Are you familiar with the names of animals in Spanish? Do you know the Spanish equivalents of nouns like "dog," "lion," or "chicken"? Do you know the words for farm animals in Spanish? What about the names of wild animals in Spanish? If you need to improve your vocabulary on these topics, please feel free to explore the following list of animals in Spanish!
As you read along, keep in mind that while this list is in alphabetical order, not all of the letters appear since they don't all correspond with the names of the well-known animals in Spanish that we opted to include. We have additionally added some video clips that will help you to hear how to say the names of most of the animals on this list.
Las abejas reinas vuelan,
The queen bees fly around,
Caption 34, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 6
Play Caption
*Note: "abeja" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the bee" in singular form.
Veamos un ejemplo más
Let's see another example
utilizando otra palabra femenina singular
using another feminine singular word
que inicia con "a" tónica:
that begins with a stressed "a":
"águila" [eagle].
Captions 38-41, Carlos explica - Los artículos en español
Play Caption
*Note: Although "águila" is feminine, it uses "el" due to the stressed "a" at the beginning, so it's "el águila" in singular.
Una boa, una anaconda, ¡ay no!
A boa, an anaconda, oh, no!
Caption 49, Cleer y Lida - Juego de preguntas y respuestas
Play Caption
*Note: "anaconda" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the anaconda" in singular form.
Llegó la araña que el idioma daña
It's arrived, the spider that damages the language
Caption 53, Calle 13 - Tango del pecado
Play Caption
Y la pobre ardilla cayó muerta.
And the poor squirrel dropped dead.
Caption 48, Cleer - El cuento de los cuatro hermanos
Play Caption
*Note: "ardilla" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the squirrel" in singular form.
Although there are many more animals in Spanish that start with the letter a, we would like to stop here with two more animals: armadillo (armadillo) and avestruz (ostrich). Both of them are masculine nouns, so we use "el" for "the armadillo" and "the ostrich."
¡La ballena! -¡La ballena!
The whale! -The whale!
Caption 9, Guillermina y Candelario - La competencia de baile
Play Caption
el búfalo,
the buffalo,
Caption 20, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
El Quebrantahuesos
The Bearded Vulture [the name in Spanish means "shatter bones"]
es un buitre excepcionalmente distinto
is an exceptionally distinct vulture
Caption 20, Club de las ideas - Batería de breves
Play Caption
*Note: "buitre" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the vulture" in singular form.
también tienen hiato palabras como "cohete" o "búho".
words like "cohete" [rocket] or "búho" [owl] also have a hiatus.
Caption 42, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato
Play Caption
*Note: "búho" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the owl" in singular form.
porque es el burro más simpático
because he's the nicest donkey
que os vais a encontrar en vuestra vida.
that you're going to encounter in your life.
Captions 38-39, Amaya - El burrito Luz
Play Caption
Que el buey solo bien se lava.
That the ox alone washes itself well.
Caption 49, Yago - 12 Fianza
Play Caption
The letter c is quite generous in terms of names of animals in Spanish. Let's look at several of them.
Algunos ejemplos de palabras con dígrafos
Some examples of words with digraphs
incluyen las palabras "caballo".
include the words "caballo" [horse].
Caption 39, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 3: La división en sílabas
Play Caption
*Note: "caballo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the horse" in singular form.
Productos típicos de la zona
Typical products of the area
son el queso de cabra y el aceite de oliva.
are goat cheese and olive oil.
Captions 74-76, Rosa - Antequera, Málaga
Play Caption
*Note: "cabra" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the goat" in singular form.
que ha sido seleccionada desde cachorro
who has been selected since she was a puppy
para ayudar a personas que lo necesitan.
to help people who need it.
Captions 52-53, Isabel Lavesa - Terapia asistida con animales
Play Caption
*Note: "cachorro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the puppy" in singular form.
¿Es un cangrejo?
Is it a crab?
Caption 29, Guillermina y Candelario - Un marciano en la playa
Play Caption
*Note: "cangrejo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the crab" in singular form.*
¡Nuestro continente con forma de camello!
Our continent in the shape of a camel!
Caption 25, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 12
Play Caption
*Note: "camello" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the camel" in singular form.
Y... Es muy famoso porque tiene canguros
And... It's very famous because it has kangaroos
Caption 27, El Aula Azul - Piensa rápido - Part 2
Play Caption
*Note: "canguro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the kangaroo" in singular form.
