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20 Spanish Words That Start With K

How many Spanish words do you know that start with the letter K? Probably not many since there are few Spanish words that start with K, and most of them are not native to Spanish. Having said that, let's find out a bit more about the letter K in Spanish as well as learning some Spanish words that begin with it.


Some Facts about the Spanish Letter K 

The name for the Spanish letter K is ka, which sounds a bit like the English word "caw." Let's hear it pronounced:


hache, i, jota, ka,

h, i, j, k,

Caption 7, Graciela Alfabeto y formación de sílabas

 Play Caption


Although the letter K is indeed a letter in the Spanish alphabet, it was only used rarely in the Latin language from which Spanish evolved. For that reason, the equivalent of the K sound in Spanish is more commonly made with the letters C or Q, as in the following examples:


la corté!

I broke up with her!

Caption 4, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 7 - Part 7

 Play Caption


queso y aceitunas.

cheese and olives.

Caption 6, Ariana Cena especial

 Play Caption


That said, like Spanish words that start with W, most Spanish words that start with K are extranjerismos, or words that come from other languages. Today, we'll highlight 20... then mention a few more!


Spanish Words That Start with K

Below, you'll find 20 Spanish words that start with K. You will note that many of them are spelled exactly the same as or very similarly to their English counterparts. 


1. el kaleidoscopio (noun): kaleidoscope


2. el kamikaze (noun/adjective): kamikaze

Note that this word can have all of the meanings of the English noun (e.g. a suicidal pilot or driver or a kamikaze aircraft) but can also informally refer to a "speed demon." As an adjective, kamikaze can additionally be used to describe someone "reckless."


3. el kárate/karate (noun): karate

While both are valid, the accented version of the word for this Japanese martial art in Spanish is used more frequently in Spain, while the spelling/pronunciation without an accent, which we hear in the following clip, is heard more in Latin America.


Estoy haciendo unas tomas de karate

I'm doing some karate kicks.

Caption 59, Disputas La Extraña Dama - Part 9

 Play Caption


4. el karma (noun): karma


Ten cuidado con el karma 

Be careful with karma

Caption 17, Yátu Tú la quieres aplicar

 Play Caption


5. el karaoke (noun): karaoke


Una tarde de karaoke con amigos 

An afternoon of karaoke with friends

Caption 33, Ana Carolina Mejorando la pronunciación

 Play Caption


6. el kayak (noun): kayak/kayaking

El kayak in Spanish might refer to the boat or the sport. Let's see an example where it means the latter:


deportes como el velero, el kayak

sports such as sailing, kayaking,

Caption 27, Otavalo Un día en la ciudad de los lagos

 Play Caption


7. el kebab (noun): kebab


8. el kilogramo (noun): kilogram

You will note that many Spanish measurement terms start with K since they are equivalents of words from other languages from the metric system, which the vast majority of the world uses. In the metric system, weight is measured with kilograms, and, for reference, one kilogram is equal to two point two pounds. While the official name for kilograms in Spanish is kilogramos, in everyday speech, many people say simply kilos. Let's hear both versions:


lo que equivale a dos kilogramos diarios por persona y día.

which is equivalent to two kilograms daily per person per day.

Caption 17, 3R Campaña de reciclaje - Part 1

 Play Caption


pero puede pesar hasta cuatrocientos cincuenta kilos.

but it can weigh up to four hundred and fifty kilos.

Caption 11, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1

 Play Caption


9. el kilómetro (noun): kilometer

The metric system measures distance in kilometers. One kilometer is just over half a mile, or 0.62 miles, to be exact. Let's hear how the word for "kilometer" is pronounced in Spanish:


ya que hubiera destruido más de un kilómetro de franja dunar. 

since it would have destroyed more than a kilometer of the stretch of dunes.

