This year, we have chosen a word that has already been named Word of the Year by other linguistic sources. In fact, it was FundeuRAE's Word of the Year last year. However, we believe that this word has gained new traction in the last twelve months, and, for this reason, have selected it as our Spanish Word of the Year 2023. Let's reveal it!
Is there anything more trendy than AI today? From ChatGPT to MidJourney and everything in between, the concept of AI is totally transforming the world around us. This is why we have chosen the term inteligencia artificial (artificial intelligence) as the Spanish Word of the Year 2023. Let's see how to pronounce this word in the definition that Carlos shares with us in his video about this topic:
la inteligencia artificial es la disciplina científica que se ocupa de crear programas informáticos que ejecutan operaciones comparables a las que realiza la mente humana, como el aprendizaje o el razonamiento lógico.
artificial intelligence is the scientific discipline that deals with creating computer programs that execute comparable operations to the ones that the human mind carries out, like learning or logical reasoning.
Captions 25-29, Aprendiendo con Carlos Inteligencia artificial - Part 1
Play Caption
Now that the winner has been revealed, here are a couple of things to keep in mind about the term inteligencia artificial:
1. In Spanish as in English, the term inteligencia artificial should be written in lowercase.
2. If you wish to use the acronym for inteligencia artificial, remember to use the Spanish initials "IA" rather than the English version, "AI," which some people mistakenly use in Spanish.
There are several AI-related Spanish words that have been quite popular this year, and dato (data) has definitely been one of them.
La percepción del comerciante coincide con el dato que manejan algunos expertos.
The perception of the merchant coincides with the data that some experts work with.
Caption 6, Los Reporteros Crecen los robos en tiendas - Part 4
Play Caption
Unfortunately, this word is still trending, especially after what has occurred this year in Israel.
La palabra más fea es guerra.
The ugliest word is war.
Caption 61, Karla e Isabel Palabras
Play Caption
This year was full of deadly earthquakes. From Turkey and Morocco to Afghanistan and Nepal, the world was shaking far too much this year.
Este mes han muerto muchas personas en el terremoto.
This month many people have died in the earthquake.
Caption 26, Lecciones con Carolina Participios - Ejemplos de uso
Play Caption
So, there you have it. What do you think of our Spanish Word of the Year 2023, and how do you feel towards AI in general? Can you think of any other word that is worthy of this title? Don't forget to send us your feedback!
Are you familiar with the names of animals in Spanish? Do you know the Spanish equivalents of nouns like "dog," "lion," or "chicken"? Do you know the words for farm animals in Spanish? What about the names of wild animals in Spanish? If you need to improve your vocabulary on these topics, please feel free to explore the following list of animals in Spanish!
As you read along, keep in mind that while this list is in alphabetical order, not all of the letters appear since they don't all correspond with the names of the well-known animals in Spanish that we opted to include. We have additionally added some video clips that will help you to hear how to say the names of most of the animals on this list.
Las abejas reinas vuelan,
The queen bees fly around,
Caption 34, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 6
Play Caption
*Note: "abeja" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the bee" in singular form.
Veamos un ejemplo más
Let's see another example
utilizando otra palabra femenina singular
using another feminine singular word
que inicia con "a" tónica:
that begins with a stressed "a":
"águila" [eagle].
Captions 38-41, Carlos explica - Los artículos en español
Play Caption
*Note: Although "águila" is feminine, it uses "el" due to the stressed "a" at the beginning, so it's "el águila" in singular.
Una boa, una anaconda, ¡ay no!
A boa, an anaconda, oh, no!
Caption 49, Cleer y Lida - Juego de preguntas y respuestas
Play Caption
*Note: "anaconda" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the anaconda" in singular form.
Llegó la araña que el idioma daña
It's arrived, the spider that damages the language
Caption 53, Calle 13 - Tango del pecado
Play Caption
Y la pobre ardilla cayó muerta.
And the poor squirrel dropped dead.
Caption 48, Cleer - El cuento de los cuatro hermanos
Play Caption
*Note: "ardilla" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the squirrel" in singular form.
Although there are many more animals in Spanish that start with the letter a, we would like to stop here with two more animals: armadillo (armadillo) and avestruz (ostrich). Both of them are masculine nouns, so we use "el" for "the armadillo" and "the ostrich."
¡La ballena! -¡La ballena!
The whale! -The whale!
Caption 9, Guillermina y Candelario - La competencia de baile
Play Caption
el búfalo,
the buffalo,
Caption 20, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
El Quebrantahuesos
The Bearded Vulture [the name in Spanish means "shatter bones"]
es un buitre excepcionalmente distinto
is an exceptionally distinct vulture
Caption 20, Club de las ideas - Batería de breves
Play Caption
*Note: "buitre" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the vulture" in singular form.
también tienen hiato palabras como "cohete" o "búho".
words like "cohete" [rocket] or "búho" [owl] also have a hiatus.
Caption 42, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato
Play Caption
*Note: "búho" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the owl" in singular form.
porque es el burro más simpático
because he's the nicest donkey
que os vais a encontrar en vuestra vida.
that you're going to encounter in your life.
Captions 38-39, Amaya - El burrito Luz
Play Caption
Que el buey solo bien se lava.
That the ox alone washes itself well.
Caption 49, Yago - 12 Fianza
Play Caption
The letter c is quite generous in terms of names of animals in Spanish. Let's look at several of them.
Algunos ejemplos de palabras con dígrafos
Some examples of words with digraphs
incluyen las palabras "caballo".
include the words "caballo" [horse].
Caption 39, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 3: La división en sílabas
Play Caption
*Note: "caballo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the horse" in singular form.
Productos típicos de la zona
Typical products of the area
son el queso de cabra y el aceite de oliva.
are goat cheese and olive oil.
Captions 74-76, Rosa - Antequera, Málaga
Play Caption
*Note: "cabra" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the goat" in singular form.
que ha sido seleccionada desde cachorro
who has been selected since she was a puppy
para ayudar a personas que lo necesitan.
to help people who need it.
Captions 52-53, Isabel Lavesa - Terapia asistida con animales
Play Caption
*Note: "cachorro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the puppy" in singular form.
¿Es un cangrejo?
Is it a crab?
Caption 29, Guillermina y Candelario - Un marciano en la playa
Play Caption
*Note: "cangrejo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the crab" in singular form.*
¡Nuestro continente con forma de camello!
Our continent in the shape of a camel!
Caption 25, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 12
Play Caption
*Note: "camello" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the camel" in singular form.
Y... Es muy famoso porque tiene canguros
And... It's very famous because it has kangaroos
Caption 27, El Aula Azul - Piensa rápido - Part 2
Play Caption
*Note: "canguro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the kangaroo" in singular form.
Es que el caracol se mueve como un gusanito
It's just that the snail moves like a worm
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Casa de Muñecas
Play Caption
La cebra.
The zebra.
Caption 17, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1
Play Caption
el cerdo,
the pig,
Caption 13, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
There are multiple names for some animals in Spanish, which is the case of the pig. Some alternative terms include chancho, puerco and marrano.
pero puede cazar incluso un ciervo.
but it can even hunt a deer.
