

Caption 9, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 1 - Part 4

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The above clip is from our popular Colombian series Confidencial: El rey de la estafa. In the following clip, you can hear how that word is pronounced by a speaker from Spain. Notice the difference in pronunciation, especially when it comes to the letter "c":


come como un príncipe,

eat the main meal of the day like a prince,

Caption 36, Raquel Presentaciones

 Play Caption


Princess (la princesa)

se casaba con una princesa de España.

he was marrying a princess from Spain.

Caption 26, Leyendas urbanas La Llorona

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Duke (el duque)

Su marido es el príncipe Felipe, duque de Edimburgo.

Her husband is Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Captions 25-26, El Aula Azul Adivina personajes famosos - Part 2

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Note that the feminine form of el duque, la duquesa, means "duchess."


Royal family (la familia real)

Por consejo del cuerpo de seguridad de la familia real,

Under the advisement of the security forces of the royal family,

Caption 29, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 4 - Part 5

 Play Caption


Kingdom (el reino)

Érase una vez en un lejano reino,

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,

Caption 1, Cuentos de hadas Cenicienta - Part 1

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Throne (el trono)

y la subida al trono del nuevo cacique

and the ascension to the throne of the new cacique

Caption 18, Aprendiendo con Carlos América precolombina - El Dorado

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Majesty (Majestad)

A Su Majestad, la reina, le ha interesado mucho,

It has interested Her Majesty, the Queen, a lot,

Caption 23, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 4 - Part 4

 Play Caption


Highness (Alteza)

Su Alteza Real el príncipe se casará con la mujer cuyo pie encaje en este zapato de cristal.

His Royal Highness the Prince will marry the woman whose foot fits into this glass slipper.

Captions 25-26, Cuentos de hadas Cenicienta - Part 2

 Play Caption


That's all for now. We hope you have learned some "royally" useful words in this lesson, and don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments.



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