Caption 13, Viajando con Fermín Asociación ProDunas Marbella

 Play Caption


10. el kilometraje (noun): mileage

Kilometraje would be the distance traveled... in kilometers, of course!


aunque con muy poco kilometraje

although with very low mileage,

Caption 27, Raquel y Marisa Agente del concesionario

 Play Caption


11. kilometrar (verb): to measure in kilometers


12. el kilovatio (noun): kilowatt


13. la kinesiología (noun): kinesiology/physical therapy

In addition to this word, several related Spanish words start with K, such as the nouns el/la kinesiólogo/a (kinesiologist) and la kinesioterapia (kinesiotherapy) and the adjectives kinesiológico/a (pertaining to kinesiology) and kinesioterápico (related to kinesiotherapy).


14. el kimono (noun): kimono

Like kamikaze, the word kimono was adopted from Japanese by both Spanish and English. 


15. el kiosco (noun): the kiosk 

While the alternative spelling quiosco is preferable in more formal circles, the spelling that maintains its K etymology is also accepted, as we see here:


Ya está por allí en la calle en ocho estados en su kiosco favorito. 

It's already out there on the street in eight states at your favorite magazine stand.

Caption 90, En la radio Falcón Total

 Play Caption


By the way, a person who works in a kiosk can sometimes be called un/a kiosquero/a... yet another Spanish word that can start with K! 


16. el kit (noun): kit

Like the English term, el kit in Spanish can refer to a set of items, for example, un kit de maquillaje (a makeup kit) or un kit de útiles escolares (a school supply set). 


17. el kitesurf (noun): kitesurfing


Nosotros tenemos una escuela de kitesurf,

We have a kitesurfing school,

Caption 46, Adícora, Venezuela La Posada Sea Club - Part 2

 Play Caption


18. el kiwi (noun): kiwi

Although it's obvious what el kiwi means, be sure to check out our lesson on the names of fruits in Spanish in order to learn other Spanish fruit names that are totally different from their names in English.  


19. el koala (noun): koala

While the name of this furry creature is also the same in Spanish and English, we highly recommend learning some of the other names for animals in Spanish


20. kosher (adjective): kosher


Spanish Adjectives That Start With K

You may have noticed that most of the 20 words that we have mentioned are nouns, with just one verb and a couple of adjectives. There are, however, quite a few more Spanish adjectives that start with K, most of which are related to either specific historical figures or regions. As a bonus, let's take a look at several of these. While we have provided their masculine forms, remember that Spanish adjectives must always agree in terms of number and gender with the nouns they modify.


kafkiano: related to or supporting the novelist Kafka 

kantiano: related to or supporting the philosopher Kant

kárstico: karstic, related to karst, or a type of limestone landscape

kawaití: Kawaiti (from or pertaining to Kawait)

kazajo: Kazakh (from or pertaining to Kazakhstan)

keniano: Kenyan (from or pertaining to Kenya)

kieveño: from or pertaining to Kiev, Ukraine

kirguís: Kyrgyz (from or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan)

kiribatiano: from or pertaining to Kiribati

kurdo: Kurdish (pertaining to Kurds or their language)


Interestingly, all of these adjectives above except kárstico can also function as nouns, for example, los kenianos can mean "the Kenyans" or "the Kenyan people." 

That's all for today. Can you think of any more Spanish words that begin with K? Write us with your suggestions and comments!


Animals in Spanish from A to Z

Are you familiar with the names of animals in Spanish? Do you know the Spanish equivalents of nouns like "dog," "lion," or "chicken"? Do you know the words for farm animals in Spanish? What about the names of wild animals in Spanish? If you need to improve your vocabulary on these topics, please feel free to explore the following list of animals in Spanish!


As you read along, keep in mind that while this list is in alphabetical order, not all of the letters appear since they don't all correspond with the names of the well-known animals in Spanish that we opted to include. We have additionally added some video clips that will help you to hear how to say the names of most of the animals on this list.


