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Lograr: Achieve Success

Porque sabíamos que teníamos que ganar la batalla con la gente y tengo la satisfacción de que logramos cambiar la opinión.

Because we knew we had to win the battle along with people and I've got the satisfaction that we succeeded to change opinion.

Captions 31-32, Felipe Calderón - Publicidad - Part 3

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Did you have the feeling that former energy minister and presidential rival Felipe Calderón has accomplished a lot by watching this video? It might be the repetition of the verb lograr that left that impression. In this week's video from Calderón's publicity campaign, there are six--or is that seven?--appearances of the verb lograr--which means "to achieve," "to obtain" or "to succeed in."

In the quote sited above, we translate: "I've got the satisfaction that we succeeded to changing opinion..."

Here's another one:


Esa pasión por México tiene que sacarnos adelante, nos va a sacar adelante si logramos canalizarla bien.

That passion for Mexico has to make us prosper, it will make us prosper if we can channel it correctly.

Captions 82-83, Felipe Calderón - Publicidad - Part 3

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We'll know soon if Calderón succeeds in overcoming his biggest challenge yet.


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