Are you familiar with the Spanish word según? Did you know that it can function as a preposition, a conjunction or even an adverb? Let's explore six meanings of this common Spanish word.
As a preposition, the Spanish word según can mean "according to," "in agreement with" or "in accordance with," in the sense of following or abiding by something. Let's see an example of this usage:
Yo estoy actuando según la ley.
I'm acting in accordance with the law.
Caption 11, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 10
Play Caption
As we see in the following captions, like "according to" in English, the Spanish preposition según can also appear before nouns or personal pronouns to describe what people or entities believe or say.
y según expertos es una de las más antiguas
and according to experts, it's one of the oldest ones,
Caption 25, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
Las pirámides, según los abuelos Mayas, no son monumentos
The pyramids, according to the Mayan elders, are not monuments
Caption 47, Guillermo el chamán La tecnología maya
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This use of según as a preposition is often translated with the English phrase "depending on." In this case, según is often followed by a noun phrase that includes a verb in the subjunctive and describes some variable on which an outcome depends. Let's take a look:
que, según la manera en que respiremos, así va a ser nuestra vida.
as, depending upon the manner in which we breathe, that's how our life is going to be.
Captions 76-77, Ana Teresa La respiración
Play Caption
Esta planta tiene diferentes nombres según el país en que se encuentre,
This plant has different names depending on the country in which it is found,
Caption 15, Fermín La plumeria - Part 1
Play Caption
In this case, the Spanish word según is classified as a conjunction and is often followed immediately by a verb in the subjunctive mood. Typical translations include "depending on what" or "depending on how," as in the following example:
Según me sienta mañana, decidiré ir o no al evento.
Depending upon how I feel tomorrow, I'll decide whether or not to go to the event.
Let's see one more from the Yabla Spanish library:
Aquí se tira mucho o poco según se mire.
Here a lot or a little is thrown away depending on how you look at it.
Caption 20, Los Reporteros Sembrar, comer, tirar - Part 1
Play Caption
There are two ways in which the Spanish conjunction según can function like the English word "as." Let's take a closer look.
The Spanish word según can be replaced with the English word "as" to say "in the way that," as we see here:
Que según entiendo tampoco estás haciendo con juicio.
Which, as I understand, you're not doing sensibly, either.
Caption 59, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 5 - Part 7
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según dicen algunos, que de ahí proviene el nombre de Coronil.
as some people say, from there comes the name Coronil.
Captions 10-11, Tecnópolis El Coronil
Play Caption
Según can also be translated as "as" as to talk about something that is happening at the same time as something else:
según iba caminando, iba interactuando con los niños, hablando, y a la vez
as I was walking, I was interacting with the kids, talking, and, at the same time,
Caption 81, Circo Berlín Christian - Part 1
Play Caption
Finally, as we see in the caption below, the word según in Spanish can stand alone as an adverb meaning "depending" or "it all depends."
Durante un año, según.
In a year, depending.
Caption 46, Edificio en Construcción Hablando con los trabajadores - Part 1
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to distinguish the many nuanced uses of the word según in Spanish, and don't forget to write us with your suggestions and comments.
When traveling in a foreign country, you might want to order a glass of wine with dinner or have a beer with friends. But do you know how to say "wine" and "beer" in Spanish? In this lesson, we will teach you the words for those bebidas (beverages) as well as the names for several of the most popular liquors... just in case you want to have a trago (alcoholic beverage) instead!
The standard word for beer in Spanish is cerveza:
"Llevo tres cervezas y todavía tengo sed",
"I've had three beers, and I'm still thirsty,"
Caption 34, Aprendiendo con Silvia Significados, usos y expresiones con "quedar" - Part 6
Play Caption
The word for wine in Spanish is vino. Let's hear it in action:
hay vino blanco.
there's white wine.
Caption 24, Ariana Cena especial
Play Caption
As we just heard, vino blanco is "white wine" in Spanish. Now, let's find out how to say "red wine," which might be different than you thought!
Vino tinto es como se refiere al vino rojo en el resto del mundo, aquí en España.
"Vino tinto" is the name here in Spain for what's called "red wine" in the rest of the world.
Caption 50, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
El vino rosado puede venir de variedades blancas mezcladas con tintas
Rosé wine can come from white varieties mixed with red ones
Caption 14, Feria de Vinos Españoles en Londres Bodegas Quiroga de Pablo
Play Caption
Rosé wine can also be referred to in Spanish as rose, rosé, or simply rosado.
