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Words That Start with Y in Spanish

Although there aren't many words that start with the letter Y in Spanish, this letter is quite important, particularly if we think in terms of the conjunction and pronoun that are formed with it. Let's hear some clips from our popular beginner series Conversaciones en el parque:


The conjunction y (and) 


Sí, a mí me gustan las plantas y las flores y los árboles.

Yes, I like the plants and the flowers and the trees.

Captions 12-13, Conversaciones en el parque - Cap. 5: Me gusta mucho este parque.

 Play Caption


The pronoun yo (I)


Yo tengo dos naranjas.

I have two oranges.

Caption 29, Conversaciones en el parque - Cap. 5: Me gusta mucho este parque.

 Play Caption


Aside from these two important uses, there are a few additional words in Spanish that start with Y, and we will mention some of the most common. First, however, let's learn a couple of things about the letter Y in Spanish.


Names for and Pronunciation of the Letter Y in Spanish

The letter Y is the 26th letter of the Spanish alphabet and has two names: "i griega," which literally means "Greek i," and "ye."


In terms of pronunciation, the letter "Y" in Spanish has the same sound as the vowel "I" when it stands alone, as in the conjunction y, or at the end of a word, following another vowel. Let's hear this in a few clips:


Como veis, estoy rodeada de paja, ¿vale?

As you can see, I'm surrounded by straw, right?

Caption 5, Amaya - Donkey Dreamland

 Play Caption


se siente muy enfadada, muy enojada,

they feel very angry, very mad,

Caption 25, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Frases hechas

 Play Caption


o a la palabra "Uruguay".

or in the word "Uruguay."

En ese caso, la "i griega" del final hace las veces de una vocal "i".

In that case, the letter "y" at the end acts as an "i" vowel.

Captions 27-28, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato

 Play Caption


For all other instances, the letter Y adopts the consonant sound you can hear in the following words:


cuando el ciclista cayó al asfalto.

when the cyclist fell on the asphalt.

Caption 72, Carlos explica - Vocabulario de las matemáticas

 Play Caption


la papaya,


Caption 40, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de colores

 Play Caption


¿Estás de acuerdo con Susana

Do you agree with Susana

en que el video apoya las conversaciones de paz?

that the video supports the peace talks?

Caption 27, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 9

 Play Caption


Now that we know its names and pronunciation, let's dive into our list of words in Spanish that start with the letter Y.


Common Words in Spanish that Start with Y


ya (already)

Right behind the conjunction y and the pronoun yo, this adverb is probably one of the most frequently used words that start with Y in Spanish. 


ya es un gran logro personal.

it's already a great personal achievement.

Caption 52, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones

 Play Caption


yacimiento (site)


empezaron a excavar y encontraron este gran yacimiento.

they began to excavate and found this great site.

Caption 59, Amaya - Teatro romano

 Play Caption


yanqui (Yankee)


contra siglos de explotación por el imperialismo yanqui.

against centuries of exploitation by Yankee imperialism.

Caption 2, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar - Capítulo 1

 Play Caption


yate (yatch)


Me he comprado un yate.

I've bought myself a yacht.

Caption 23, Clase Aula Azul - La segunda condicional

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yegua (mare)


también una yegua

a mare as well,

Caption 34, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba

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yema (yolk)


Así separamos la clara de la yema.

This is how we separate the white from the yolk.

Caption 52, El Aula Azul - Receta de natillas

 Play Caption


yerba (herb, grass)

Keep in mind that this word can also be written with "h" (hierba).


Y me pidió mate de bombilla

And he asked me for mate with a bombilla

y no tengo yerba.

and I don't have the [mate] herb.

Caption 50, Yago - 5 La ciudad

 Play Caption


yerno (son-in-law)


Es el yerno de mi abuelo Juan.

He's my Grandpa Juan's son-in-law.

Caption 15, Curso de español - ¿Qué relación hay entre ellos?

 Play Caption


yeso (cast or plaster)


sin tener que poner un yeso

without having to put on a cast

o algo que le limite mucho más.

or something that would limit him much more.

Caption 46, Los médicos explican - El tratamiento de las fracturas

 Play Caption


cuatro ladrillos de esos estuvieran pegados con yeso.

four of those bricks were glued with plaster.

Caption 55, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar - Capítulo 2

 Play Caption


yoyó or yoyo (yo-yo)


Me creen. Me creen. Me creen un yoyó.

They believe me. They believe me. They believe I am a yo-yo.

Me tienen pa'rriba y pa'bajo.

They've got me [going] up and down.

