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Coronavirus Vocabulary in Spanish

The coronavirus is one of the greatest challenges humankind has ever faced. Because of that, we are being bombarded with words such as "virus," "disease," "quarantine," and "pandemic." But, do you know how to say all those words in Spanish? In this lesson, we will review some of the most important nouns associated with the current coronavirus. But first, let's take a closer look at the word coronavirus in Spanish.


The rules of the noun Coronavirus

In Spanish, the word coronavirus is a masculine noun made of two words: corona (crown) and virus (virus). However, keep in mind that coronavirus is just one word so there's no need for spaces or hyphens between the words that make up this noun.


Apart from that, it is worth mentioning that the word coronavirus in Spanish is the same in both the singular and the plural. Let's take a look:


El coronavirus es un virus contagioso

Coronavirus is a contagious virus


Los coronavirus son virus contagiosos

Coronaviruses are contagious viruses


From the example above, you can also see that the word virus in Spanish is the same in the singular and plural. In fact, this word belongs to a group of nouns ending in 'S' or 'X' that are the same in the singular and plural in Spanish.


With that being said, let's take a look at some of the words that you need to keep in mind in the context of the coronavirus.


Top nouns related to coronavirus

For talking about coronavirus, here are some of the most common nouns. Let's take a look.


Brote (outbreak)


Crisis (crisis)


Vivimos en tiempos de crisis.

We live in times of crisis.

Caption 3, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 2

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Cuarentena (quarantine)


Desinfectante (disinfectant)


Mirá, ni siquiera uso el alcohol como desinfectante.

Look, I don't even use alcohol as a disinfectant.

Caption 81, Muñeca Brava - 18 - La Apuesta

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In this caption, we also highlighted another very used word nowadays: alcohol (alcohol).


Enfermedad (illness, disease)


Por una enfermedad o por un trastorno.

Due to an illness or due to an imbalance.

Caption 50, Raquel - Visitar al Médico

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Se controla que no tienen ninguna enfermedad.

They check [to make sure] that they don't have any disease.

Caption 60, Rosa - Laguna Fuente de Piedra

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Jabón (soap)


Aquí está nuestro mejor amigo: el jabón.

Here's our best friend: soap.

Caption 18, Ana Carolina - Artículos de aseo personal

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Mascarilla (mask)

Another term commonly used when talking about the masks people use to protect their mouths and noses is "tapaboca" or "tapabocas".


Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

This is the Spanish name for the World Health Organization (WHO)


Pandemia (pandemic)

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus a pandemic. The Spanish term for pandemic is pandemia. Keep in mind that there is a difference between epidemia (epidemic) and pandemia (pandemic). While the former relates to the spread of a disease in a country, the latter refers to the spread of a disease throughout the world.


El mundo se enfrenta ahora a una pandemia sin precedentes.

The world is now facing an unprecedented pandemic.

Caption 12, El Coronavirus - Introducción y vocabulario

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Prueba (test)

The word "prueba" is probably the best one for the test that people take in order to find out if they have coronavirus. However, some people prefer to use similar terms such as "test" or "muestra".


Recesión (recession)

According to several experts, even in the most optimistic of scenarios, many economies will be heading to a recession after the coronavirus crisis is over.


...que fue cuando en España entró la recesión en el sector de la construcción.

...which was when in Spain the recession in the construction sector began.

Caption 5, Leif - El Arquitecto Español y su Arte

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Teletrabajo (remote working)


Transmisión (transmission)


Virus (virus)


"El coronavirus es un virus contagioso".

"The coronavirus is a contagious virus."

Caption 27, El Coronavirus - Introducción y vocabulario

 Play Caption


There are many more words that are used in the context of the coronavirus disease. However, if you want to follow the news in Spanish, there is a good chance of coming across some of the terms we just reviewed. Please, take the necessary protection during this difficult time and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions.

How to Write and Say the Months in Spanish

Do you know the names of the months in Spanish? Believe it or not, the names of the months in Spanish are quite similar to their English equivalents. Let's look at how to write and pronounce the months of the year in Spanish language.


months of the year in spanish

How do you say "month" in Spanish?

The answer is mes. If you want to use the plural form, you need to use the term meses. Also, when talking about months in Spanish keep in mind the following:


One month: Un mes

Two months: Dos meses

Last month: El mes pasado

Next month: El próximo mes


List of months in Spanish and English

Before we hear how to pronounce the names of the 12 months in Spanish, let's take a look at the following list featuring the months in Spanish and English:


January: enero

February: febrero

March: marzo

April: abril

May: mayo

June: junio

July: julio

August: agosto

September: septiembre

October: octubre

November: noviembre

December: diciembre


12 sentences with the months in Spanish


Let's hear the following sentences so you can practice the pronunciation of the 12 months in Spanish.


January: Enero


Estos son los meses del año. Enero.

These are the months of the year. January.

Captions 1-2, El Aula Azul - Estaciones y Meses

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February: Febrero


Es más, yo la visité en febrero y pasé algo de calor.

Moreover, I visited it in February, and I was a bit hot.

Caption 70, Viajando con Fermín La Cueva de Nerja - Part 2

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March: Marzo


Las Fallas son unas fiestas que se celebran en Valencia durante el mes de marzo.