Caption 68, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2
Play Caption
*Note: "ciervo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the deer" in singular form.
Sí! El cocodrilo.
Yes! The crocodile.
Caption 39, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2
Play Caption
"compás" o "colibrí".
"compás" [compass] or "colibrí" [hummingbird].
Caption 30, Carlos explica - Acentuación Cap. 4: Clasificación de las palabras según el acento
Play Caption
*Note: "colibrí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the hummingbird" in singular form.
Ustedes saben que el cóndor
You know that the condor
Caption 33, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín - Virginia y el cóndor
Play Caption
tengo a otro perro y un conejo.
I have another dog, and a rabbit.
Caption 8, Amaya - Apertura del refugio
Play Caption
*Note: "conejo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the rabbit" in singular form.
Esa cucaracha, la aplasto yo.
I´ll crush that cockroach.
Caption 27, Muñeca Brava 2 Venganza - Part 7
Play Caption
*Note: "cucaracha" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the cockroach" in singular form.
*Note: "dragón" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the dragon" in singular form.
Es que el delfín era muy fuerte.
It's just that the dolphin was very strong.
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - El Festival de Verano
Play Caption
*Note: "dromedario" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the dromedary" in singular form.
un elefante,
an elephant,
Caption 29, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
*Note: "elefante" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the elephant" in singular form.
y dejaría de ser una estrella de mar.
and it wouldn't be a starfish anymore.
Caption 42, Guillermina y Candelario - Un regalo de Estrellas
Play Caption
*Note: "estrella" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the starfish" in singular form.
un flamenco,
a flamingo,
Caption 30, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
*Note: "flamenco" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the flamingo" in singular form.
siete, la foca,
seven, the seal,
Caption 17, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
la gallina,
the hen,
Caption 11, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "ganso" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the goose" in singular form.
"...el gato,..."
"...el gato" [the cat]...
Caption 8, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 3
Play Caption
By the way, if you like cats, we would like to invite you to take a look at one of our more popular series: Fermín y los gatos!
uno, el gorila,
one, the gorilla,
Caption 11, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
No matamos a ningún gusano.
We didn't kill any worm.
Caption 48, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Frases hechas
Play Caption
*Note: "gusano" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the worm" in singular form.
Por ejemplo, no el hámster,
For example, not "el hámster" [the hamster],
Caption 51, Clase Aula Azul - Se involuntario - Part 4
Play Caption
la hiena,
the hyena,
Caption 24, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
un hipopótamo,
a hippopotamus,
Caption 27, Aprendiendo con Silvia Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "hipopótamo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the hippopotamus" in singular form.
"Iguana" [Iguana].
Caption 17, Español para principiantes - Las vocales
Play Caption
*Note: "iguana" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the iguana" in singular form.
Y un día nos sorprendió un jabalí.
And one day, a wild boar surprised us.
Caption 53, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Recuerdos de infancia
Play Caption
*Note: "jabalí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the boar" in singular form.
y una jirafa.
and a giraffe.
Caption 31, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "jirafa" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the giraffe" in singular form.
*Note: "koala" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the koala" in singular form.
El león.
The lion.
Caption 31, El Aula Azul - Adivinanzas de animales - Part 1
Play Caption
el cachorrito de leopardo
the leopard cub
Caption 31, Animales en familia - Un día en Bioparc: Cachorro de leopardo
Play Caption
*Note: "leopardo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the leopard" in singular form.
Yo quiero un lobo domesticado
I want a domesticated wolf
Caption 8, Shakira - Loba
Play Caption
*Note: "lobo" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the wolf" in singular form.
el loro,
the parrot,
Caption 7, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "manatí" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the manatee" in singular form.
Ya a continuación tenemos el mapache sudamericano.
Next, we have the South American raccoon.
Caption 23, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba
Play Caption
Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,
Dream butterfly, you look like my soul,
Caption 18, Chus recita poemas - Neruda y Pizarnik
Play Caption
*Note: "mariposa" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the butterfly" in singular form.
La Medusa.
The Jellyfish.
Caption 18, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 2
Play Caption
un mono,
a monkey,
Caption 28, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "mono" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the monkey" in singular form.
podría ser la mosca verde de la carne
could be the green flesh fly
Caption 34, Estepona - Orquidario
Play Caption
La palabra más larga es murciélago. ¿Por qué? Pues porque tiene las cinco vocales dentro de la palabra.
The longest word is bat. Why? Well because it has the five vowels within the word.
Captions 43-45, Karla e Isabel Palabras
Play Caption
*Note: "murciélago" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the bat" in singular form.
*Note: "narval" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the narwhal" in singular form.
*Note: "nutria" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the otter" in singular form.
*Note: "ñandú" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the rheas" in singular form.
cuatro, el oso gris,
four, the grey bear,
Caption 14, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
¿Qué crees que pasaba antes de que la oveja empezara a tejer?
What do you think was happening before the sheep began to knit?
Caption 42, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
el pájaro,
the bird,
Caption 16, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
También es el color de la pantera de los dibujos animados
It's also the color of the cartoon panther
Caption 37, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de colores - Part 1
Play Caption
el pato,
the duck,
Caption 9, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
el pavo,
the turkey,
Caption 10, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
Sí, mi amigo el pelícano nos ayudó.
Yes, my friend the pelican helped us.
Caption 36, Guillermina y Candelario El Gran Descubrimiento
Play Caption
tres, el perro,
three, the dog,
Caption 13, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
¡Es un pez! -¡Un pez mágico!
It's a fish! -A magic fish!
Caption 37, Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico
Play Caption
*Note: "pez" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the fish" in singular form.
¿Un pingüino?
A penguin?
Caption 19, Guillermina y Candelario - Nuestro Amigo Pinguino
Play Caption
*Note: "pingüino" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the penguin" in singular form
el pollo,
the chicken,
Caption 12, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
¡El pulpo!
The Octopus!
Caption 26, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 4: Sam busca un trabajo
Play Caption
Seguro que canta como una rana.
I'm sure she sings like a frog.
Caption 20, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 5
Play Caption
*Note: "rana" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the frog" in singular form.
¡Eso es para que aprenda a respetar a mi hermana,
That is for you to learn to respect my sister,
rata de alcantarilla!
sewer rat!
Caption 11, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 4
Play Caption
*Note: "rata" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the rat" in singular form.
¡Un ratón!
A mouse!
Caption 76, NPS No puede ser - 1 - El concurso
Play Caption
*Note: "ratón" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the mouse" in singular form.
el rinoceronte,
the rhinoceros,
Caption 19, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
¿Por qué el sapo va agarrado a un globo?
Why is the toad holding on to a balloon?
Caption 14, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
la serpiente,
the snake,
Caption 27, Graciela Los animales
Play Caption
*Note: "serpiente" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the snake" in singular form.
El tiburón ballena, que es el más grande de todos,
The whale shark, which is the biggest of them all,
sólo come plancton.
only eats plankton.