Es que el caracol se mueve como un gusanito
It's just that the snail moves like a worm
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Casa de Muñecas
Play Caption
La cebra.
The zebra.
Caption 17, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1
Play Caption
el cerdo,
the pig,
Caption 13, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
There are multiple names for some animals in Spanish, which is the case of the pig. Some alternative terms include chancho, puerco and marrano.
pero puede cazar incluso un ciervo.
but it can even hunt a deer.
Caption 68, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2
Play Caption
*Note: "ciervo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the deer" in singular form.
Sí! El cocodrilo.
Yes! The crocodile.
Caption 39, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2
Play Caption
"compás" o "colibrí".
"compás" [compass] or "colibrí" [hummingbird].
Caption 30, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 4: Clasificación de las palabras según el acento
Play Caption
*Note: "colibrí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the hummingbird" in singular form.
Ustedes saben que el cóndor
You know that the condor
Caption 33, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín - Virginia y el cóndor
Play Caption
tengo a otro perro y un conejo.
I have another dog, and a rabbit.
Caption 8, Amaya - Apertura del refugio
Play Caption
*Note: "conejo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the rabbit" in singular form.
Esa cucaracha, la aplasto yo.
I´ll crush that cockroach.
Caption 27, Muñeca Brava 2 Venganza - Part 7
Play Caption
*Note: "cucaracha" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the cockroach" in singular form.
*Note: "dragón" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the dragon" in singular form.
Es que el delfín era muy fuerte.
It's just that the dolphin was very strong.
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - El Festival de Verano
Play Caption
*Note: "dromedario" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the dromedary" in singular form.
un elefante,
an elephant,
Caption 29, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
*Note: "elefante" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the elephant" in singular form.
y dejaría de ser una estrella de mar.
and it wouldn't be a starfish anymore.
Caption 42, Guillermina y Candelario - Un regalo de Estrellas
Play Caption
*Note: "estrella" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the starfish" in singular form.
un flamenco,
a flamingo,
Caption 30, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
*Note: "flamenco" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the flamingo" in singular form.
siete, la foca,
seven, the seal,
Caption 17, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
la gallina,
the hen,
Caption 11, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "ganso" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the goose" in singular form.
"...el gato,..."
"...el gato" [the cat]...
Caption 8, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 3
Play Caption
By the way, if you like cats, we would like to invite you to take a look at one of our more popular series: Fermín y los gatos!
uno, el gorila,
one, the gorilla,
Caption 11, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
No matamos a ningún gusano.
We didn't kill any worm.
Caption 48, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Frases hechas
Play Caption
*Note: "gusano" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the worm" in singular form.
Por ejemplo, no el hámster,
For example, not "el hámster" [the hamster],
Caption 51, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 4
Play Caption
la hiena,
the hyena,
Caption 24, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
un hipopótamo,
a hippopotamus,
Caption 27, Aprendiendo con Silvia Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "hipopótamo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the hippopotamus" in singular form.
"Iguana" [Iguana].
Caption 17, Español para principiantes - Las vocales
Play Caption
*Note: "iguana" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the iguana" in singular form.
Y un día nos sorprendió un jabalí.
And one day, a wild boar surprised us.
Caption 53, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Recuerdos de infancia
Play Caption
*Note: "jabalí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the boar" in singular form.
y una jirafa.
and a giraffe.
Caption 31, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "jirafa" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the giraffe" in singular form.
*Note: "koala" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the koala" in singular form.
El león.
The lion.
Caption 31, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1
Play Caption
el cachorrito de leopardo
the leopard cub
Caption 31, Animales en familia - Un día en Bioparc: Cachorro de leopardo
Play Caption
*Note: "leopardo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the leopard" in singular form.
Yo quiero un lobo domesticado
I want a domesticated wolf
Caption 8, Shakira - Loba
Play Caption
*Note: "lobo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the wolf" in singular form.
el loro,
the parrot,
Caption 7, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "manatí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the manatee" in singular form.
Ya a continuación tenemos el mapache sudamericano.
Next, we have the South American raccoon.
Caption 23, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba
Play Caption
Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,
Dream butterfly, you look like my soul,
Caption 18, Chus recita poemas - Neruda y Pizarnik
Play Caption
*Note: "mariposa" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the butterfly" in singular form.