The Fallas is a festival celebrated in Valencia during the month of March.

Caption 25, Raquel - Fiestas de España

 Play Caption


April: Abril


Me gustaría reservar una cabaña para la primera semana de abril.

I would like to reserve a cabin for the first week of April.

Caption 4, Cleer y Lida - Reservando una habitación

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May: Mayo


En mayo, salen las flores.

In May, the flowers come out.

Caption 18, El Aula Azul - Estaciones y Meses

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June: Junio


En junio, empieza el verano.

In June, the summer starts.

Caption 19, El Aula Azul - Estaciones y Meses

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July: Julio


En julio. Vendría el mes de julio entero.

In July. He'd come for the whole month of July.

Caption 27, El Aula Azul - Conversación: Los cursos de español

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August: Agosto


En agosto, miles de voluntarios vienen a este sitio.

In August, thousands of volunteers come to this site.

Caption 53, Rosa - Laguna Fuente de Piedra

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September: Septiembre


Por ejemplo, durante el Festival de Cine

For example, during the Film Festival

que se celebra en San Sebastián en el mes de septiembre.

that is held in San Sebastian in the month of September.

Captions 13-14, San Sebastián - Palacio de Miramar

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October: Octubre


Desde octubre se comienza la venta de los monigotes.

From October the selling of the dolls begins.

Caption 55, Otavalo - Artesano de monigotes de Año Viejo

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November: Noviembre


Fue inaugurado el treinta de noviembre de mil novecientos noventa y cuatro.

It was opened on November thirtieth nineteen ninety-four.

Caption 5, Paseando con Karen Monterrey - Museo de Historia Mexicana

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December: Diciembre


Normalmente, suele nevar en diciembre,

Normally, it typically snows in December,

Caption 69, Clara y Cristina Hablan de actividades

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Finally, did you notice anything in particular in the previous sentences regarding the spelling of the names of the months in Spanish? Unlike English, in Spanish the names of the months don't have to be capitalized.


That's it for today. Try to write a couple of sentences with the months in Spanish and read them aloud so you can practice their pronunciation. And don’t forget to send us your feedback and suggestions.



The Verb Volver

Although the verb volver is most often translated as "to return," it can actually take on a variety of meanings. Let's take a look at some of the many ways native Spanish speakers might use it in real-life situations. 



The Basic Concept

Typically, the verb volver means "to return" or "come back." Like other Spanish verbs, it is very commonly used in its infinitive form in combination with such verbs as querer (to want) or ir (to go). Learning how to use the infinitive form of verbs within such phrases is actually very useful— particuarly if you haven't yet mastered the conjugation of such irregular verbs. Let's first take a look at volver in the infinitive: 


No quiero volver al hotel y

I don't want to go back to the hotel, and

el apartamento me gusta.

I like the apartment.

Captions 18-19, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa - Capítulo 3

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Nada... voy a volver a última hora de la tarde, nada más.

None... I'm going to come back late in the afternoon, that's all.

Caption 54, Muñeca Brava - 9 Engaños

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Using Volver to Indicate Repetition (As "Again")

The verb volver can also be combined with other Spanish verbs to indicate the English concepts of "over" or "again." 


Pues espero volver a verte pronto

Well, I hope to see you again soon

Caption 93, Blanca y Mariona - Vida en general

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The infinitive, volver, with the preposition a (literally "to," "at," etc.) can be linked with other Spanish verbs in phrases such as volver a vernos (to see each other again), volver a empezar (to start over), volver a entrar (to reenter), etc. Let's take a look at such examples of the formula, volver + + infinitive, where volver has been conjugated:


Pero bueno, cuando pueda,

But well, when I can,

me vuelvo a inscribir en otro gimnasio y me meto.

I'll sign up at another gym again, and I'll go.

Caption 29, Patricia Marti - Diversión y Ejercicio

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Doblamos un pliego de papel china naranja a la mitad

We fold a sheet of orange tissue paper in half

y volvemos a doblar a la mitad.

and we fold it in half again.

Captions 65-66, Manos a la obra - Papel picado para Día de muertos

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The Pronominal Form: Volverse

The verb, volver, also has a pronominal form: volverse, which can take on such diverse meanings as "to turn around," "to become," "to turn upside down," "to turn inside out," and "to go back," among others. Let's look at a few examples where volverse means "to become":


Porque nunca ha estudiado con niñas

Because he has never studied with girls

y como el colegio se volvió mixto, está temblando.

and since the school became mixed, he is shaking.

Caption 38, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 1

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Entonces, el asunto se vuelve más complicado.

So, the issue becomes more complicated.

Caption 32, Cuentas claras - Sobreviviendo enero

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La diferencia de edad también se puede apreciar en el pico,

The age difference can also be seen in the beak,

que también se vuelve de color más rosáceo con la edad.

which also becomes more pinkish with age.

Captions 50-51, Rosa - Laguna Fuente de Piedra

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Finally, the expression volverse loco or loca is very often used when people want to say that someone went crazy:


¿Mi hija se volvió loca, Papá?

Did my daughter go crazy, Dad?

Caption 28, Yago - 6 Mentiras

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That's all for today. We hope you liked this lesson, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions.