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The Verb Volver

Although the verb volver is most often translated as "to return," it can actually take on a variety of meanings. Let's take a look at some of the many ways native Spanish speakers might use it in real-life situations. 



The Basic Concept

Typically, the verb volver means "to return" or "come back." Like other Spanish verbs, it is very commonly used in its infinitive form in combination with such verbs as querer (to want) or ir (to go). Learning how to use the infinitive form of verbs within such phrases is actually very useful— particuarly if you haven't yet mastered the conjugation of such irregular verbs. Let's first take a look at volver in the infinitive: 


No quiero volver al hotel y

I don't want to go back to the hotel, and

el apartamento me gusta.

I like the apartment.

Captions 18-19, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 3

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Nada... voy a volver a última hora de la tarde, nada más.

None... I'm going to come back late in the afternoon, that's all.

Caption 54, Muñeca Brava - 9 Engaños

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Using Volver to Indicate Repetition (As "Again")

The verb volver can also be combined with other Spanish verbs to indicate the English concepts of "over" or "again." 


Pues espero volver a verte pronto

Well, I hope to see you again soon

Caption 93, Blanca y Mariona - Vida en general

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The infinitive, volver, with the preposition a (literally "to," "at," etc.) can be linked with other Spanish verbs in phrases such as volver a vernos (to see each other again), volver a empezar (to start over), volver a entrar (to reenter), etc. Let's take a look at such examples of the formula, volver + + infinitive, where volver has been conjugated:


Pero bueno, cuando pueda,

But well, when I can,

me vuelvo a inscribir en otro gimnasio y me meto.

I'll sign up at another gym again, and I'll go.

Caption 29, Patricia Marti - Diversión y Ejercicio

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Doblamos un pliego de papel china naranja a la mitad

We fold a sheet of orange tissue paper in half

y volvemos a doblar a la mitad.

and we fold it in half again.

Captions 65-66, Manos a la obra - Papel picado para Día de muertos

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The Pronominal Form: Volverse

The verb, volver, also has a pronominal form: volverse, which can take on such diverse meanings as "to turn around," "to become," "to turn upside down," "to turn inside out," and "to go back," among others. Let's look at a few examples where volverse means "to become":


Porque nunca ha estudiado con niñas

Because he has never studied with girls

y como el colegio se volvió mixto, está temblando.

and since the school became mixed, he is shaking.

Caption 38, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 1

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Entonces, el asunto se vuelve más complicado.

So, the issue becomes more complicated.

Caption 32, Cuentas claras - Sobreviviendo enero

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La diferencia de edad también se puede apreciar en el pico,

The age difference can also be seen in the beak,

que también se vuelve de color más rosáceo con la edad.

which also becomes more pinkish with age.

Captions 50-51, Rosa - Laguna Fuente de Piedra

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Finally, the expression volverse loco or loca is very often used when people want to say that someone went crazy:


¿Mi hija se volvió loca, Papá?

Did my daughter go crazy, Dad?

Caption 28, Yago - 6 Mentiras

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That's all for today. We hope you liked this lesson, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions.

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