Do you know the difference between the Spanish prepositions por and para? Although both can be translated as "for" in certain instances, these two oft-confused words have different uses in Spanish and a wide variety of translations in different contexts. In the most general terms, por is used to indicate a cause or reason while para indicates a goal or purpose. If you need to learn or review the uses of por and para in greater detail, we recommend that you peruse Yabla's lesson entitled Por vs. Para: How to Use These Spanish Prepositions. Then, when you're ready, test your knowledge with this quiz!
In the following sentences, choose the preposition por or para that correctly completes each sentence.
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
Choose the correct combination of the prepositions por and para to make the sentences grammatically correct.
a. por, para
b. para, por
c. para, para
d. por, por
a. por, para
b. para, por
c. para, para
d. por, por
a. Por, por, por
b. Para, para, para
c. Por, para, para
d. Por, por, para
The following are the answers to all of the questions in this Por vs. Para Quiz as well as the translations and grammatical reasons for each.
1. Correct Answer: b. para
Las tijeras son para cortar.
The scissors are for cutting.
REASON: The Spanish preposition para is used to talk about the use of something.
2. Correct Answer: a. por
Vamos a viajar por Europa este verano.
We're going to travel in Europe this summer.
REASON: Use por when talking about approximate location.
3. Correct Answer: a. por
Yo voy al gimnasio cuatro veces por semana.
I go to the gym three times a week.
REASON: When referring to the frequency of an action, choose the preposition por. Note the alternative translation in the following example from the Yabla Spanish video library:
Serían trescientos euros por mes
It would be three hundred euros per month
Caption 55, Karla e Isabel Alquilar una habitación - Part 2
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4. Correct Answer: b. para
Noel tiene que entregar su trabajo para el lunes.
Noel has to turn in her project on Monday.
REASON: When talking about a future point in time or deadline, pick para.
5. Correct Answer: a. por
Lo hice por amor.
I did it for love.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por can be used to talk about the reason for something.
6. Correct Answer: b. para
Ellos prepararon una cena espectacular para mi familia.
They made an amazing dinner for my family.
REASON: When naming a recipient, go with para, as in the following clip:
Este libro es para ti.
This book is for you.
Caption 47, Carlos y Cyndy Uso del Voseo en Argentina
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7. Correct Answer: b. para
Para mí, Daniel es el mejor restaurante de Nueva York.
To me, Daniel is the best restaurant in New York.
REASON: Para in Spanish can be employed to express a personal opinion.
8. Correct Answer: a. por
A Guillermo le encanta caminar por la ribera.
Guillermo loves to walk along the riverbank.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por can be placed prior to place names to denote a course of movement within that location.
9. Correct Answer: b. para
Mi mamá vino para visitarme.
My mom came to visit me.
REASON: When talking about the purpose for something, opt for the preposition para.
10. Correct Answer: a. por
Nosotros solemos estar de muy mal humor por la mañana.
We tend to be in a very bad mood in the morning.
REASON: When referencing the time of day, use por.
11. Correct Answer: a. por
Juan esperó por cuatro horas en una fila para comprar las entradas.
Juan waited for in a line for four hours to buy the tickets.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por is correctly used in this sentence to describe duration, like in this similar example:
Por muchos años estuvo abandonado,
For many years, it was abandoned,
Caption 66, Amaya Teatro romano
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12. Correct answer: a. por
Orlando compró un auto nuevo por mucho dinero.
Orlando bought a new car for a lot of money.
REASON: Por should be used to speak about financial transactions.
13. Correct answer: b. para
Carla trabaja para una empresa muy famosa.
Carla works for a very famous company.
REASON: Para is the correct Spanish preposition for referring to employment.
14. Correct answer: a. por
Hay que subir por las escaleras para llegar al segundo piso
You have to go up [using/with] the stairs to get to the second floor.
REASON: Utilize por to describe the means used to do something.
15. Correct answer: a. por
El edificio fue construido por un arquitecto muy reconocido.
The building was built by a very famous architect.
REASON: In passive sentences in Spanish, the preposition por can be employed to designate who or what performed an action.
16. Correct answer: b. para
Los estudiantes van para la escuela.
The students are going to the school.
REASON: Para in Spanish can refer to the direction of or destination for some movement, as we see twice here:
Andrea, yo me voy para donde Amalia y usted salga para el hotel.
Andrea, I'll go to Amalia's and you go to the hotel.
Caption 42, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 2 - Part 9
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17. Correct answer: a. por
Por lo que veo, ella está enferma y no va a poder venir.
From what I can see, she's sick and isn't going to be able to come.
REASON: Por is the correct Spanish preposition for providing evidence that is used to form a conclusion.
18. Correct answer: a. por, para
Liliana está estudiando por cinco horas cada día para su examen.
Liliana is studying for five hours a day for her test.
REASON: Despite the fact that both por and para are translated into English as "for" in this sentence, it is necessary to choose por in Spanish to denote duration and para to state an objective.