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario - La Lleva
Play Caption
el tigre,
the tiger,
Caption 23, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
el toro,
the bull,
Caption 8, Graciela - Los animales
Play Caption
Yo estaba cansada y me senté en la tortuga de mar.
I was tired and sat down on the sea turtle.
Caption 13, Guillermina y Candelario - La Abuela Marina
Play Caption
un tucán,
a toucan,
Caption 26, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
*Note: "tucán" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the toucan" in singular form.
y diez, la vaca.
and ten, the cow.
Caption 20, Luis Guitarra - Aprendiendo a contar
Play Caption
también una yegua
a mare as well,
Caption 34, Quito - Zoológico de Guayllabamba
Play Caption
*Note: "yegua" is a feminine noun, so we use "la" for "the mare" in singular form.
Observa detenidamente al zorro
Observe carefully the fox
Caption 37, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones - Part 5
Play Caption
*Note: "zorro" is a masculine noun, so we use "el" for "the fox" in singular form.
And that's all for our list of animals in Spanish. Do you know more animals in Spanish that you think we should include in this list? If so, don't hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments!
Let's talk about hobbies in Spanish! Hobbies, or pursuits in which one engages in his or her tiempo libre (free time), can range from things you do, to things you study, to things you collect... and more!
There are three main ways to say "hobby" in Spanish, one of which is the English word "hobby":
Pues, a mí me encanta bailar. Ese es mi hobby favorito. -OK,
Well, I love to dance. That is my favorite hobby. -OK,
Captions 7-8, Cleer Hobbies
Play Caption
The Spanish word pasatiempo is another way to say "hobby." You might remember it as being similar to the English word "pastime":
Ya ustedes... Todo mundo sabe qué es béisbol. Pero no el profesional, solamente como pasatiempo.
You already... Everybody knows what baseball is. But, not the professional [kind], just as a hobby.
Captions 50-51, Peluquería La Percha Félix
Play Caption
La afición is yet another way to say "hobby" in Spanish:
Vale... o sea que habéis conseguido transformar vuestra afición en vuestra profesión, ¿no?
OK... in other words, you guys have managed to transform your hobby into your profession, right?
Caption 72, Novalima Entrevista - Part 2
Play Caption
Now that you know how to say "hobby" in Spanish, we'll introduce you to the Spanish words for a multitude of different pastimes you might take up with examples from our Spanish video library. Since some internet hobby lists include as many as 1,001 hobbies, we narrowed it down to Yabla's Top 40 Hobbies in Spanish.
Also known as el teatro (theater), la actuación (acting) could be a fun thing to study, perhaps culminating in participation in una obra de teatro (a play). The verb associated with la actuación is actuar (to act).
En esta universidad afortunadamente tenemos grandes talleres de teatro, de actuación, de música
At this university, fortunately, we have big workshops for theater, acting, music,
Captions 14-15, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Ana
Play Caption
Estudiar astrología (studying astrology) involves the observation of celestial bodies like the sun (el sol), the moon (la luna), the stars (las estrellas), and the planets (los planetas) for the purpose of predicting traits or events.
porque el fin último de la astrología es ser una herramienta de autoconocimiento.
because the ultimate goal of astrology is to be a tool for self-knowledge.
Caption 18, Conversaciones con Luis Astrología
Play Caption
As there is some terminology overlap with la astronomía (astronomy), this lesson on Astronomy 101 in Spanish might come in handy, while the above-cited video on astrology might pique your interest.
La panadería (baking) might be a fun (and tasty) pursuit! Alternative Spanish words for "baking" in Spanish include la repostería and el horneado, while the verb hornear means "to bake."
Estudié panadería profesional y pastelería moderna en dos universidades de allá.
I studied professional baking and modern pastry making in two universities there.
Caption 6, Misión Chef 2 - Pruebas - Part 3
Play Caption
If you love baking, Yabla videos about baking such delectable dishes as Colombian buñuelos, Leche asada (also from Colombia), Ecuadorian Chaqui Tanda, or even a good old chocolate cake, might be right up your alley.
Who doesn't love a good ganga (bargain)? If you find them particularly intriguing, la búsqueda de gangas (or "bargain hunting," which could also be conveyed with the verb buscar gangas) might be right for you!
Los ricos también buscan gangas
Rich people also hunt for bargains
Caption 13, 75 minutos Gangas para ricos - Part 1
Play Caption
The above-cited caption is from a series entitled Gangas para ricos (Bargains for Rich People).
Many people find realizar observación de aves (the verb for "birdwatching") to be an interesting and educational activity to do al aire libre (outdoors).
La Unidad Operativa de Punta Norte, que es por excelencia, bueno, un punto de observación de aves
The Operational Unit of Punta Norte, which is, par excellence, well, a birdwatching point
Captions 24-25, Perdidos en la Patagonia Península Valdés
Play Caption
Popular mundialmente (worldwide), el ajedrez (chess) is both a fun and cerebral pastime. You can describe the action of "playing chess" with the verb jugar al ajedrez.
Este... mis pasatiempos, me fascina lo que es el ajedrez.
Um... my hobbies, I love chess.
Caption 27, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Manuel Orozco Sánchez - Part 1
Play Caption
The verbs reunir and coleccionar both mean "to collect" while una colección refers to "a collection" of some artículo (item). Popular items to collect include las camisetas (t-shirts), los sellos (stamps), las tazas (mugs), los postales (postcards), las tarjetas de beisbol (baseball cards), and even los coches (cars), although, unless they are carros de juguete (toy cars), the latter is most probably less accessible to the masses!
Él ha conseguido reunir una gran variedad de modelos de las grandes marcas de automóvil:
He has managed to collect a great variety of models from the big automobile brands:
Captions 11-12, Málaga Museo del automóvil
Play Caption
A "cocktail" hobby might include simply tasting (probar) exotic drinks at various coctelerías (cocktail bars) or, alternatively, practicing la coctelería (which also means "bartending") or la mixología (mixology), the art of making alcoholic beverages oneself!
Mezclamos el hielo en todos nuestros cócteles y mucha azúcar.
We mix the ice in all our cocktails and a lot of sugar.
Caption 36, Otavalo Restaurante 'Carbón de Palo'
Play Caption
You might kick off your cocktail hobby by making this simple recipe for Ponche Navideño (eggnog, or literally "Christmas Punch").
La cocina is the noun for "cooking" while the verb cocinar means "to cook."
Y también me gusta mucho cocinar. Ahora mismo, voy a un curso de cocina,
And also I really like to cook. Right now, I'm going to a cooking class,
Captions 37-38, Marta Se presenta
Play Caption
For cooking aficionados, Yabla has many tasty recipe ideas, including Spanish crema de broccoli, Colombian pollo sudado, and Venezuelan arepas, just to name a few. You can also delve deeper into Spanish cuisine with the series La Cocina de María (María's Kitchen), while Misión Chef (Mission Chef) takes you behind the scenes of a Mexican cooking competition for underprivileged kids.
"Cycling" or "biking" are known as el ciclismo in Spanish, while the verbs to describe this action range from practicar ciclismo (literally "to practice cycling") to andar/montar en bici ("to bike" or "ride a bike"). Bici is, of course, short for la bicicleta (the bicycle).
