Have you ever noticed that there are several types of words that are capitalized in English but not in Spanish? Today's lesson will point out nine such categories where there is a discrepancy in capitalization between English and Spanish.
While the names of the days of the week must be capitalized in English, the same is not so of the days of the week in Spanish, whose first letters are lowercase. Let's take a look:
Voy a una academia de baile los martes y los jueves.
I go to a dance academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Caption 15, Ariana Mi Semana
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The same can be said for the names of the months in Spanish, which are written in all lowercase letters in contrast to their capitalized English counterparts. This is demonstrated in the following clip:
sobre todo en los meses de diciembre, enero, febrero e incluso en mayo.
especially in the months of December, January, February, and even in May.
Caption 27, Mercado de San Miguel Misael
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Although English capitalizes the names of languages, Spanish does not:
Bueno, yo hablo español, inglés y estoy aprendiendo alemán.
Well, I speak Spanish, English, and I'm learning German.
Captions 19-20, Cleer y Lida ¿Qué idiomas hablas?
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Words that refer to someone or something's nationality do not start with a capital letter in Spanish as they do in English. Included in this category are both demonyms, or Spanish adjectives of nationality, and Spanish nouns that refer to the inhabitants of a particular nation. Let's see examples of each:
y puedas decir, "Este artista es colombiano, este es un artista brasilero", es decir,
and can say, "This artist is Colombian, this is a Brazilian artist," I mean,
Captions 69-70, Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori Una vida como pintor - Part 5
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Antes de la llegada de los españoles, existían cientos de diferentes culturas.
Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, there were hundreds of different cultures.
Caption 8, Historia mexicana Cultura y la unión de dos mundos
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As we see below, this group includes the names of religions, their respective adjectives, and the nouns that describe their adherents.
y que se utilizó para simbolizar el triunfo del cristianismo sobre la fe musulmana.
and was employed as a symbol of the triumph of Christianity over the Muslim faith.
Captions 61-62, Viajando con Fermín Sevilla - Part 2
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España recibió más de treinta y cinco mil judíos,
Spain received more than thirty-five thousand Jews,
Caption 27, Víctor en España El Hotel Palace de Barcelona
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When preceding a last name and/or addressing a specific person, English words like "mister" or "doctor" must be capitalized. The equivalent titles in Spanish, however, are written in all lowercase letters, as we see here:
Vamos a escuchar a la doctora Consejos y a su paciente Adrián
Let's listen to Doctor Advice and her patient Adrián
Caption 2, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: Por y para
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Por supuesto, señora Castaño.
Of course, Ms. Castaño.
Caption 24, Cleer y Lida Recepción de hotel
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In English, most of the words of the titles of original compositions like books, films, songs, articles, or works of art are capitalized, with the notable exceptions of words like prepositions and coordinating conjunctions. In Spanish, on the other hand, only the first word of a title is capitalized, for example, the famed novel Cien años de soledad, which is written in English "One Hundred Years of Solitude." Let's see one more:
Para ello, el artista pintó un gran fresco titulado "El juicio final",
To do so, the artist painted a large fresco called "The Last Judgment,"
Caption 32, Aprendiendo con Carlos El microrrelato - Part 4
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All of the words of proper nouns for specific geographical place names in English, like the Andes Mountains or Lake Titicaca, must be capitalized. In Spanish, however, the first words of these proper nouns are lowercase, e.g., la cordillera de los Andes and el lago Titicaca. Let's look at more examples:
y es atravesada por el río Cauca.
and is crossed by the Cauca River.
Caption 17, Viajando con Carlos Popayán - Colombia - Part 1
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en el océano Pacífico y en el mar Caribe.
in the Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea.
Caption 46, Instinto de conservación Parque Tayrona - Part 4
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Although the first person singular personal pronoun "I" is always written with a capital letter in English, its Spanish equivalent yo is not, as we can see here:
No, pueden llorar, pero yo tengo que trabajar.
No, you can cry, but I have to work.