La Medusa.
The Jellyfish.
Caption 18, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 2
Play Caption
un mono,
a monkey,
Caption 28, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "mono" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the monkey" in singular form.
podría ser la mosca verde de la carne
could be the green flesh fly
Caption 34, Estepona - Orquidario
Play Caption
La palabra más larga es murciélago. ¿Por qué? Pues porque tiene las cinco vocales dentro de la palabra.
The longest word is bat. Why? Well because it has the five vowels within the word.
Captions 43-45, Karla e Isabel Palabras
Play Caption
*Note: "murciélago" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the bat" in singular form.
*Note: "narval" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the narwhal" in singular form.
*Note: "nutria" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the otter" in singular form.
*Note: "ñandú" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the rheas" in singular form.
cuatro, el oso gris,
four, the grey bear,
Caption 14, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
¿Qué crees que pasaba antes de que la oveja empezara a tejer?
What do you think was happening before the sheep began to knit?
Caption 42, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
el pájaro,
the bird,
Caption 16, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
También es el color de la pantera de los dibujos animados
It's also the color of the cartoon panther
Caption 37, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de colores - Part 1
Play Caption
el pato,
the duck,
Caption 9, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
el pavo,
the turkey,
Caption 10, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
Sí, mi amigo el pelícano nos ayudó.
Yes, my friend the pelican helped us.
Caption 36, Guillermina y Candelario El Gran Descubrimiento
Play Caption
tres, el perro,
three, the dog,
Caption 13, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
¡Es un pez! -¡Un pez mágico!
It's a fish! -A magic fish!
Caption 37, Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico
Play Caption
*Note: "pez" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the fish" in singular form.
¿Un pingüino?
A penguin?
Caption 19, Guillermina y Candelario - Nuestro Amigo Pinguino
Play Caption
*Note: "pingüino" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the penguin" in singular form
el pollo,
the chicken,
Caption 12, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
¡El pulpo!
The Octopus!
Caption 26, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 4: Sam busca un trabajo
Play Caption
Seguro que canta como una rana.
I'm sure she sings like a frog.
Caption 20, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 5
Play Caption
*Note: "rana" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the frog" in singular form.
¡Eso es para que aprenda a respetar a mi hermana,
That is for you to learn to respect my sister,
rata de alcantarilla!
sewer rat!
Caption 11, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 4
Play Caption
*Note: "rata" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the rat" in singular form.
¡Un ratón!
A mouse!
Caption 76, NPS No puede ser - 1 - El concurso
Play Caption
*Note: "ratón" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the mouse" in singular form.
el rinoceronte,
the rhinoceros,
Caption 19, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
¿Por qué el sapo va agarrado a un globo?
Why is the toad holding on to a balloon?
Caption 14, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
la serpiente,
the snake,
Caption 27, Graciela Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "serpiente" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the snake" in singular form.
El tiburón ballena, que es el más grande de todos,
The whale shark, which is the biggest of them all,
sólo come plancton.
only eats plankton.
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Lleva
Play Caption
el tigre,
the tiger,
Caption 23, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
el toro,
the bull,
Caption 8, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
Yo estaba cansada y me senté en la tortuga de mar.
I was tired and sat down on the sea turtle.
Caption 13, Guillermina y Candelario - La Abuela Marina
Play Caption
un tucán,
a toucan,
Caption 26, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "tucán" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the toucan" in singular form.
y diez, la vaca.
and ten, the cow.
Caption 20, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
también una yegua
a mare as well,
Caption 34, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba
Play Caption
*Note: "yegua" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the mare" in singular form.
Observa detenidamente al zorro
Observe carefully the fox
Caption 37, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 5
Play Caption
*Note: "zorro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the fox" in singular form.
And that's all for our list of animals in Spanish. Do you know more animals in Spanish that you think we should include in this list? If so, don't hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments!
Today's lesson will examine Yabla's "Top 12" picks for the most useful verbs for having a conversation in Spanish. This time, we'll focus on the meanings of those verbs as well as giving you a lot of simple, conversational examples from Yabla's Spanish video library. Additionally, we'll provide you with conjugation tables for the "Top 3" most useful Spanish tenses: the simple present, the imperfect (which describes ongoing or continuous past actions), and the preterite (which describes completed past actions).