De por sí el ciclismo es un... es un deporte de.... del pueblo,
In itself, cycling is a... is a sport of... of the people,
Caption 34, Semilleros Escarabajos Chapter 2 - Part 1
Play Caption
To glean more insight into the world of professional cycling, we recommend the above-referenced series entitled Semilleros Escarabajos from Colombia, where cycling is considered by many to be the national sport.
El baile is the noun for "dance," and bailar (to dance) is probably one of the first verbs you learned when studying Spanish. Dancing provides a creative outlet as well as buen ejercicio (good exercise).
Me encanta bailar,
I love to dance,
Caption 33, El Aula Azul Los profesores de la escuela - Part 1
Play Caption
There are so many styles of dance you might choose to study, such as ballet, tap, jazz, and hip-hop, or Latin styles like salsa, bachata, cumbia, merengue, flamenco, and more.
Verbs like salir a comer, salir a cenar, or comer afuera describe the popular hobby of "dining out" or "going out to eat" at restaurants, enabling one to try una variedad (a variety) of cocinas (cuisines).
¿Vamos a salir a comer, señor Urrutia?
Are we going to go out to eat, Mister Urrutia?
Caption 28, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 2 - Part 1
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The hobby known as el dibujo (drawing/sketching) has been associated with improved self-confidence and mental health. The verb dibujar means "to draw," while the verbs bosquejar and bocetar mean "to sketch."
eh... primero que todo le doy gracias a Dios por haberme dado esta capacidad de expresión que es el dibujo.
um... first of all, I give thanks to God for having given me this capacity for expression, which is drawing.
Captions 75-77, Bucaramanga, Colombia Pintor callejero
Play Caption
If drawing interests you, you might try this video about Mexican illustrator Antonio Vargas.
This hobby might entail the frequent viewing of películas (movies/films) at el cine (the movie theater), studying la historia del cine (the history of film/cinema), or perhaps even "filmmaking" (which can also be known as el cine or el rodaje) yourself.
y me encanta ver películas en el cine.
and I love watching movies at the movie theater.
Caption 33, El Aula Azul Los profesores de la escuela - Part 2
Play Caption
Many people are passionate about estudiar geografía (studying geography), which examines both physical locations on la Tierra (Earth) and the relationship between people and their sociedades (societies).
Pero me di cuenta que cuando uno estudia geografía y estudia el mundo, en realidad eso es un reflejo de nuestra mente.
But I realized that when one studies geography and studies the world, that is actually a reflection of our minds.
Captions 50-51, Outward Bound Danny
Play Caption
"Gardening" can be known as la jardinería or el cuidado de un jardín (literally "the care of a garden"). Verbs for "to garden" include cuidar un jardín, cultivar, or plantar.
Seguro que a muchas de vosotras y vosotros os gusta la jardinería
Surely many of you like gardening
Caption 2, Fermín La plumeria - Part 1
Play Caption
Gardening fans might enjoy Yabla host Fermín's video on an interesting flower called la plumeria.
We don't think you'll have a hard time remembering how to say "golf" in Spanish: el golf. Jugar al golf, on the other hand, means "to play golf."
son alumnos del instituto José Cadalzo de San Roque y son unos apasionados por el golf.
they are students from the José Cadalzo de San Roque Institute and they are golf enthusiasts.
Captions 4-5, Club de las ideas Biodiesel - Part 1
Play Caption
If golfing is your cup of tea, try the video Pasión por el golf (Passion for Golf).
While the nouns la equitación and la cabalgata mean "horseback riding," the verb montar a caballo means "to ride a horse."
Recuerda también que tenemos cursos de música y cursos de equitación,
Also remember that we have music courses and horseback riding courses,
Captions 27-28, El Aula Azul Conversación: Los cursos de español - Part 1
Play Caption
This clip references horseback riding as one of the many activities available in addition to learning Spanish at El Aula Azul language school in San Sebastián, Spain.
"Hiking" in Spanish is known as el senderismo or el excursionismo. "To hike" or "take a hike" might be described with verbs like practicar senderismo/excursionismo, hacer una caminata or simply subir.
justo aquí encima de mí, está el Monte Ulía, que es perfecto para practicar senderismo,
right here above me, is Monte Ulía [Mount Ulía], which is perfect for hiking
Captions 15-17, El Aula Azul Barrio de Gros
Play Caption
If you are looking for a more exotic hobby, el malabar (a.k.a. malabarismo, or "juggling") could be your thing! Verbs that mean "to juggle" include hacer malabares and hacer juegos malabares.
y ya entramos en el malabar.
and then we get into juggling.
Caption 16, Juan Sánchez Clase de circo
Play Caption
"Kitesurfing" is often known as el kitesurfing, el kitesurf, or simply el kite in Spanish, and the action is hacer kitesurf, etc.
Estamos en una escuela de kite.
We're at a kitesurfing school.
Caption 3, Adícora, Venezuela La Posada Sea Club - Part 2
Play Caption
Kitesurfing may not be available everywhere, but Yabla has had the opportunity to travel to a prime kitsurfing location, Adícora, Venezuela, and made a lot of videos related to this topic! You might take a look at Darío y el kitesurfing, La Posada Sea Club, and Adícora Kite Club, just to name a few.
We're sure your friends will be delighted with all of the prendas (garments) and other manualidades (crafts) you make them when you take up "knitting," which can be known in Spanish by names such as el tejido, el punto, and la calceta. The action of knitting is commonly called tejer or hacer punto.
Nosotros no hacemos solamente un tejido sino hacemos en varias formas de tejido.
We don't just do one [kind of] knitting, but rather do various types of knitting.
Caption 23, Otavalo Jorge, creador de atrapasueños
Play Caption
As you already know, aprender un idioma (the verb for "learning a language," while el aprendizaje is the noun) can be both challenging and rewarding!
Hola, y bienvenido a Yabla español, el programa revolucionario para el aprendizaje de español.
Hello, and welcome to Yabla Spanish, the revolutionary program for the learning of Spanish.
Captions 1-2, Spanish INTRO Karola
Play Caption
We hope that Yabla is helping your own language journey, and also recommend our sister site Go Spanish by Yabla to reinforce what you are learning with small group or private classes.
El maquillaje is also an increasingly popular hobby for which one can find many online tutorials. The action of applying makeup or "making (someone) up" is called maquillar while applying makeup to oneself is expressed with the reflexive verb maquillarse.
y hoy voy a maquillar a mi amiga, Catalina, que necesita un maquillaje para una entrevista.
and today I am going to make up my friend, Catalina, who needs a makeup application for an interview.
Captions 9-10, Maquillaje Con Cata y Cleer
Play Caption
Of course, makeup could be for every day as Cleer demonstrates in her video Maquillaje- Con Cata y Cleer or theatrical, as Mónica shows in her theatrical makeup demonstration on how to age our faces!
There are a variety of different técnicas (techniques) with which one can meditar (to meditate), some of which are done in conjunction with movement such as yoga or tai chi, which is known as "meditation in motion."