"Sparkling wine" is the more general category for bubbly wines like champagne, cava, and prosecco. Let's learn how to say a few of these terms in Spanish:
El cava es el vino espumoso de España que sigue el mismo método que... que el champán,
Cava is the sparkling wine from Spain that follows the same method as... as champagne,
Captions 13-14, Feria de Vinos Españoles en Londres Bodegas Castell D'Age
Play Caption
Alternatively, the words champaña or champagne itself may be used for "champagne."
Let's hear the names for many of the world's most popular types of liquor in the context of videos from our Spanish library.
Está Elisa elaborando unas trufitas de coñac
Elisa is making some little cognac truffles
Caption 9, Horno San Onofre El Chocolate
Play Caption
Su mujer era Ginebra,
His wife was Guinevere,
Caption 42, El Aula Azul Adivina personajes históricos - Part 1
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Although in this clip, Ginebra is the translation for the name Guinevere, the word ginebra in Spanish also means "gin."
de Tequila su mezcal
from Tequila, its mezcal
Caption 45, El Ausente Acto 2 - Part 3
Play Caption
Lo que no puedes dejar de probar si vas a Cuba es el Ron Santiago,
What you can't miss trying if you go to Cuba is Ron Santiago [Santiago Rum],
Caption 24, Viajando con Fermín La Feria Internacional de los Países de Fuengirola - Part 3
Play Caption
Con un... -Claro, claro, sí. -la botella de tequila.
With a... -Of course, of course, yes. -the bottle of tequila.
Caption 40, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Karla y Fernando hablan de música
Play Caption
Mis pensamientos son tan puros como vodka caro
My thoughts are as pure as expensive vodka
Caption 5, Joselo Sobriedad
Play Caption
¡No tomo whisky! -¡Pero hacete hombre de una vez, che!
I don't drink whiskey! -But become a man once and for all!
Caption 23, Muñeca Brava 2 Venganza - Part 3
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And, as subcategories of whiskey, we have "Scotch," which can be known as whisky/güisgui escosés, or simply escosés and "bourbon" (bourbon, borbón, whisky/güisgui americano or borbónico).
Of course, in addition to these internationally renowned liquors, it might be interesting to try local favorites like fernet in Argentina, pisco in Peru, cocuy in Venezuela or aguardiente in Colombia, just to name a few, either alone or in the context of cócteles (cocktails).
Armed with this information, we hope you now feel equipped to order your favorite alcoholic beverage in Spanish, should you choose to.
Just remember to do so in moderation (so as not to have to describe your hangover in Spanish), and write us with any of your comments, questions, or suggestions. ¡Salud (Cheers)!
There are two Spanish equivalents of the word "here" in Spanish: aquí and acá. So, is there a difference between them? Let's find out!
The Royal Spanish Academy's initial definitions for the word aquí in Spanish are "at" or "to this place." Let's hear a couple of examples from Mexico and Spain:
No, gracias. Tengo unas galletas aquí.
No, thank you. I have some cookies here.
Caption 13, Conversaciones en el parque Cap. 2: Cafe y bocadillos
Play Caption
Hoy estamos aquí en la costa de Málaga.
Today we're here on the coast of Malaga.
Caption 2, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
On the other hand, the Dictionary of the Spanish language defines acá as "at" or "to this place or nearby." Let's look at another example from Mexico and one from Argentina:
y eso es lo que trato de hacer mayormente acá en Alemania,
and that's what I try to do mostly here in Germany
Caption 9, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Karla y el pozole - Part 1
Play Caption
Acá es donde trabaja el alcalde de Buenos Aires.
Here is where the mayor of Buenos Aires works.
Caption 10, Yabla en Buenos Aires Plaza Mayo - Part 2
Play Caption
Did you pick up on any difference? As you may have noted, the official definition for acá could entail a larger scope or distance from the speaker. That said, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding this nuance:
1. Certain regions, like Mexico, seem to observe this slight difference between the words aquí and acá more than others, which view the terms as completely interchangeable.
2. Even in regions that consider the terms to be slightly different, it is often diffcult to determine the exact scope that defines each one, and individual use varies widely.
3. Some regions use one term or another almost exclusively. For example, in Spain, aquí is almost always used to say "here," whereas it would be rare to hear it in Argentina, where acá is prevalent.