In addition to the aforementioned links, you can consult this lesson entitled Spanish Verb Tenses Explained if you need to brush up on those tenses and more! Although memorizing all of these conjugations might seem a bit intimidating, it could really help your ability to converse in Spanish.
The fact that there are two verbs that mean "to be" in Spanish, ser and estar, can feel quite confusing for non-native speakers. Generally speaking, the verb ser is employed to describe more permanent characteristics. The acronym DOCTOR (description, occupation, condition, time, origin, relationship) is very useful for helping us to remember some of the many situations in which this verb is used. Let's take a look at how this verb is conjugated as well as some examples:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | soy | era | fui |
Tú | eres | eras | fuiste |
Él, ella, usted | es | era | fue |
Nosotros, nosotras | somos | éramos | fuimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | sois | erais | fuisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | son | eran | fueron |
Soy profesor de fotografía.
I'm a photography teacher.
Caption 13, 75 minutos - Gangas para ricos - Part 5
Play Caption
Sus cuadros eran muy extraños.
His paintings were very strange.
Caption 25, El Aula Azul - Adivina personajes históricos
Play Caption
También fuimos parte de todas estas, eh... mega empresas, pero...
We were also part of all these, um... mega companies, but...
Caption 22, Doctor Krápula - Entrevista
Play Caption
Notably, although ser usually denotes permanence, while the preterite tense denotes that something had a definite ending point, the verb ser is used in the preterite to describe something that "was" in the past, but did come to a conclusive end.
The verb estar also means "to be" for traits that are variable/less permanent. The acronym PLACE (position, location, action, condition, emotion) might help you to remember some contexts in which the verb estar should be chosen. Let's take a look:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | estoy | estaba | estuve |
Tú | estás | estabas | estuviste |
Él, ella, usted | está | estaba | estuvo |
Nosotros, nosotras | estamos | estábamos | estuvimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | estáis | estabais | estuvisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | están | estaban | estuverion |
Sí... Vale, entonces, estamos aquí.
Yes... OK, then, we're here.
Caption 6, Curso de español - Disculpe, ¿hay un cine por aquí?
Play Caption
Un poquito y ajá, y estaba triste porque
A little bit, and uh-huh, and I was sad because
dejaba mi familia y eso y ya.
I was leaving my family and all that and that's it.
Caption 70, Cleer - Entrevista a Lila
Play Caption
Los árabes estuvieron en España más de seiscientos años.
The Arabs were in Spain for more than six hundred years.
Caption 23, Rosa - Antequera, Málaga
Play Caption
Be sure to check out this lesson if you want to learn more about the difference between ser and estar.
The verb tener means "to have" in Spanish. Let's take a closer look:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | tengo | tenía | tuve |
Tú | tienes | tenías | tuviste |
Él, ella, usted | tiene | tenía | tuvo |
Nosotros, nosotras | tenemos | teníamos | tuvimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | tenéis | teníais | tuvisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | tienen | tenían | tuvieron |
¿Tienes plumones y tijeras?
You have markers and scissors?
Sí, tengo plumones y tijeras,
Yes, I have markers and scissors,
pero no tengo mi teléfono.
but I don't have my phone.
Captions 20-22, Conversaciones en el parque - Cap. 1: No tengo mi teléfono.
Play Caption
Tenían mi mochila en la Oficina de Objetos Perdidos.
They had my backpack in the Lost and Found.
Caption 44, Raquel - Oficina de objetos perdidos
Play Caption
La noche anterior a la rumba, tuve otro sueño.
The night before going out on the town, I had another dream.
Caption 1, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 7
Play Caption
Additionally, we invite you to explore some of the many idiomatic expressions with the verb tener.
And, we'll just take a second to mention that if you throw in the word que after the verb tener plus a verb's infinitive ("to" form), you'll have the very useful Spanish construction tener que that means, "to have to" (do something):
Hoy tengo que trabajar.
Today I have to work.
Caption 74, 75 minutos - Gangas para ricos - Part 14
Play Caption
Tuvimos que trasladarnos a esta nueva ciudad.
We had to move to this new city.
Caption 39, Ciudad de Panamá - Denisse introduce la ciudad
Play Caption
The Spanish verb hacer can mean either "to make" or "to do." But, not to fear— typically, the context will let you know quite clearly which meaning is intended.