Con la meditación, ejercitamos nuestra capacidad de permanecer abiertos,
With meditation, we exercise our capacity to remain open,
Captions 21-23, Ana Carolina La meditación
Play Caption
Learn more about meditation with Ana Carolina or participate in a guided meditation with Ana Teresa.
Get your creative juices flowing with la pintura, which can refer generally to the art of "painting" or the "paint" itself. The verb pintar means "to paint."
Entonces, este... yo estaba pintando en esa época
So, then... I was painting at that time
Caption 8, Arturo Vega Entrevista - Part 3
Play Caption
Series like Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori - Una vida como pintor as well as the videos Claudia y su pintura and María Marí- Pasión por su arte can give you greater insight into a painter's life.
With the advent of smart phones that take higher quality photos all the time and the opportunity to filter and display photos on popular social media sites, it seems that more and more people are becoming interested in la fotografía (photography). The people who take photos are known as fogógrafos/as (photographers), and the action of taking photos is expressed with sacar or tomar fotos.
Si te gusta la fotografía, estoy seguro de que disfrutarás adentrándote por sus callejuelas estrechas,
If you like photography, I'm sure you'll enjoy losing yourself in its narrow streets,
Captions 30-31, Viajando con Fermín Sevilla - Part 1
Play Caption
La poesía (poetry) fascinates many people, whether it entails simply reading it (leer poesía) or writing it oneself (escribir poesía).
¿Escribes poesía? -Sí.
You write poetry? -Yes.
Caption 69, Karla e Isabel Palabras
Play Caption
El pole dance (pole dancing) is an incredibly aerobic activity that is no longer limited to just strip clubs!
Vengo a compartir con ustedes hoy un tema sumamente interesante: los beneficios del pole dance.
I've come to share with you today an extremely interesting topic: the benefits of pole dancing.
Captions 2-4, Melyna Pole dance
Play Caption
Apparently, pole dancing has enjoyed particular popularity in Ecuador in recent days, as Melyna shares with us in her video entitled Pole dance.
In the popular series Los Años Maravillosos (the Colombian version of The Wonder Years), Kevin's mom finds an escape from her everyday life by signing up for una clase de cerámica (a pottery class), and maybe you can too!
Es que me inscribí en el curso de cerámica de la parroquia.
It's just that I enrolled in the church's pottery class.
Caption 20, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 12 - Part 3
Play Caption
Tocar un instrumento means "to play" or "playing an instrument."
y que quería aprender a tocar la guitarra
and that I wanted to learn to play the guitar
Caption 18, Luis Guitarra Influencias musicales - Part 1
Play Caption
To learn the names of musical instruments you might play in Spanish, try Spanish singer-songwriter Luis Guitarra's Instrumentos musicales or Karla e Isabel- Instrumentos musicales. Alternatively, the Curso de guitarra (Guitar Course) series can teach you how to play some simple chords and tunes.
The pastime "reading" is most typically described by the verb leer (to read). Reading is, of course, a great hobby for improving one's vocabulario (vocabulary) as well as opening one's mente (mind).
Sobre mis "hobbies", por ejemplo, me gusta mucho leer.
About my hobbies, for example, I love reading.
Caption 17, Burgos María de los Ángeles
Play Caption
Interestingly, the word correr can be both a noun meaning "running" and a verb meaning "to run." Taken straight from English, el jogging is also used to talk about this hobby that relieves stress and builds endurance.
En el próximo febrero quince, voy a correr la maratón de Austin, Texas,
Next February fifteenth, I'm going to run the marathon in Austin, Texas,
Captions 28-29, Cerro de Ancón Entrenamiento
Play Caption
El fútbol is an internationally popular deporte (sport) with very enthusiastic fanáticos (fans), whether they prefer to simply watch los partidos de fútbol (soccer matches) or jugar al fútbol (play soccer) themselves.
Los viernes, juego al fútbol con mis amigas.
On Fridays, I play soccer with my friends.
Caption 21, Ariana Mi Semana
Play Caption
"Surfing" is called el surf in Spanish, and the verb for "to surf" is surfear.
Una de mis grandes aficiones desde niña es el surf,
One of my big hobbies since I was a little girl is surfing,
Caption 4, Ana Teresa Yoga y surf
Play Caption
For videos on surfing, try this one on the Costa Azul Surf Shop in Los Cabos, Baja, Mexico, and Ana Teresa's video on yoga and surfing as complementary practices.
La natación is an excellent, low-impact way to get exercise, which many find muy relajante (very relaxing). The verb nadar means to "swim."
Para nosotros, que amamos este deporte, la natación es nuestro estilo de vida.
For us, who love this sport, swimming is our lifestyle.
Captions 24-25, Víctor en Caracas La natación
Play Caption
For swimming-related videos, try La natación or Socorrismo en Málaga (Lifeguarding in Málaga).
El tenis (tennis) could be an exhilarating and physically-challenging deporte (sport) to try. Jugar al tenis means "to play tennis."
Me gusta mucho jugar al tenis.
I really like to play tennis.
Caption 21, Marta Se presenta
Play Caption
Traveling is known by the verb that means "to travel," viajar, whereas the noun los viajes refers to one's "travels" or "trips." We agree with the sentiment expressed in the following clip:
y obviamente que viajar siempre viene bien
and obviously traveling always does one good
Caption 47, GoSpanish Entrevista con María Sol
Play Caption
The wine tasting hobby is often described with the verbs catar vinos or probar vinos. A wine tasting event, on the other hand, is known as una cata de vinos or una degustación de vinos.
Lo primero que vamos a hacer cuando vamos a probar un vino, es mirar el color.
The first thing we're going to do when we're going to taste a wine is to look at the color.
Captions 32-33, Montserrat Cata de vinos - Part 1
Play Caption
Via Yabla's video library, you can attend a Cata de vinos (wine tasting) with Amaya or try Montserrat's favorite wines.
We doubt you'll have trouble remembering the name for "yoga" in Spanish since it is the same as in English with a masculine article: el yoga. Practicar yoga (to practice yoga) is the action.
y mucha gente no sabe todo lo que hay detrás del yoga, que no es solamente un ejercicio físico,
and many people don't know everything there is behind yoga, which isn't just a physical exercise,
Captions 9-11, Ana Teresa Introducción al yoga
Play Caption
To learn more about the many beneficios (benefits) of this practice, tanto físicos como espirituales (both physical and spiritual), we offer you this yoga series with Ana Teresa as well as the series Bienestar con Elizabeth (Well-being with Elizabeth) with whom you can practice along! Meanwhile, Rosa introduces to a type of yoga you may or may not be familiar with: Yoga con burros (Yoga with Donkeys)!
We hope you've enjoyed this lesson on Yabla's Top 40 Hobbies in Spanish, and perhaps gotten inspired to take up something new! For more on the general topic of hobbies, check out Hobbies by Cleer or Nuestros hobbies (Our Hobbies) by Karla and Isabel, and don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments!
Do you know how many vowels are in the Spanish alphabet? Are you able to pronounce the Spanish vowels? Do you know what strong and weak vowels are? Have you seen Spanish vowels with accents? Let's get some answers to these questions and more!