19. Correct answer: b. para, por
El libro que compré para mi mamá fue escrito por su autor favorito.
The book that I bought for my mom was written by her favorite author.
REASON: Here, the word para refers to a recipient while por points to the agent of an action in a passive sentence.
20. Correct answer: d. por, por, para
Por la tarde, me gusta caminar por mi barrio para relajarme.
In the evening, I like to walk around my neighborhood in order to relax.
REASON: In this sentence, por refers to the time of day as well as a general location, and para states a purpose.
That's all for this quiz on the Spanish prepositions por vs. para. We hope you did well! For more on this topic, be sure to check out Yabla's three-part video series, Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' , and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Just like any other language, Spanish has adopted many words from different languages and cultures. These words are known in Spanish as extranjerismos, a term that comes from the word extranjero (foreign). That said, let's take a look at some of the most common words in Spanish that come from other languages.
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Spanish language adopted several Arabic words. Let's see some of them:
Soy Miguel Ángel Herrera, alcalde de Genalguacil,
I'm Miguel Angel Herrera, mayor of Genalguacil,
Captions 2-3, Viajando con Fermín Genalguacil - Part 2
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el álgebra, que estudia las estructuras abstractas,
algebra, which studies abstract structures,
Captions 48-49, Carlos explica Vocabulario de las matemáticas - Part 1
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con media taza de azúcar
with half a cup of sugar,
Caption 25, Ana Carolina Ponche navideño
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aprendí a tocar la guitarra de una manera diferente
I learned to play the guitar in a different manner
Caption 55, Luis Guitarra Influencias musicales - Part 1
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saben a naranja.
taste like orange.
Caption 34, Ariana Cita médica
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If you hear the way Ariana pronounces the word naranja, you can notice the strong sound of the letter "j," which is a sound that the Spanish language took from the Arabic language.
Just like in the English language, Spanish has also adopted many words derived from French. Let's see some of the most popular ones:
hasta lo que hoy es conocido como el Bulevar donostiarra,
to what is known today as the "Bulevar donostiarra" [Donostiarra Boulevard]
Caption 28, Días festivos La Tamborrada de San Sebastián
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que Amalia se quedó con él y con el chofer, ¿sí?
because Amalia stayed with him and with the driver, right?
Caption 28, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 2 - Part 9
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unas estructuras de poder muy basadas en la élite, en la exclusión.
some power structures [that were] very based on the elite, on exclusion.
Caption 12, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar Capítulo 1 - Part 1
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Many words from various indigenous Latin American cultures were incorporated into the Spanish language after the arrival of the Spaniards to the Americas. The following are some of the most popular words:
Ellos jugaban con una pelota de caucho
They played with a rubber ball
Caption 85, Guillermo el chamán La cosmología de los mayas
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guitarra, cuatro, güiro, maraca, bongo,
guitar, cuatro, güiro, maraca, bongo [drum],
Caption 32, Sonido Babel La plena de Puerto Rico
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En los Andes se usa mucha papa y muchas cremas.
In the Andes, many potatoes are used and many creams.
Captions 75-76, Recetas de cocina Papa a la Huancaína
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¿Qué es realmente el tomate?
What really is the tomato?
Caption 30, Fermín Ensalada de tomate
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Many Italian words made their way into the Spanish language during the Renaissance. Let's check out two of them:
Tomo unos mates en el balcón
I have some servings of mate on the balcony
Caption 7, GoSpanish La rutina diaria de Sol
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basada en una novela de Paul van Loon
based on a novel by Paul van Loon
Caption 4, Europa Abierta Fucsia la pequeña bruja
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And last but not least, we have extranjerismos that come from the English language. Here a few:
que hagan un perímetro por dentro y por fuera del club, vaya.
that they should surround us inside and outside the club, come on.
Caption 13, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 5 - Part 12
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El fútbol es un deporte que fue inventado en Inglaterra
Soccer is a sport that was invented in England
Caption 8, Sergio El fútbol en España
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In this translation, we used the word "soccer" instead of "football." However, the Spanish word comes from the original British term "football."
La India Catalina era la líder de la tribu indígena que habitó en la ciudad, anteriormente llamada la Isla Calamarí.
India Catalina was the leader of the indigenous tribe who inhabited the city, previously called Calamari Island.
Captions 26-27, Viajando en Colombia Cartagena en coche - Part 3
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una ciudad cosmopolita, luminosa y que pone al servicio del turista una amplia variedad de infraestructuras.
a cosmopolitan, luminous city that puts at the service of the tourist a wide variety of infrastructures.
Captions 10-11, Málaga Semana Santa
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That's all for this lesson. We hope you enjoyed this list of foreign-influenced words in Spanish. Can you think of any additional extranjerismos in Spanish? Don't forget to let us know with your comments and suggestions. ¡Hasta la próxima!