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has brought to light how the Spanish words aquí and acá can be different... or exactly the same, depending upon the country, context, or person. Don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments!
Have you ever heard the word venga in Spanish? If you have been studying Spanish for a while or have ever been to Spain, you have probably heard someone say this word. But, do you really know the meaning of the Spanish word venga? In this lesson, we will teach you seven different ways to employ this very useful colloquial term.
But first, let's establish three important things. First, the word venga is the conjugation of the verb venir in the formal imperative (for the second person singular pronoun usted, which means "you"). Let's take a look at this very simple example of the traditional use of this word:
¡Estoy hablando con usted, señor! ¡Venga aquí, por favor!
I'm talking to you, sir! Come here, please!
Second, in addition to its formal use, as venga is a word that is used colloquially in multiple ways throughout Spain, if you are planning a visit to that country, we recommend familiarizing yourself with as many of these uses as possible.
And third, much of the time, the Spanish word venga is roughly translated with the English expression "Come on." That said, let's take a look at the following uses of the colloquial term venga.
One of the most common uses of the Spanish word venga is to motivate or encourage someone to do something. We can see this use in the following clips from our popular series Extr@: Extra en español:
Venga, cuéntamelo, Sam. No pasa nada.
Come on, tell me, Sam. It's no big deal.
Caption 50, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 7: La gemela - Part 4
Play Caption
¿Sí? ¡Venga! ¡Vámonos!
Yes? Come on! Let's go!
Caption 41, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 6: El día de la Primitiva - Part 2
Play Caption
In this context, you might also use venga to dare someone to do something:
No vas a atreverte. ¿Cómo que no? Venga.
You won't dare. What do you mean I won't? Go ahead.
Captions 1-3, Cortometraje Flechazos
Play Caption
Sometimes, in the context of giving orders, the word venga can be used in a more decisive manner:
¿Hay alguien? Conteste, venga.
Is anyone there? Answer, come on.
Captions 28-29, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 2: Sam va de compras - Part 4
Play Caption
In this context, the word venga is usually used as a call to action to do something specific:
¿Sí? ¡Venga va! Vamos a corregir.
Yes? Come on! Let's correct [this].
Caption 91, Escuela BCNLIP Clase con Javi: el futuro - Part 6
Play Caption
Venga, vámonos.
Come on, let's go.
Caption 60, 75 minutos Gangas para ricos - Part 3
Play Caption
Similar to the previous use, the word venga can be used to express agreement between two people. In this case, venga would be equivalent to saying "OK" in English. Let's see an example:
La semana que viene sin falta, a cenar a mi casa. Vale, te llamo. -Venga,
Next week no matter what, dinner at my house. OK, I'll call you. -OK,
Captions 95-96, Blanca y Mariona Vida en general
Play Caption
You may notice that this use of venga very often comes up at the end of spoken conversations, especially on the telephone when one person indicates the end of the conversation with this word and the other person repeats it:
Venga. -Venga. Hasta luego.
OK. -OK. Bye.
People tend to repeat the word venga when they want to encourage someone to do something quickly. Let's see this use in action:
Venga, venga que es noche y... y las castañas sin coger.
Come on, come on, as it's getting late and... and the chestnuts haven't been picked.
Caption 63, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 4
Play Caption
Just like we use "come on" in English, we can use the word venga to ask someone to do something for us. Let's look:
Venga, Sam. Tienes que vestirte de basurero.
Come on, Sam. You have to dress as a garbage man.
Caption 37, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 6: El día de la Primitiva - Part 5
Play Caption
Just like the English expression "Come on," the Spanish word venga can additionally be used as an interjection to express astonishment, disbelief, or disapproval about something, as in the following example:
Pero venga, tío. Eso no tiene sentido.
But come on, man. That doesn't make sense.
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to understand the many meanings of the Spanish word venga, and if you ever go to Spain, we encourage you to use it. And, ¡venga! Don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments.
Let's talk about the passive voice in Spanish!
Let's start by understanding the concept of voz (voice) in a sentence- in English or Spanish. This refers to the relationship between a sentence's subject and verb. A sentence's voice can be active or passive. But what's the difference?
In the active voice, the subject performs a verb's action onto an object and is thus considered the sentence's actor or agent (the person or thing that carries out the action). Let's see some examples:
Pedro come galletas.
"Pedro come galletas" [Pedro eats cookies].