Animals That Start with A in Spanish


abeja (bee)

Las abejas reinas vuelan,

The queen bees fly around,

Caption 34, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 6

 Play Caption


águila (eagle)

Veamos un ejemplo más

Let's see another example

utilizando otra palabra femenina singular

using another feminine singular word

que inicia con "a" tónica:

that begins with a stressed "a":


"águila" [eagle].

Captions 38-41, Carlos explica - Los artículos en español

 Play Caption


anaconda (anaconda)

Una boa, una anaconda, ¡ay no!

A boa, an anaconda, oh, no!

Caption 49, Cleer y Lida - Juego de preguntas y respuestas

 Play Caption


araña (spider)

Llegó la araña que el idioma daña

It's arrived, the spider that damages the language

Caption 53, Calle 13 - Tango del pecado

 Play Caption


ardilla (squirrel)

Y la pobre ardilla cayó muerta.

And the poor squirrel dropped dead.

Caption 48, Cleer - El cuento de los cuatro hermanos

 Play Caption


Although there are many more animals in Spanish that start with the letter a, we would like to stop here with two more animals: armadillo (armadillo) and avestruz (ostrich).



Animals That Start with B in Spanish


ballena (whale)

¡La ballena! -¡La ballena!

The whale! -The whale!

Caption 9, Guillermina y Candelario - La competencia de baile

 Play Caption


búfalo (buffalo)

el búfalo,

the buffalo,

Caption 20, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


buitre (vulture)

El Quebrantahuesos

The Bearded Vulture [the name in Spanish means "shatter bones"]

es un buitre excepcionalmente distinto

is an exceptionally distinct vulture

Caption 20, Club de las ideas - Batería de breves

 Play Caption


búho (owl)

también tienen hiato palabras como "cohete" o "búho".

words like "cohete" [rocket] or "búho" [owl] also have a hiatus.

Caption 42, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato

 Play Caption


burro (donkey)

porque es el burro más simpático

because he's the nicest donkey

que os vais a encontrar en vuestra vida.

that you're going to encounter in your life.

Captions 38-39, Amaya - El burrito Luz

 Play Caption


buey (ox)

Que el buey solo bien se lava.

That the ox alone washes itself well.

Caption 49, Yago - 12 Fianza

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with C in Spanish


The letter c is quite generous in terms of names of animals in Spanish. Let's look at several of them.


caballo (horse)

Algunos ejemplos de palabras con dígrafos

Some examples of words with digraphs

incluyen las palabras "caballo".

include the words "caballo" [horse].

Caption 39, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 3: La división en sílabas

 Play Caption


cabra (goat)

Productos típicos de la zona

Typical products of the area

son el queso de cabra y el aceite de oliva.

are goat cheese and olive oil.

Captions 74-76, Rosa - Antequera, Málaga

 Play Caption


cachorro (puppy)

que ha sido seleccionada desde cachorro

who has been selected since she was a puppy

para ayudar a personas que lo necesitan.

to help people who need it.

Captions 52-53, Isabel Lavesa - Terapia asistida con animales

 Play Caption


cangrejo (crab)

¿Es un cangrejo?

Is it a crab?

Caption 29, Guillermina y Candelario - Un marciano en la playa

 Play Caption


camello (camel)

¡Nuestro continente con forma de camello!

Our continent in the shape of a camel!

Caption 25, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 12

 Play Caption


canguro (kangaroo)

Y... Es muy famoso porque tiene canguros

And... It's very famous because it has kangaroos

Caption 27, El Aula Azul - Piensa rápido - Part 2

 Play Caption


caracol (snail)

Es que el caracol se mueve como un gusanito

It's just that the snail moves like a worm

Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Casa de Muñecas

 Play Caption


cebra (zebra)

La cebra.

The zebra.

Caption 17, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1

 Play Caption


cerdo (pig)

el cerdo,

the pig,

Caption 13, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


There are multiple names for some animals in Spanish, which is the case of the pig. Some alternative terms include chancho, puerco and marrano.


ciervo (deer)

pero puede cazar incluso un ciervo.

but it can even hunt a deer.