The short answer is five! The following are the five Spanish vowels:
Do you want to hear how to pronounce the vowels in Spanish? Let's listen to our friend Sol from GoSpanish.Com:
En español, tenemos cinco vocales: "a", "e", "i", "o", "u".
In Spanish, we have five vowels: "a," "e," "i," "o," "u."
Captions 2-7, Español para principiantes Las vocales
Play Caption
Now that we know how many vowels there are in the Spanish alphabet and how to pronounce them, it is important to mention that these five vowels can be divided into two main groups. Let's take a closer look.
In Spanish, strong vowels are called vocales abiertas (literally "open vowels") because when you say them, your tongue stays in the lower part of your mouth, and the oral cavity must expand. These vowels are:
On the contrary, weak vowels are known in Spanish as vocales cerradas ("closed vowels") because when you pronounce them, your tongue stays closer to the roof of your mouth, and the oral cavity need not expand. These vowels are:
Differentiating between strong and weak vowels will help you to improve your understanding of how to divide words into syllables. In fact, when doing so, we invite you to keep in mind the following basic rules:
* Strong vowel + strong vowel together = Two syllables
Una boa, una anaconda, ¡ay no!
A boa, an anaconda, oh, no!
Caption 49, Cleer y Lida Juego de preguntas y respuestas - Part 3
Play Caption
The word boa has two syllables: bo-a.
* Weak vowel + unsetressed weak vowel together = One syllable
Detrás de mí podemos observar la ciudad antigua
Behind me, we can observe the old city
Caption 11, Ciudad de Panamá Denisse introduce la ciudad
Play Caption
Notice how the i and the u of the word ciudad belong to the same syllable: ciu-dad.
* Strong vowel + unstressed weak vowel = one syllable
toda esa deuda acumulada
all that accumulated debt
Caption 10, Luis Guitarra Todo es de todos - Part 1
Play Caption
Notice how the e and the u of the word deuda are both in the same syllable: deu-da.
Keep in mind, however, that when a stressed weak vowel is next to another type of vowel, the two vowels must be separated into two different syllables:
Y en invierno suele hacer mucho frío.
An in winter it tends to be very cold.
Caption 15, Clara explica El tiempo - Part 1
Play Caption
The word frío has a stressed weak vowel next to a strong vowel. This combination creates a "hiatus," or break between two consecutive vowels that are not in the same syllable. For this reason, the word frío has two syllables: frí-o. Words like frío that contain accented vowels are quite common in Spanish.
Finally, we would like to wrap up this lesson about the vowels in Spanish with a very simple question: Do you know any Spanish word that contains all of the five vowels? Although there are many, check out the following clip to see one of them in action:
La palabra más larga es murciélago. ¿Por qué? Pues porque tiene las cinco vocales dentro de la palabra.
The longest word is bat. Why? Well because it has the five vowels within the word.
Captions 43-45, Karla e Isabel Palabras
Play Caption
And that's all for this lesson. We hope you've enjoyed learning about the Spanish vowels, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions. ¡Hasta la próxima!
How well do you know the Spanish alphabet? Do you know how many letters are in the Spanish alphabet? What about the number of consonants and vowels that are part of it? This lesson answers these questions and provides a series of audio clips that will help you to learn the letters and improve the pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet. Let's take a look.
Believe it or not, there are actually two words in Spanish that we use to talk about the alphabet. While the most literal translation would be the word alfabeto, you can also use the word abecedario when referring to the Spanish alphabet. In fact, and according to the Real Academia Española (RAE), these two words are synonyms.
There are 27 letters in the Spanish alphabet. But do you know how many of those letters are consonants and how many vowels are in the Spanish alphabet? The answer is very simple. In the Spanish alphabet there are 22 consonants and 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Let’s go over all the Spanish alphabet letters with the following 27 words:
A as in agua (water)
¿También tienes agua?
Do you have water too?
Caption 35, Conversaciones en el parque - Cap. 2: Cafe y bocadillos
Play Caption
B as in burro (donkey)
El burro es un animal ideal para este tipo de actividades.
The donkey is an ideal animal for this kind of activity.
Caption 71, Rosa - Yoga con burros
Play Caption
C as in coche (car)
Hoy, voy en coche porque hace mucho frío.
Today, I'm going by car because it's very cold.
Caption 16, Ariana - Cena especial
Play Caption
D as in difícil (difficult)
Es muy difícil. -Muy complicado.
It's very difficult. -Very complicated.
Caption 31, Blanca y Mariona - Planificación de cena
Play Caption
E as in ellos (they)
Ellos se llevan muy bien.
They get along very well.
Caption 41, El Aula Azul - Mis Primos
Play Caption
F as in fácil (easy)
Basta, es muy fácil.
Enough, it's very easy.
Caption 72, Español para principiantes - Los números del 1 al 100
Play Caption
G as in gente (people)
Barcelona se llena de gente.
Barcelona fills up with people.
Caption 17, Blanca - Sobre la ciudad de Barcelona
Play Caption
H as in hotel (hotel)
El hotel también cuenta con un bar.
The hotel also has a bar.
Caption 73, Cleer y Lida - Recepción de hotel
Play Caption
I as in iglesia (church)
Esta iglesia fue construida en mil seiscientos ochenta y uno.
This church was built in sixteen eighty one.
Caption 14, Viajando con Carlos - Popayán - Colombia
Play Caption
J as in jamón (ham)
Fíjate: jamón, Javier.
Check it out: ham, Javier.
Caption 27, Fundamentos del Español - 10 - La Pronunciación
Play Caption
K as in kilo (kilo)
Reciclando un kilo de vidrio...
[By] recycling a kilo of glass...
Caption 70, 3R - Campaña de reciclaje - Part 1
Play Caption
L as in lago (lake)
Hay un lago.
There is a lake.
Caption 11, Natalia de Ecuador - Los adverbios de orden
Play Caption
M as in mercado (market)
...y están presentes en el mercado internacional.
...and are present in the international market.
Caption 73, Europa Abierta - Champagne en Andalucía
Play Caption
N as in nunca (never)
Nadie, nada, nunca.
Nobody, nothing, never.
Caption 21, Fundamentos del Español - 5 - La Negación
Play Caption
Ñ as in the middle of the word niño (boy)
La frase, el niño quiere el juguete.
The sentence, "the boy wants the toy."
Caption 17, Raquel - Diminutivos y aumentativos
Play Caption
O as in objeto (object)
...y "tendedero" es un objeto para la ropa
...and "tendedero" is an object for clothes
Caption 27, Karla e Isabel - Palabras
Play Caption
P as in parque (park)
Aquí en Parque Fundidora.
Here in Fundidora Park.
Caption 38, Paseando con Karen - Sitios Culturales en Parque Fundidora
Play Caption
Q as in queso (cheese)
Un vaso de leche y queso.
A glass of milk and cheese.
Caption 16, Recetas de Clara - Los aborrajados
Play Caption
R as in rápidamente (quickly)
Vamos a ver rápidamente una frase.
We are going to look quickly at a phrase.