Caption 21, Carlos explica La concordancia gramatical - Part 2
Play Caption
In this caption, Pedro is the subject/agent who executes the action of "eating" the object (the cookies).
eh... pintábamos muchísimos fondos oscuros
um... we painted a ton of dark backgrounds
Caption 99, María Marí Su pasión por su arte - Part 1
Play Caption
In this example, "we" is the subject/agent who carried out the action of "painting" the object, "a ton of dark backgrounds."
Gabriel García Márquez escribió muchos libros.
Gabriel García Márquez wrote a lot of books.
Caption 50, Carlos explica El pretérito Cap. 1: Perfecto simple o Indefinido
Play Caption
And finally, here, Gabriel García Márquez is the subject, and agent, who performed the action of "writing" the object (a lot of books).
The Passive Voice
In the passive voice, on the other hand, what was previously the object in the active voice actually becomes the subject, but, this time, receives the action of the verb. At the same time, the previous subject becomes a "passive agent" who may or may not be mentioned at the end of the sentence. That said, before finding out how to convey sentences in the passive voice in Spanish, let's convert our previous English examples of the active voice to the passive voice:
Active: Pedro eats cookies
Passive: Cookies are eaten by Pedro
um... we painted a ton of dark backgrounds
um... a ton of dark backgrounds were painted by us
Active: Gabriel García Márquez wrote a lot of books.
Passive: A lot of books were written by Gabriel García Márquez.
Now that we have a better concept of the passive voice, how do we express it in Spanish? Let's learn two different formulas for doing so.
In this first formula, the verb ser (to be) is conjugated in accordance with the subject of the sentence and followed by a past participle (you may wish to consult this lesson that covers conjugating the past participle). In this construction, the participle (the equivalent of English words like "spoken," "eaten," "gone," etc.) must agree with the subject in terms of number and gender. Subsequently, por plus an agent may be optionally added to explain who or what completed the action. Let's take a look at some examples of this formula in Spanish:
y es escrito por mí personalmente.
and is personally written by me.
Caption 46, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar Capítulo 1 - Part 7
Play Caption
En el Siglo dieciocho, las costas de San José en Almería eran asaltadas frecuentemente por piratas
In the eighteenth century, the coasts of San José in Almería were assaulted frequently by pirates
Captions 32-33, Club de las ideas Batería de breves - Part 1
Play Caption
Las tarjetas fueron usadas
The cards were used
Caption 32, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 3 - Part 12
Play Caption
Note that in accordance with las tarjetas, the third person plural of ser, fueron, is used along with the feminine plural participle usadas. However, in contrast to the other two examples where por is used to identify the person or people who carried out the action, here, the agent is unknown and thus unmentioned. Let's move on to our second formula.
This construction is formed with se and a verb in third person singular or plural, depending upon whether what is being spoken about (the subject) is singular or plural. Let's see a few examples:
Este vino se hace con una de las uvas más populares
This wine is made with one of the most popular grapes
Caption 21, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
las corridas se celebraban en la Plaza Mayor.
bullfights were held in the Plaza Mayor.
Caption 5, El Trip Madrid
Play Caption
"Garr", no entiendo para qué se hicieron esos uniformes.
Garr, I don't understand why those uniforms were made.
Caption 53, Club 10 Capítulo 1 - Part 2
Play Caption
In the first caption, the verb hacer is conjugated in the third person singular to agree with el vino, while celebrar and hacer in the second and third examples are plural in agreement with las corridas and los uniformes. Notice that there is no mention of the entity who performed the action in any of these sentences since this second formula rarely mentions the action's agent.
The passive voice is more commonly encountered in the media or literature or when the agent that carried out the action is unknown or considered less relevant. It can only be used with transitive verbs, or verbs that are capable of transmitting some action onto a direct object. In terms of tenses, you may have noticed that our examples have included the present, imperfect, and preterite. While the passive voice formulas contain particular grammatical specifications, there is no mention of any of the specific Spanish verb tenses because active Spanish sentences in any verb tense can be converted to the passive voice. With this in mind, let's conclude this lesson with a present perfect tense example of the verb descubrir (to discover) in the active as well as both formats of the passive voice:
Científicos han descubierto que cuando un abrazo dura más de veinte segundos se produce un efecto terapéutico
Scientists have discovered that when a hug lasts more than twenty seconds, a therapeutic effect is produced
Captions 5-7, Aprendiendo con Silvia El abrazo
Play Caption
Passive 1:
Ya que ellos, pues, han sido descubiertos en Inglaterra
Since they, well, have been discovered in England
Caption 40, Hugo Rodríguez Duendes artesanales
Play Caption
Passive 2:
porque se han descubierto muchas virtudes
because many virtues have been discovered
Caption 9, Cómetelo Crema de brócoli - Part 1
Play Caption
That's all for today. For more information on the passive voice in Spanish, check out this four-part video series on La voz pasiva as well as this lesson on the passive vs. impersonal se constructions. And don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments.