Caption 68, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2

 Play Caption


cocodrilo (crocodile)

Sí! El cocodrilo.

Yes! The crocodile.

Caption 39, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2

 Play Caption


colibrí (hummingbird)

"compás" o "colibrí".

"compás" [compass] or "colibrí" [hummingbird].

Caption 30, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 4: Clasificación de las palabras según el acento

 Play Caption


cóndor (condor)

Ustedes saben que el cóndor

You know that the condor

Caption 33, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín - Virginia y el cóndor

 Play Caption


conejo (rabbit)

tengo a otro perro y un conejo.

I have another dog, and a rabbit.

Caption 8, Amaya - Apertura del refugio

 Play Caption


cucaracha (cockroach)

Esa cucaracha, la aplasto yo.

I'll crush that cockroach.

Caption 27, Muñeca Brava - 2 Venganza

 Play Caption



Animals That Start with D in Spanish


dragón de Komodo (Komodo dragon)


delfín (dolphin)

Es que el delfín era muy fuerte.

It's just that the dolphin was very strong.

Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - El Festival de Verano

 Play Caption


dromedario (dromedary)


Animals That Start with E in Spanish


elefante (elephant)

un elefante,

an elephant,

Caption 29, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones

 Play Caption


estrella de mar (starfish)

y dejaría de ser una estrella de mar.

and it wouldn't be a starfish anymore.

Caption 42, Guillermina y Candelario - Un regalo de Estrellas

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with F in Spanish


flamenco (flamingo)

un flamenco,

a flamingo,

Caption 30, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones

 Play Caption


foca (seal)

siete, la foca,

seven, the seal,

Caption 17, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with G in Spanish


gallina (hen)

la gallina,

the hen,

Caption 11, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


ganso (goose)


gato (cat)

"...el gato,..."

"...el gato" [the cat]...

Caption 8, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 3

 Play Caption


By the way, if you like cats, we would like to invite you to take a look at one of our more popular series: Fermín y los gatos!


gorila (gorilla)

uno, el gorila,

one, the gorilla,

Caption 11, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

 Play Caption


gusano (worm)

No matamos a ningún gusano.

We didn't kill any worm.

Caption 48, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Frases hechas

 Play Caption



Animals That Start with H in Spanish


hámster (hamster)

Por ejemplo, no el hámster,

For example, not "el hámster" [the hamster],

Caption 51, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 4

 Play Caption


hiena (hyena)

la hiena,

the hyena,

Caption 24, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


hipopótamo (hippopotamus)

un hipopótamo,

a hippopotamus,

Caption 27, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with I in Spanish


iguana (iguana)


"Iguana" [Iguana].

Caption 17, Español para principiantes - Las vocales

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with J in Spanish


jabalí (boar)

Y un día nos sorprendió un jabalí.

And one day, a wild boar surprised us.

Caption 53, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Recuerdos de infancia

 Play Caption


jirafa (giraffe)

y una jirafa.

and a giraffe.

Caption 31, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with K in Spanish


koala (koala)


Animals That Start with L in Spanish


león (lion)

El león.

The lion.

Caption 31, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1

 Play Caption


leopardo (leopard)

el cachorrito de leopardo

the leopard cub

Caption 31, Animales en familia - Un día en Bioparc: Cachorro de leopardo

 Play Caption


lobo (wolf)

Yo quiero un lobo domesticado

I want a domesticated wolf

Caption 8, Shakira - Loba

 Play Caption


loro (parrot)

el loro,

the parrot,

Caption 7, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with M in Spanish


mapache (racoon)

Ya a continuación tenemos el mapache sudamericano.

Next, we have the South American raccoon.

Caption 23, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba

 Play Caption


mariposa (butterfly)

Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,

Dream butterfly, you look like my soul,

Caption 18, Chus recita poemas - Neruda y Pizarnik

 Play Caption


medusa (jellyfish)

La Medusa.