Caption 2, Lecciones con Carolina - Esta noche vs anoche
Play Caption
S as in sal (salt)
Muchos mercaderes venían a recoger la sal.
Many merchants came to get the salt.
Caption 14, Rosa - Fuente de Piedra
Play Caption
T as in trabajo (job)
¿Qué trabajo es?
What job is it?
Caption 23, Sofy y Caro - Entrevistar para un trabajo
Play Caption
U as in universidad (university)
¿La biblioteca de la universidad?
The university library?
Caption 21, Español para principiantes - Hablando de ubicaciones
Play Caption
V as in viento (wind)
...y un viento muy fuerte nos arrastró a mar abierto.
...and a very strong wind dragged us out to the open sea.
Caption 21, Guillermina y Candelario - La Isla de las Serpientes
Play Caption
W as in wifi (wifi)
Tenemos también wifi y hay ordenadores disponibles.
We also have wifi and there are computers available.
Caption 20, El Aula Azul - Cursos y actividades de la escuela
Play Caption
X as in xilófono (xylophone)
Entonces, había una persona contando un cuento y él tocando un xilófono.
So, there was a person telling a story and he [was] playing a xylophone.
Caption 28, La Sub30 - Familias - Part 4
Play Caption
Y as in yuca (yucca)
Aquí tenemos la yuca.
Here we have the yucca.
Caption 7, Recetas de cocina - Carimañolas
Play Caption
Z as in zona (area)
Es la primera vez que vengo a esta zona de la ciudad.
It's the first time I've come to this area of the city.
Caption 8, Karla e Isabel - Alquilar una habitación
Play Caption
If you want to improve your pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet, please take a look at the following audio clips where Marta, one of our Spanish teachers, will teach you how to properly pronounce the Spanis alphabet letters:
A, be, ce, de, e,
A, b, c, d, e,
Caption 19, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
efe, ge, hache, i, jota,
f, g, h, i, j,
Caption 20, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
ka, ele, eme, ene, eñe,
k, l, m, n, ñ,
Caption 21, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
o, pe, cu, erre, ese,
o, p, q, r, s,
Caption 22, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
te, u, uve, uve doble,
t, u, v, w,
Caption 23, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
equis, i griega
x, y [literally: "Greek i"]
Caption 24, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
y zeta.
and z.
Caption 25, Fundamentos del Español - 1 - El Alfabeto
Play Caption
Keep in mind that you can also refer to the letter W as doble ve (double v) or doble u (double u). Similarly, you can also call the letter Y ye instead of i griega (Greek i).
That's it for now. If you feel like practicing a little bit more, try to write one word with each one of the 27 Spanish alphabet letters. And of course, don’t forget to send us your feedback and suggestions.
Are you ready to learn some hard Spanish words? Don’t worry! We don’t want to scare you but rather we would like to highlight some of the issues that transform even simple words into difficult ones. Let’s review the following list featuring 100 of the most difficult Spanish words for English speakers.
Pronunciation is definitely the issue to keep in mind when we talk about hard Spanish words. In fact, if you are a native English speaker, there are several sounds that are quite challenging. Let’s start with some of the most difficult words to pronounce in Spanish for English speakers. We have divided these words in groups according to the pronunciation challenge they represent.
For many foreigners, words with the letter “j” are some of the most difficult Spanish words to say. If you are an English speaker, you can try to say the “j” in Spanish as a very strong “h” in English. Think of how you pronounce the letter “h” in the word ham. Let’s take a look:
1. Ají (chili or bell pepper)
"Ají" [chili pepper]?
Caption 37, Ricardo - La compañera de casa
Play Caption
2. Bajo (short)
Es bajo, es gordo.
He's short, he's fat.
Caption 33, El Aula Azul - Mis Primos
Play Caption
3. Caja (box)
...y ellos también mandaron una caja grandísima.
...and they also sent a huge box.
Caption 25, Diana Quintana - En Navidad regalemos una sonrisa
Play Caption
4. Anaranjado (orange)
Adentro, son de color anaranjado.
Inside, they are orange-colored.
Caption 13, Otavalo - Conozcamos el Mundo de las Frutas con Julia
Play Caption
5. Empujar (to push)
6. Equipaje (luggage)
¿Puedo dejar aquí mi equipaje?
Can I leave my luggage here?
Caption 59, Cleer y Lida - Recepción de hotel
Play Caption
7. Espantapájaros (scarecrow)
8. Cojear (to limp)
9. Injusticia (injustice)
10. Jamón (ham)
Fíjate: jamón, Javier.
Check it out: ham, Javier.
Caption 27, Fundamentos del Español - 10 - La Pronunciación
Play Caption
11. Jirafa (giraffe)
12. Jornada (day)
13. Jota (J - the sound of the letter J in Spanish)
14. Jugar (to play)
También podemos jugar a las cartas.
We can also play cards.
Caption 12, Clara y Cristina - Hablan de actividades
Play Caption
15. Junio (June)
16. Lujoso (luxurious)
17. Lejano (far, far away)
Érase una vez en un lejano reino, ahí vivía una joven niña.
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young girl.
Caption 2, Cuentos de hadas - La Cenicienta
Play Caption
18. Majo (nice)
19. Mojado (wet)
20. Pájaro (bird)
21. Sonrojar (to blush)
22. Tajada (slice)
Just as it happens with the letter “j,”, there are several tricky words in Spanish with the letter “g”. What’s hard about this consonant is that there is a soft and a hard way to pronounce it. For example, you have a soft “g” in the word gato (cat). Think about the pronunciation of the syllable “ga” in the word gather. On the other hand, you have a hard “g” in the word gente (people), which is kind of similar to how you pronounce the “h” in the word helmet. Let’s see some tough Spanish words with the letter “g”:
23. Acogedor (cozy, welcoming)
Perfecto, porque es un barco muy marinero, muy acogedor para la gente.
Perfect, because it's a very seaworthy boat, very welcoming for the people.
Caption 16, La Gala - El bote de Dalí
Play Caption
24. Agente (agent)
25. Agitar (shake)
26. Aguja (needle)
27. Agujero (hole)
Tiene un cuerpo con un agujero en el centro.
It has a body with a hole in the center.
Caption 45, Karla e Isabel - Instrumentos musicales
Play Caption
28. Apagar (to turn off)
29. Coger (to take, to get)
El segundo paso es coger la cebolla.
The second step is to get the onion.
Caption 25, Clara cocina - Una tortilla española
Play Caption
30. Garganta (throat)
Me duele la garganta.
My throat hurts.
Caption 11, Ariana - Cita médica
Play Caption
31. General (general)
En general, los nombres acabados en "a" son femeninos.
In general, nouns ending in "a" are feminine.
Caption 10, Fundamentos del Español - 2 - Nombres y Género
Play Caption
32. Geneaología (genealogy)
33. Geología (geology)
34. Gigante (giant, gigantic)
Una de las piezas más llamativas es este ajedrez gigante.
One of the most appealing pieces is this gigantic chess board.