Let's talk about the various types of fruits in Spanish. Do you know how to say the names of fruits like "apple" or "peach" in Spanish? If you don't know, don't worry! In this lesson, we will find out how to spell and say the names of different fruits in Spanish. Of course, we can't talk about all of the fruits of the world, but we will cover many of the most popular ones with the following list of fruits in Spanish and English. Let's take a look!
Una manzana roja.
A red apple.
Caption 32, Cleer y Lida Picnic
Play Caption
La palabra "pera" tiene dos sílabas:
The word "pera" [pear] has two syllables:
Caption 11, Lara enseña Tildes - Part 1
Play Caption
Lo único que, en vez de llevar mermelada de albaricoque,
The only one that, instead of having inside apricot jam,
Caption 29, Horno San Onofre El Chocolate
Play Caption
A mí me recuerda... como si fuese una cereza.
It reminds me... as if it were a cherry.
Caption 58, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
Me volvió a gustar la compota de durazno
I started liking peach baby food again
Caption 4, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 7 - Part 1
Play Caption
It is important to say that another Spanish term for the word "peach" is melocotón. This term is the prevalent term in Spain:
Por ejemplo con melocotón.
For example with peach.
Caption 53, Recetas Tortilla
Play Caption
una lima, y se utilizan mucho para una bebida
a lime, and are used a lot for a drink
Caption 21, Otavalo Julia nos muestra las verduras
Play Caption
con un poco de sal y limón
with a bit of salt and lemon
Caption 14, Ana Carolina Receta para una picada
Play Caption
Aquí están las mandarinas.
Here are tangerines.
Caption 75, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
saben a naranja.
taste like orange.
Caption 34, Ariana Cita médica
Play Caption
Ahora le vamos a poner un poquito de melón.
Now we're going to add a little melon.
Caption 19, Desayuno Puerto Escondido Frutas
Play Caption
Le vamos a poner... sandía,
We're going to put... watermelon,
Caption 3, Desayuno Puerto Escondido Frutas
Play Caption
Y me comí un heladito de fresa porque me daba antojos.
And I ate a strawberry ice cream because I was craving it.
Caption 14, Los médicos explican Consulta con el médico: la diarrea
Play Caption
lleva una mermelada natural de frambuesa
it has inside an organic raspberry jam
Caption 30, Horno San Onofre El Chocolate
Play Caption
La mora es mi fruta favorita.
The blackberry is my favorite fruit.
Caption 59, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Estas son las uvas.
These are grapes.
Caption 22, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Esto es el banano o plátano.
This is the banana or plantain.
Caption 38, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
As you saw in the video clip, this fruit is also known in some regions as the plátano. However, keep in mind that the word plátano can also refer to the plantain:
Por último, procedemos a freír el tradicional plátano venezolano,
Lastly, we proceed to fry the traditional Venezuelan plantains,
Caption 75, Recetas de cocina Pabellón criollo
Play Caption
El agua de coco es muy nutritiva y además te calma mucho la sed.
Coconut water is very nutritious and plus it quenches your thirst a lot.
Caption 84, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Esta es una granadilla.
This is a passion fruit.
Caption 40, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Se llama guanábana
It's called soursop
Caption 28, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Esto se llama guayaba.
This is called guava.
Caption 54, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Este es el mango.
This is mango.
Caption 21, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
Son unas papayas chiquitas
They are small papayas
Caption 11, Otavalo Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
piña en trocitos,
chunks of pineapple,
Caption 13, Cleer y Lida El regreso de Lida
Play Caption
In addition to all of the fruits we have mentioned, we would like to add two more fruits that are often not treated as such:
Vamos a conocer un poco sobre la historia del aguacate y sus beneficios.
We're going to find out a bit about the history of the avocado and its benefits.