The Jellyfish.

Caption 18, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 2

 Play Caption


mono (monkey)

un mono,

a monkey,

Caption 28, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6

 Play Caption


mosca (fly)

podría ser la mosca verde de la carne

could be the green flesh fly

Caption 34, Estepona - Orquidario

 Play Caption


murciélago (bat)

La palabra más larga es murciélago.

The longest word is bat.

¿Por qué?


Pues porque tiene las cinco vocales dentro de la palabra.

Well because it has the five vowels within the word.

Captions 43-45, Karla e Isabel - Palabras

 Play Caption



Animals That Start with N in Spanish


narval​ (narwhal)


nutria (otter)


Animals That Start with Ñ in Spanish


ñandú (rheas)


Animals That Start with in Spanish


oso (bear)

cuatro, el oso gris,

four, the grey bear,

Caption 14, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

 Play Caption


oveja (sheep)

¿Qué crees que pasaba antes de que la oveja empezara a tejer?

What do you think was happening before the sheep began to knit?

Caption 42, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with P in Spanish


pájaro (bird)

el pájaro,

the bird,

Caption 16, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


pavo (turkey)

el pavo,

the turkey,

Caption 10, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


pato (duck)

el pato,

the duck,

Caption 9, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


perro (dog)

tres, el perro,

three, the dog,

Caption 13, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

 Play Caption


pez (fish)

¡Es un pez! -¡Un pez mágico!

It's a fish! -A magic fish!

Caption 37, Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico

 Play Caption


pingüino (pinguin)

¿Un pingüino?

A penguin?

Caption 19, Guillermina y Candelario - Nuestro Amigo Pinguino

 Play Caption


pollo (chicken)

el pollo,

the chicken,

Caption 12, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


pulpo (octopus)

¡El pulpo!

The Octopus!

Caption 26, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 4: Sam busca un trabajo

 Play Caption



Animals That Start with R in Spanish


rana (frog)

Seguro que canta como una rana.

I'm sure she sings like a frog.

Caption 20, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 5

 Play Caption


rata (rat)

¡Eso es para que aprenda a respetar a mi hermana,

That is for you to learn to respect my sister,

rata de alcantarilla!

sewer rat!

Caption 11, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 4

 Play Caption


ratón (mouse)

¡Un ratón!

A mouse!

Caption 76, NPS No puede ser - 1 - El concurso

 Play Caption


rinoceronte (rhinoceros)

el rinoceronte,

the rhinoceros,

Caption 19, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with S in Spanish


sapo (toad)

¿Por qué el sapo va agarrado a un globo?

Why is the toad holding on to a balloon?

Caption 14, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones

 Play Caption


serpiente (snake)

y una serpiente alrededor del cuerpo.

and a snake around my body.

Caption 30, Aprendiendo con Carlos - El microrrelato

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with T in Spanish


tiburón (shark)

El tiburón ballena, que es el más grande de todos,

The whale shark, which is the biggest of them all,

sólo come plancton.

only eats plankton.

Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Lleva

 Play Caption


tigre (tiger)

el tigre,

the tiger,

Caption 23, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


toro (bull)

el toro,

the bull,

Caption 8, Graciela - Los animales

 Play Caption


tortuga (turtle)

Yo estaba cansada y me senté en la tortuga de mar.

I was tired and sat down on the sea turtle.

Caption 13, Guillermina y Candelario - La Abuela Marina

 Play Caption


tucán (toucan)

un tucán,

a toucan,

Caption 26, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with V in Spanish


vaca (cow)

y diez, la vaca.

and ten, the cow.

Caption 20, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with Y in Spanish


yegua (mare)

también una yegua

a mare as well,

Caption 34, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba

 Play Caption


Animals That Start with Z in Spanish


zorro (fox)

Observa detenidamente al zorro

Observe carefully the fox

Caption 37, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 5

 Play Caption


And that's all for our list of animals in Spanish. Do you know more animals in Spanish that you think we should include in this list? If so, don't hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments!