Caption 35, Europa Abierta - Taller de escenografía en Olivares
Play Caption
35. Ginecólogo (gynecologist)
36. Girasol (sunflower)
37. Guapo (handsome)
38. Juguetón (playful)
39. Tangible (tangible)
40. Tigre (tiger)
41. Zoológico (zoo)
There are plenty of tricky words in Spanish with the strong sound of the double “rr”. The following are some of them:
42. Aburrido (bored)
Ah, esto está muy aburrido, ni siquiera se entiende.
Oh, this is very boring, you can't even understand it.
Caption 24, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 2
Play Caption
43. Carrera (career)
El presidente empezó su carrera política...
The president began his political career...
Caption 29, Lecciones con Carolina - El gerundio
Play Caption
44. Carretera (road)
45. Carro (car)
¿Ha venido en carro?
Have you come in a car?
Caption 64, Cleer y Lida - Recepción de hotel
Play Caption
46. Correr (to run)
47. Desarrollar (Develop)
Pero el reto era desarrollar proyectos de biomedicina.
But the challenge was to develop biomedical projects.
Caption 10, Club de las ideas - Lego Fest en Sevilla
Play Caption
48. Error (mistake)
Esto es un error.
This is a mistake.
Caption 21, Lecciones con Carolina - Errores comunes
Play Caption
49. Ferrocarril (railroad, train)
...en un carrito tipo ferrocarril tirado por un caballo. a little train-like car pulled by a horse.
Caption 8, Mérida y sus alrededores - Haciendas de Cuzamá
Play Caption
50. Garrote (club)
51. Guerra (war)
La palabra más fea es guerra.
The ugliest word is war.
Caption 61, Karla e Isabel - Palabras
Play Caption
52. Guitarra (guitar)
53. Herradura (horseshoe)
54. Irresponsable (irresponsible)
55. Morral (backpack)
56. Ornitorrinco (platypus)
57. Perro (dog)
Se escucha un perro.
You can hear a dog.
Caption 43, Conversaciones en el parque - Cap. 2: Cafe y bocadillos
Play Caption
58. Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican)
Without any doubt, words that have a syllable where the consonant “t” is followed by the consonant “r,” are some of the most difficult words for English speakers to pronounce in Spanish. If you want to improve this sound, please listen carefully to some of the audio clips we have included for the next set of words.
59. Abstracto (abstract)
60. Astronomía (astronomy)
61. Astrología (astrology)
...y voy a entender lo que es la astrología.
...and I am going to understand what astrology is.
Caption 60, Conversaciones con Luis - Astrología
Play Caption
62. Atracción (atraction)
Porque es en el centro... el sitio donde hay mayor atracción.
Because it's at the center... the place where there are more attractions.
Caption 21, Yabla en Lima - Miraflores
Play Caption
63. Cuatro (four)
Número cuatro: microscopio.
Number four: microscope.
Caption 19, Aprendiendo con Karen - Útiles escolares
Play Caption
64. Entretener (to entertain)
65. Entretenido (entertaining)
66. Patrón (patron)
67. Patrulla (patrol)
68. Petróleo (oil)
69. Poltrona (easy chair)
70. Potro (colt)
71. Tradicion (tradition)
Uno de los mitos más conocidos de la tradición indígena colombiana.
One of the best known myths of the indigenous Colombian tradition.
Caption 13, Aprendiendo con Carlos - América precolombina - Mitos y leyendas Muiscas
Play Caption
72. Traicionar (to betray)
73. Trampa (trap)
No, no, me tendió una trampa y yo caí.
No, no, she set a trap for me and I fell into it.
Caption 29, Muñeca Brava - 44 El encuentro
Play Caption
74. Treinta y tres (thirty-three)
Treinta y tres
Caption 49, Español para principiantes - Los números del 1 al 100
Play Caption
75. Tres (three)
76. Trilogía (trilogy)
77. Triste
Estoy triste.
I am sad.
Caption 10, El Aula Azul - Estados de ánimo
Play Caption
78. Tronco (trunk)
Unlike English, Spanish vowels are very clearly defined. Five vowels equals five sounds, period. While that may sound simple, the problem is that English speakers are used to pronouncing vowels in many more different ways. Here are some hard Spanish words that highlight this challenge.
79. Aguacate (avocado)
Este es guacamole hecho con aguacate...
This is guacamole made with avocado...
Caption 33, Tacos Emmanuel - Cómo hacer tacos de pescado
Play Caption
80. Estadounidense (American)
Paul es estadounidense, de los Estados Unidos.
Paul is American, from the United States.
Caption 16, Carlos explica - Geografía y gentilicios
Play Caption
81. Eucalipto (eucalyptus)
82. Euforia (euphoria)
83. Idiosincrasia (idiosyncrasy)
84. Licuadora (blender)
85. Paraguas (umbrella)
Voy a coger un paraguas, por si acaso.
I am going to grab an umbrella, just in case.
Caption 42, Clara explica - El tiempo - Part 1
Play Caption
86. Triángulo (triangle)
Después pones este triángulo con la base hacia abajo.
Afterwards you put this triangle with the base toward the bottom.
Caption 42, Manos a la obra - Separadores de libros: Charmander
Play Caption
87. Vergüenza (shame)
There is a ‘cute’ joke in Spanish that goes like this:
- Do you know what the longest word in Spanish is?
- No. What is it?
- Arroz (rice)!
- Arroz? That’s a very short word.
- No, arroz is the longest word in Spanish because it starts with ‘a’ and ends with ‘z’!
Of course, that’s only a joke! Arroz is one of the easiest words in Spanish. However, the following are some of the most challenging and longest Spanish words:
88. Electroencefalograma (electroencephalogram)
89. Esternocleidomastoideo (sternocleidomastoid)
90. Contrarrevolucionario (counter-revolutionary)
91. Constitucionalidad (constitutionality)
92. Internacionalización (internalization)
93. Otorrinolaringólogo (otolaryngologist)
Apart from these very complicated words, all those adverbs that end in -mente are also some of the longest Spanish words. Let’s look at a few:
94. Constitucionalmente (constitutionally)
95. Desafortunadamente (unfortunately)
Cuando tú creces, desafortunadamente te das cuenta que.
When you grow up, unfortunately, you realize that.
Caption 23, La Sub30 - Familias - Part 9
Play Caption
96. Desconsoladamente (inconsolably)
97. Fuertemente (heavily)
98. Tradicionalmente (traditionally)
Y nos dedicamos al cultivo del champiñón tradicionalmente.
And we are dedicated to the cultivation of the mushroom traditionally.
Caption 4, La Champiñonera - El cultivo de champiñón
Play Caption
99. Tristemente (sadly)
And finally, can you think of any Spanish word that has all the vowels on it? We have a long word for you, which is actually quite short in English:
100. Murciélago (bat)
La palabra más larga es murciélago.
The longest word is bat.
Caption 43, Karla e Isabel - Palabras
Play Caption
That's it for now. We know that there are many more hard Spanish words that we should include in this list. If you feel like it, please share some additional difficult Spanish words with us, and we’ll be happy to add them to this lesson. And don’t forget to send us your feedback and suggestions. ¡Hasta la próxima!