Caption 9, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 2 - Part 8
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That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped to clarify several of the classes of words that should not be capitalized in Spanish, some of which might seem a bit counterintuitive to English speakers. Can you think of any additional cases in which Spanish and English capitalization are different? Feel free to write us with any questions or comments.
You may have learned that the Spanish word que without an accent most commonly means "that," while its accented version qué tends to function like the English word "what" within questions. However, since both versions of que in Spanish can be employed as different parts of speech and within different constructions, with varying English translations, today's lesson will lay out many of these with plenty of examples from the Yabla Spanish library.
In this usage, que is used like "that" or "who" in English to introduce essential characteristics. Let's see some examples:
En esta aula tan solo había un chico que era español;
In this classroom, there was only one boy who was Spanish,
Caption 23, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Nacionalidades y adjetivos - Part 1
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Se lo comen todo, hasta un aceite que huele a orégano.
They eat everything, even an oil that smells like oregano.
Caption 43, Amaya Burras a dieta
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Sometimes, que functions like the English words "who," "that," or "which" to introduce additional, or nonessential, information, in which case it is typically set off by commas as in the following caption:
Así que Poeska, que es demasiado buena, optaba por irse
So Poeska, who is too nice, would choose to leave
Caption 64, Fermín y los gatos Mi gata Bimba
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This less formal use of the word que could be translated with the English words "because" or "since":
Ay, no te quejés tanto, que mañana me tenés que llevar a hacer unas vuelticas.
Oh, don't complain so much since tomorrow, you have to take me to run some errands.
Caption 4, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 2 - Part 8
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Que is often used as the Spanish equivalent of "than" for making comparisons in Spanish.
Eres más compleja que tu madre.
You're more complex than your mother.
Caption 60, Yago - 6 Mentiras - Part 5
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In this case, the word que comes between a verb and a subsequent conjecture or statement. Let's take a look:
Recuerde que todo el país tiene los ojos en usted
Remember that the whole country has its eyes on you,
Caption 62, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 5
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Y bueno, yo creo que Lukas se nos ha quedado dormido.
And well, I think Lukas has fallen asleep on us.
Caption 57, Amaya Mi camper van
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Note that while, in the first example, the word que has been translated as "that," in the second example, it has not been translated at all. This is because, although the word que is necessary in such constructions in Spanish, its English equivalent is often optional (the word "that" could also be left out of the first example). Furthermore, remember that if what follows que is a wish or desire, the next verb must be conjugated in a subjunctive tense, as follows:
No queremos que nuestra ley parezca demasiado blanda.
We don't want our law to look too lenient.
Caption 25, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 2 - Part 14
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And speaking of the subjunctive, the word que can be used along with a subjunctive verb to give the idea that one "hopes" or desires something, or in the way that English speakers use "May..."
Que descanses. -Gracias.
[I hope you] sleep well. -Thanks.
Caption 12, Yago 8 Descubrimiento - Part 3
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¡Que suenen las voces del himno nacional,
May the voices of the national anthem sound,
Caption 39, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 5 - Part 8
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There are two main uses of the word qué in Spanish with a tilde, or written accent. Let's find out what they are.
The word qué in Spanish with a written accent is the equivalent of "what" in English and appears in both direct and indirect questions, or statements that include unknown information. Let's see an example of each:
¿Y tú, Cleer, qué idiomas hablas?
And you, Cleer, what languages do you speak?
Caption 18, Cleer y Lida ¿Qué idiomas hablas?
Play Caption
porque todavía no se sabe de qué rincón o de qué carta se está hablando.
because it's still not known what corner or what letter is being spoken about.
Captions 46-47, Carlos explica Los artículos en español - Part 3
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Qué with an accent can also mean "how" or "what" within exclamations or interjections like the following:
¡Ah, qué rico!
Oh, how tasty!
Caption 40, Cleer y Lida Juego de preguntas y respuestas - Part 2
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¡Pero qué chica más inteligente!
But what a smart girl!
Caption 27, Muñeca Brava 43 La reunión - Part 5
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That's all for today. Although the many uses of the Spanish word que can feel a bit overwhelming, we hope that this lesson has clarified for you many of the major ones, and don't forget to write us with your questions or comments.