If you want to say "Let's get to the point" in Spanish, you might say, "Vamos al grano." While the literal translation of this colloquial Spanish expression is "Let's get to the grain," ir al grano is used to convey the idea of getting to the substance of something, pushing aside all superfluous niceties.
The noun grano in Spanish has a plethora of meanings, including "grain" (e.g., of cereal or sand), "kernel," "seed," "bean" (as in coffee), or "pimple" (a blemish on the skin). Let's take a look at some examples of these various uses:
Un grano de arena hace un ladrillo y un ladrillo hace un castillo
A grain of sand makes a brick and a brick makes a castle
Caption 32, Rivera Tras la tormenta
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Vamos a separar todos los granos que tienen imperfecciones.
We are going to separate all the beans that have imperfections.
Captions 9-10, Cacao - Leyenda de Quito, Ecuador Cómo se hace el chocolate.
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Note that the expression en grano, which means in its grain form, is also used for some common food items:
un poco de elote en grano, acelgas,
a bit of whole kernel corn, Swiss chard,
Caption 7, Osos en la cocina Venado y ensalada asada
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y lo que, eh... nos ayudó a... a dar el sabor también es achiote y, eh... sal en grano.
and what, um... also helped us to... to give [it] the flavor is achiote and, um... sea salt.
Captions 49-50, Otavalo Proyecto familiar Kawsaymi - Part 2
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However, beyond these traditional uses, the Spanish word grano appears in many idiomatic expressions, which, like in English, express ideas beyond their literal meanings. Let's first take a look at a couple of examples of the aformentioned expression: ir al grano (to get to the point):
Algo en tus labios color carmín
Something in your carmine lips
Sugiere que vayamos al grano
Suggests we get to the point
Captions 16-17, Babasónicos - Risa
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Sobre Alicia hablaremos en un momento, pero ahora vamos al grano.
We'll talk about Alicia in a minute, but now let's get to the point.
Caption 35, Negocios Problemas laborales - Part 3
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Note that alternative translations for this idiom in English might include: "Let's cut to the chase" and "Let's not beat around the bush."
Now, let's take a look at some other interesting idioms containing the word grano or its diminutive, granito:
Spanish expression: apartar el grano de la paja
Literal translation: to separate the seed head from the straw
English equivalent: to separate the wheat from the chaff
Meaning: to separate out what’s good or valuable from what isn’t
Spanish expression: hacer una montaña de un grano de arena
Literal translation: to make a mountain out of a grain of sand
English equivalent: to make a mountain out of a molehill
Meaning: to make a big deal out of nothing
Spanish expression: poner su granito de arena
Literal translation: to put in one's little grain of sand
English equivalents: to do one's bit/offer one's two cents/plant the seed
Meaning: to contribute, offer one's opinion, or inspire something to begin
Let's take a look at some Yabla clips with this latter expression:
Desde que mis padres pusieron el primer granito de arena en mi formación musical, yo he seguido preocupándome en cultivarla.
Ever since my parents planted the first seed in my musical training, I've kept being concerned with cultivating it.
Captions 2-4, Club de las ideas Antonio J. Calvillo, musicólogo
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o sea, tengo la intención de... de hacerlo, o poner mi granito de arena,
I mean, I have the intention to... to do it, or to do my part,
Caption 16, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Manuel Orozco Sánchez - Part 2
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As an interesting side note, the Spanish equivalent of the English idiom "to take with a grain of salt," which entails having skepticism about something, does not include the word grano. Instead, tomar con pinzas (to handle with tweezers), or the more literal tomar con reservas (take with reservations/have reservations about), are used to express this concept.
That's all for now. We hope you have learned a lot about some literal and figurative uses of the word grano in Spanish and hope to bring you more interesting Spanish idioms and their English eqivalents in the future. In the meantime, don't forget to put in your granito de arena (suggestions and comments).
Y te has pintado la sonrisa de carmín
And you've painted on a lipstick smile
Caption 34, Disputas - La Extraña Dama
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In the above clip you'll note that José Luis Perales sings "Y te has pintado la sonrisa de carmín". In this case carmín refers to lipstick, so the phrase translates as "And you've painted on a lipstick smile". Carmín can also refer to the color crimson (aka carmine), and sometimes to a type of wild rose. Lipstick, aside from carmín de labios, is also known as lápiz de labios. Bear it in mind next time you find some on the collar, yours or otherwise.
(Did you know that collar, in Spanish, is the same word as for neck: cuello?)
Here is another use of carmín in a song by the Argentine rock band Babsónicos.
Algo en tus labios color carmín
Something in your carmine lips
Sugiere que vayamos al grano
Suggests we get to the point
Captions 16-17, Babasónicos - Risa
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