Captions 68-69, Muñeca Brava - 7 El poema

 Play Caption


yoga (yoga)


Cuando trabajamos en yoga las posturas,

When we work in yoga, on the postures,

Caption 5, Ana Teresa - El yoga y la columna vertebral

 Play Caption


yogur (yogurt)


Me encanta comer cereal con yogur de cerezas. -OK.

I love to eat cereal with cherry yogurt. -OK.

Caption 15, Carlos y Xavi - Diferencia de pronunciación entre España y Colombia

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yuca (yucca)


La yuca es una raíz... que crece en la selva,

Yucca is a root... that grows in the jungle,

Caption 66, Otavalo - Julia nos muestra las verduras

 Play Caption


In addition to these words, there are other Spanish words of foreign origin that start with the letter Y, such as yen (yen), yudo (judo), and yihad (jihad), just to name a few. And let's not forget one word that is hopefully helping you a lot with your Spanish: Yabla!


With this last familiar word, we have come to the end of this lesson. Did we leave out any important Spanish words that start with the letter Y? If so, please let us know so we can add them to this list... and don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments.


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Spanish Alphabet Quiz

How well do you know the Spanish alphabet? If you want to test your knowledge, we would like to invite you to take this short Spanish alphabet quiz. Are you ready? Let's go!


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: The Basics


1. How many letters does the Spanish alphabet have?

a. 26

b. 27

c. 28

d. 29


2. How do you spell the word "alphabet" in Spanish?

a. alphabeto

b. alfagamo

c. alfabeto

d. alfabedario


3. Which of the following is another valid term for "the alphabet" in Spanish?

a. el abeceto

b. el abecedario

c. el abracadario

d. none of the above


4. Which of the following consonants is known as the "Greek i"?

a. x

b. w

c. y

d. j


If you want the answers to the previous four questions, please check out our lesson about the Spanish alphabet. Don't worry— we will also give you all of the answers to this quiz at the end of this lesson!


5. How many vowels are there in the Spanish alphabet?

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7


6. How many vocales abiertas (strong vowels) are there in the Spanish alphabet?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5


For the answers to these two questions, please refer to our lesson on the Spanish vowels.


7. Which of the following is NOT a valid term for the letter "w" in Spanish?

a. uve doble

b. doble u

c. ve doble

d. They are all valid.


To find out, please see our lesson entitled 15 Spanish Words That Start With W.


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: Spelling and Pronunciation


8. The name of which of the following animals starts with the letter "c" in Spanish?

a. snake

b. frog

c. zebra

d. octopus


For a very helpful hint, listen to the description that animal that Ester provides:


Tiene cuatro patas y una crin, [adivinanzas] pero es diferente al caballo porque tiene rayas blancas y negras.

It has four legs and a mane, [riddles] but it's different from the horse because it has black and white stripes.

Captions 5-7, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1

 Play Caption


9. The double form of which of the following consonants becomes a different Spanish letter with a different sound?

a. m

b.  r

c. p

d. s


Find out the answer in this lesson.


10. Which of the following consonants is pronounced differently in Spain versus Latin America?

a. p

b. r

c. n

d. c


If you're not sure, feel free to consult our lesson about the main differences between Castilian and Latin American Spanish.


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: The Answers

And now, as promised, the following are the answers to all of the questions in this Spanish alphabet quiz:


1. How many letters does the Spanish alphabet have? b. 27

2. How do you spell the word "alphabet" in Spanish? c. alfabeto

3. Which of the following is another valid term for "the alphabet" in Spanish? b. el abecedario

4. Which of the following consonants is known as the "Greek i"? c. y

5. How many vowels are there in the Spanish alphabet? b. 5

6. How many vocales abiertas (strong vowels) are there in the Spanish alphabet? b. 3 (a, e and o)

7. Which of the following is NOT a valid term for the letter "w" in Spanish? d. They are all valid. 

8. The name of which of the following animals starts with the letter "c" in Spanish? c. Zebra in Spanish is cebra.

9. The double form of which of the following consonants becomes a different Spanish letter with a different sound? b. the consonant "r," as in the word perro (dog)

10. Which of the following consonants is pronounced differently in Spain versus Latin America? d. the consonant "c"


Regarding that last answer, let's see this difference in action with the following clip featuring Carlos from Colombia and Xavi from Spain:


Me encanta comer cereal con yogur de cerezas. Me encanta comer cereal con yogur de cerezas. -OK.

I love to eat cereal with cherry yogurt. I love to eat cereal with cherry yogurt. -OK.

Captions 14-15, Carlos y Xavi Diferencia de pronunciación entre España y Colombia - Part 2

 Play Caption


That's all for this lesson. How many answers did you get right?! We hope you've enjoyed this Spanish alphabet quiz, and don't forget to write us with your questions or comments.