Caption 3, Melyna El aguacate
Play Caption
Por lo tanto, botánicamente hablando, el tomate es una fruta,
Therefore, botanically speaking, the tomato is a fruit
Captions 33-34, Fermín Ensalada de tomate
Play Caption
Now that we have seen how to write and pronounce the names of many important fruits in Spanish, we wanted to leave you with the following quick reference list of fruits in Spanish and English:
aguacate (avocado)
albaricoque (apricot)
banano (banana)
cereza (cherry)
ciruela (plum)
coco (coconut)
durazno (peach)
fresa (strawberry)
frambuesa (raspberry)
granadilla (passion fruit)
guanábana (soursop)
guayaba (guava)
kiwi (kiwi)
lima (lime)
limón (lemon)
mandarina (tangerine)
mango (mango)
manzana (apple)
melocotón (peach)
melón (melon)
mora (blackberry)
naranja (orange)
nectarina (nectarine)
papaya (papaya)
pera (pear)
piña (pineapple)
plátano (banana)
sandía (watermelon)
tomate (tomato)
uva (grape)
And that's all for this lesson. Before we go, we invite you to answer the following question: ¿Cuál es tu fruta preferida? We hope you've enjoyed this lesson, and we'd love for you to send us your suggestions and comments. ¡Hasta la próxima!
When learning how to talk about the future in Spanish, you don’t always need the traditional future tense. Instead, Spanish speakers frequently use the "ir + a + Infinitive" construction, which is known as the near future tense or "futuro próximo". This structure is one of the easiest and most common ways to express future actions in everyday conversation. In this lesson, we’ll explain how it works and give you plenty of examples to start using it naturally.
In Spanish, the verb ir (to go) can be combined with the preposition a and the infinitive form of another verb to indicate future actions. Here’s the formula:
This structure is similar to saying "going to" in English. For example:
así que seguramente voy a aprender muchas cosas,
so I'm surely going to learn a lot of things,
Caption 14, Amaya Cata de vinos
Play Caption
los alumnos van a visitar una exposición de f'... sobre feminismos
the students are going to visit an exhibit about f'... about feminism
Caption 104, Escuela BCNLIP Presentación de la directora - Part 2
Play Caption
While Spanish has a dedicated future tense, the "ir + a + infinitive" construction is often used in everyday speech because it’s simpler and more conversational. In fact, it’s one of the most common ways to talk about the future.
Somos dos, nunca sola vas a ir Y ahora voy, sonriendo junto a ti Somos dos, juntos vamos a vivir
We are two, you will never go alone And now I go, smiling along with you We are two, together we will live
Captions 17-19, Liquits Desde Que
Play Caption
Instead of using the future tense forms irás or viviremos, the Mexican band Liquits uses "ir + a + infinitive," which gives the song a more immediate, conversational tone.
Here are more examples to help you get comfortable with this construction:
¡Ay, buena idea! Yo voy a buscar a ver si tengo el teléfono en la base de datos.
Oh, good idea! I'm going to look and see if I have the phone number in the database.
Captions 70-71, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 4 - Part 8
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ella va a hacer la ensalada y yo voy a hacer la carne.
she is going to make the salad, and I am going to make the meat.
Caption 12, Misión Chef 2 - Pruebas - Part 7
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Vamos a ver algunas preguntas para que puedan ver las diferentes opciones que se pueden utilizar en diversos contextos.
We're going to look at some questions so that you can see the different options that can be used in various contexts.
Captions 12-14, Carlos explica 20 formas de decir sí sin decir sí
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El próximo año, ellos van a vivir en otro país.
Next year, they are going to live in another country.
Caption 42, Clase Aula Azul Planes para el futuro - Part 2
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To use this structure correctly, you need to know how to conjugate the verb ir for each person:
Yo voy a (I am going to)
Tú/Vos vas a (You are going to)
Él/Ella | Usted va a (He/She is going to | You [formal] are going to)
Nosotros/Nosotras vamos a (We are going to)
Vosotros/Vosotras vais a (You all are going to)
Ellos/Ellas | Ustedes van a (They | You all are going to)
While both forms are correct, "ir + a + infinitive" is more commonly used in spoken Spanish. It’s simpler and feels more natural in everyday conversation. So, next time you want to talk about your future plans, try using this structure!
That’s it for today. Ready to start using the "ir + a + infinitive" structure in your Spanish conversations? Leave us a comment with your own example sentences, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.