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Caption 23, 19, 16, 11, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 24, 13, 20

Spanish Alphabet Quiz

How well do you know the Spanish alphabet? If you want to test your knowledge, we would like to invite you to take this short Spanish alphabet quiz. Are you ready? Let's go!


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: The Basics


1. How many letters does the Spanish alphabet have?

a. 26

b. 27

c. 28

d. 29


2. How do you spell the word "alphabet" in Spanish?

a. alphabeto

b. alfagamo

c. alfabeto

d. alfabedario


3. Which of the following is another valid term for "the alphabet" in Spanish?

a. el abeceto

b. el abecedario

c. el abracadario

d. none of the above


4. Which of the following consonants is known as the "Greek i"?

a. x

b. w

c. y

d. j


If you want the answers to the previous four questions, please check out our lesson about the Spanish alphabet. Don't worry— we will also give you all of the answers to this quiz at the end of this lesson!


5. How many vowels are there in the Spanish alphabet?

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7


6. How many vocales abiertas (strong vowels) are there in the Spanish alphabet?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5


For the answers to these two questions, please refer to our lesson on the Spanish vowels.


7. Which of the following is NOT a valid term for the letter "w" in Spanish?

a. uve doble

b. doble u

c. ve doble

d. They are all valid.


To find out, please see our lesson entitled 15 Spanish Words That Start With W.


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: Spelling and Pronunciation


8. The name of which of the following animals starts with the letter "c" in Spanish?

a. snake

b. frog

c. zebra

d. octopus


For a very helpful hint, listen to the description that animal that Ester provides:


Tiene cuatro patas y una crin, [adivinanzas] pero es diferente al caballo porque tiene rayas blancas y negras.

It has four legs and a mane, [riddles] but it's different from the horse because it has black and white stripes.

Captions 5-7, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1

 Play Caption


9. The double form of which of the following consonants becomes a different Spanish letter with a different sound?

a. m

b.  r

c. p

d. s


Find out the answer in this lesson.


10. Which of the following consonants is pronounced differently in Spain versus Latin America?

a. p

b. r

c. n

d. c


If you're not sure, feel free to consult our lesson about the main differences between Castilian and Latin American Spanish.


Spanish Alphabet Quiz: The Answers

And now, as promised, the following are the answers to all of the questions in this Spanish alphabet quiz:


1. How many letters does the Spanish alphabet have? b. 27

2. How do you spell the word "alphabet" in Spanish? c. alfabeto

3. Which of the following is another valid term for "the alphabet" in Spanish? b. el abecedario

4. Which of the following consonants is known as the "Greek i"? c. y

5. How many vowels are there in the Spanish alphabet? b. 5

6. How many vocales abiertas (strong vowels) are there in the Spanish alphabet? b. 3 (a, e and o)

7. Which of the following is NOT a valid term for the letter "w" in Spanish? d. They are all valid. 

8. The name of which of the following animals starts with the letter "c" in Spanish? c. Zebra in Spanish is cebra.

9. The double form of which of the following consonants becomes a different Spanish letter with a different sound? b. the consonant "r," as in the word perro (dog)

10. Which of the following consonants is pronounced differently in Spain versus Latin America? d. the consonant "c"


Regarding that last answer, let's see this difference in action with the following clip featuring Carlos from Colombia and Xavi from Spain:


Me encanta comer cereal con yogur de cerezas. Me encanta comer cereal con yogur de cerezas. -OK.

I love to eat cereal with cherry yogurt. I love to eat cereal with cherry yogurt. -OK.

Captions 14-15, Carlos y Xavi Diferencia de pronunciación entre España y Colombia - Part 2

 Play Caption


That's all for this lesson. How many answers did you get right?! We hope you've enjoyed this Spanish alphabet quiz, and don't forget to write us with your questions or comments.