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | hago | hacía | hice |
Tú | haces | hacías | hiciste |
Él, ella, usted | hace | hacía | hizo |
Nosotros, nosotras | hacemos | hacíamos | hicimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | hacéis | hacíais | hicisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hacen | hacían | hicieron |
Y ¿tú qué haces?
And what are you doing?
Caption 24, Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico
Play Caption
Y yo no hacía esto. Yo hago otro acto, que es con las motos.
And I didn't do this. I do another act, which is with motorcycles.
Caption 35, Rueda de la muerte - Parte 1
Play Caption
También hizo alguna película.
He also made a movie.
Caption 28, El Aula Azul - Adivina personajes históricos
Play Caption
The Spanish verb ir means "to go." Let's check out some of its conjugations and uses:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | voy | iba | fui |
Tú | vas | ibas | fuiste |
Él, ella, usted | va | iba | fue |
Nosotros, nosotras | vamos | íbamos | fuimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | vais | ibais | fuisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | van | iban | fueron |
Voy a la piscina los lunes y los miércoles.
I go to the pool on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Caption 7, Ariana - Mi Semana
Play Caption
Iba mucho con mi padre al campo.
I used to go with my father to the countryside a lot.
Caption 56, 75 minutos - Del campo a la mesa - Part 10
Play Caption
¿Por qué fuiste al cine?
Why did you go to the movies?
Caption 48, Carlos explica - Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para'
Play Caption
You might have noticed that the preterite form of the verb ir is conjugated in the exact same way as the verb ser. However, in most cases, context should help you to easily identify which verb is in use.
Another great "trick" to be aware of is that adding an a plus a verb's infinitive to the verb ir is a very simple way of expressing what we are "going to" do and is, thus, an alternative to the future tense. Let's take a look:
Vamos a hablar de mi familia, ¿sí?
We are going to talk about my family, OK?
Caption 2, Curso de español - Vamos a hablar de la familia
Play Caption
Porque las chicas iban a salir, para no dejarte sola.
Because the girls were going to go out, so you wouldn't be alone.
Caption 11, Muñeca Brava - 18 - La Apuesta
Play Caption
If we're going to talk about ir (to go), we'd better mention venir (to come)! Let's look:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | vengo | venía | vine |
Tú | vienes | venías | viniste |
Él, ella, usted | viene | venía | vino |
Nosotros, nosotras | venimos | veníamos | vinimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | venís | veníais | vinisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | vienen | venían | vinieron |
Yo vengo del sur de España
I come from the South of Spain
Caption 10, Carolina - Acentos
Play Caption
¿Qué venía después?
What came next?
Caption 23, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 8
Play Caption
Los otros cisnes vinieron hacia él.
The other swans came toward him.
Caption 50, Cleer - El patito feo
Play Caption
The Spanish verb decir means "to say" or "to tell."
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | digo | decía | dije |
Tú | dices | decías | dijiste |
Él, ella, usted | dice | decía | dijo |
Nosotros, nosotras | decimos | decíamos | dijimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | decís | decíais | dijisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | dicen | decían | dijeron |
Yo digo que Playa Balandra es el paraíso oficial.
I say that Balandra Beach is the official paradise.
Caption 67, Alan x el mundo - Mi playa favorita de México!
Play Caption
Pero siempre me decía: ¡Mira! Mira eso allá.
But he always used to tell me: Look! Look at that over there.
Caption 42, Federico Kauffman Doig - Arqueólogo
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Y la señorita me dijo algo completamente diferente.
And the lady told me something totally different.
Caption 45, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 5
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Since we often say or tell things "to" others, you will notice that the verb decir is quite typically accompanied by indirect object pronouns like me (to me), te (to you), etc. to indicate the person to whom something is said or told. You can learn more about this and other aspects of this verb in our lesson entitled The Spanish Verb Decir.
The verb poder means "to be able." It can be used alone to say simply "I can," "you could," etc. but is often used in conjunction with an infinitive verb to express what it is one "is able" to do. Let see it in action:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | puedo | podía | pude |
Tú | puedes | podías | pudiste |
Él, ella, usted | puede | podía | pudo |
Nosotros, nosotras | podemos | podíamos | pudimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | podéis | podíais | pudisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | pueden | podían | pudieron |
¿Puedo ver el menú por favor?
Can I see the menu please?
Caption 12, Cata y Cleer - En el restaurante
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¿Por qué las cosas no podían ser sencillas?
Why couldn't things be easy?
Caption 31, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 10
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Gracias a su cola, pudieron volar.
Thanks to its tail, you were able to fly.
Caption 49, Guillermina y Candelario - Una aventura extrema
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To learn more about the verb poder and how it is used, we recommend the following lesson: The Verb Poder - Common Expressions.
This word means "to know," but, in its preterite form, can mean "to find out."
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | sé | sabía | supe |
Tú | sabes | sabías | supiste |
Él, ella, usted | sabe | sabía | supo |
Nosotros, nosotras | sabemos | sabíamos | supimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | sabéis | sabíais | supisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | saben | sabían | supieron |
Pero no sé dónde!
But I don't know where!
Caption 28, NPS No puede ser - 1 - El concurso
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No sabía qué decirle.
I didn't know what to say to her.
Caption 12, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 1
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Nunca supe la verdad
I never found out the truth
Caption 2, Aleks Syntek - Intocable
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If we're going to converse in Spanish, we had better be able to say what we "want"! The verb querer can stand alone to express our desire for a particular thing or be used with an infinitive verb to say what we "want to do." Let's take a look:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | quiero | quería | quise |
Tú | quieres | querías | quisiste |
Él, ella, usted | quiere | quería | quiso |
Nosotros, nosotras | queremos | queríamos | quisimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | queréis | queríais | quisisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | quieren | querían | quisieron |
Porque realmente quiero mi propio baño.
Because I really want my own bathroom.
Caption 37, Cleer y Lida - Reservando una habitación
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Y algunos querían volver a su casa.
And some wanted to go back to their home.
Caption 13, Guillermina y Candelario - El mundo de los juguetes perdidos
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No me quiso decir su nombre.
She wouldn't tell me her name.
Caption 8, Yago - 14 La peruana
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Keep in mind that when the verb querer is used with no in the preterite, it can convey the idea that someone "wouldn't" do something or "refused to."
One more important aspect of the Spanish verb querer is that, when speaking about actions that we "want" others to do or that we "want" to happen, the subjunctive form of the verb that follows is required (vuelvas instead of vuelves in the following example):
Quiero que... que vuelvas a New York.
I want for... for you to come back to New York.
Caption 23, Yago - 11 Prisión
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The Spanish verb dar means "to give." Let's look at some of its forms and examples:
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | doy | daba | di |
Tú | das | dabas | diste |
Él, ella, usted | da | daba | dio |
Nosotros, nosotras | damos | dábamos | dimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | dais | dabais | disteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | dan | daban | dieron |
Yo doy agua a mi gato.
I give water to my cat.
Caption 14, Lecciones con Carolina - Verbo - dar
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Adriana Espinel siempre daba unas respuestas tan profundas.
Adriana Espinel always gave such deep answers.
Caption 72, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 4
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Eh... Mi asistente me dio sus datos.
Um... My assistant gave me your information.
Caption 39, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 1
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Like the verb decir, the verb dar is often accompanied by indirect object pronouns to highlight the person to whom something is given.
And, to conclude our list of the Top 12 Spanish verbs for carrying on a conversation, we thought it would be a good idea to give you a verb to describe the things you observe!
Personal Pronoun | Present | Imperfect | Preterite |
Yo | veo | veía | vi |
Tú | ves | veías | viste |
Él, ella, usted | ve | veía | vio |
Nosotros, nosotras | vemos | veíamos | vimos |
Vosotros, vosotras | veis | veíais | visteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | ven | veían | vieron |
Eh... ¿Cómo veo la vida?
Um... How do I see life?
Caption 79, Adícora, Venezuela - El tatuaje de Rosana
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¡Pero veíamos serpientes por todos lados!
But we saw snakes everywhere!
Caption 41, Guillermina y Candelario - La Isla de las Serpientes
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Vimos una película.
We saw a movie.
Caption 14, Zulbani - Trip to Merida
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Although it was certainly tough to narrow down the top 12 useful verbs in Spanish for carrying on a conversation, we hope you've enjoyed this lesson and that it helps you to hold a lot of stimulating conversations! Let us know with your suggestions and comments if there are any other verbs or topics you'd like to learn more about.